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nnDtrn (after S5", of. ARSK""""));— cstr. "^ niBB> 2 S 1 7 a cream of the herd ( + |N2T] nxpm Efrl), cf. Now Bu ; @L HPS caZws. tiD© n.pr.m. in Edom, Gn 36 s3 , 2oh/j, @L Zafav; =11. 'Bf I Ch I* 2a>|3, ®L 2<«r0«. f I. Dtp n.m. bareness, smooth or bare (treeless) height; — 1. bareness, Jb 33 21 Kt (v. ■/). 2. bare place, /wight : 'BE? Nu 23 s (E), i.e. an outlook-point; pi. D"?^ Is 4 i 19 4 9 ' je 3 «,D:sf 3 '4»(ip3no), y» i2 I2 p3np3), m 6 - PIEttJN quiver, vid. s. v. THEU^ n.pr.m. in Benjamin 1 Cb.8 16 , 2a$ai>, ©L Iecr</*i.— riBE* v. p. 448b supr. II. nSti^ (cf. Ar. Ilij I «<one (one of three) supporting kettle, Aram. ^J>1 tripod, also NJBPI fire-jar ; hence perhaps as denom. Heb. [nSB'J q. v., Fra 63 ; cf. ^iJ 11., Aram. J*aL, 'Bn «e< ora a kettUorpot;v.aBoGFW a ™RS s ' m - iSii ' 2al >> i - 3!7 ). t [riDCJ] vk- denom. set (on the fire) (NH ; vV; Sab! nBB>=&esfoi«, SabDenkm No(U15 );— Qal : 1. Imv. ms.l , Bn nB 'P 2 K 4 s8 se« on the pot, soEz24 3 , cf. v 3 (del. Co, notKrae; Toy allows); later more gen. (subj/*): Impf. 2 ms. sfsriBipri ^ 22" in the dust of death thou sellest me. 2. ordain, establish, 2 ms. *b ttfW ntafrl Is 26 12 . TfiDttJN n. [m.] ash-heap(?), refuse-heap, dung-hill (prob. orig. fire-place stones, cf. Ar. sub V); — 'N abs. as beggars' resting-place 1 S 2 8 = f 1 13 7 (both || IBS ; cf. Jb 2 8 Wetzst •*■ "•) ; so pi. ninsE'K La 4 s ; nstPKn nye> Ne 2 IS 3 M i2 3I =n < iE3^n 't? 3 13 (Ges» 3 "). ti. D^n?CJn.[m.] du.: prob. = DTiSf p, infr., q.v.;— 'B> P3 ^ 68" (based on Ju 5™ ?). < . DVIDtt? v. p. 1052 infr. < DVIB850 n. [m.] du. prob. fire-places or ash-heaps (viz. of the villages or encampments of the tribe) ( > Ki Thes and most sheepfolds, v.Stu ,u );— DTlBf pn pa Ju5 ,6 (poem; cf.GFM); so (D^) Gn 49 14 (poem in J). rtSt# (-/of foil.; cf. Sab. P1BD pour, also n. nriBDO efusion(1) DHM VOJ11(M88 » 188 Hom chr m ; Ar. "12, pour out water, shed blood ; note (with ref. to etym. of foil, words) phr. 1 jju '. commit fornication with her (Lane), i.e. effudit cum ea (sc. semen) Fl in De Je ' 3 • 78A '" ,1 •; on Ph. net? servant (X) cf. Hoffm pb - I " MM8 Lzb 391 ). TnnpU? n.f. maid, maid-servant (syn. '""??> 9- v> ! or 'g- = concubine ? cf. V ; — abs. 'e>Gni6' + ; cstr. nnBE>v 2 + ; sf.WSB' v 2 + , etc.; pi. abs. rrinBf i> + ; sf. 'jnjlBtf Ru 2 13 , etc.; — 1. lit., maid, maid-servant, as belonging to a mistress Gn i6'- 3<i8 (PJ) 20 24 - 29 (P) 1^ 123 2 , Pr 30 23 Is 24 s ; even where concubine of master (cf. np«) Gn 1 6" (P J) 2 5" 3s 25 - 26 (P) 3 o 4 - 7 - 9 >° 1218 (all JE); less oft. ref. to master 2 9 24 ' 29 ( J), Ru 2", of concubine Gn 32 s3 , cf. 33 126 (all J); mar- riageable Lv 1 9 20 (H, cf. Ex 11 5 ; not elsewhere in legisl.); in gen., esp. of menial service (never HDK) Ex 1 1 6 (J) 1S25 41 (opp. DDK) 2S17" (IH?J?) Gni2 16 24 s5 (J) 20" (E) 30" (P) 32 6 (J; coll.j'Dt 28 s8 1 S 8 16 2 K 5 26 Is 14 2 Je 34 9 >«»»- "■" Jo 3 2 Ec 2 7 2 Ch 28 10 Est f. 2. fig. in address, ^DP®, etc., of speaker, in token of humility (v. HpS) Ru 2 13 (|| n»K 3 »), 1 S i 18 (|| id. v 16 ), 25 s7 (|| v 24 '), 28 2122 2 S M M-t"»w»(|| np«  v 1516 ); 2K 4 !16 ; not toward God; butv.nps. nnsttjn n.f. c i an ms s « m -'- 2M . 2 »*« d - 27 '>< K »». t t : * 303 ^ „d«a.i75 Ba NB » 161 *);— abs. 'o Am 3 > + ; cstr. nnaf p J u 9 ' + ; sf. "finsE'p Gn 24 s8 + , etc.; pi. ninsfp Na 3 4 + ; cstr. ninBfp Am^ + J sf. D^nhBB'p Gn 8 19 + 2 t., usu. on- Nui" + 84 t., etc.; — 1. clan: a. family connexion of individ. Gn24 38 ( + "3N-n"3), v 40 {+id.), v 41 (all J; = vnjto v 4 ), 2 S 14", united in sacrifice 1 S

6 -=','in passover Ex 12 21 (JE ; cf. Benz E " c '- Blb - 

»«««. « 9 ,i2 ); cf> Lv 2Q s (jr^ 25 .o.4. (p^ y 4» (p . defined as H*£| IN^P), non-Heb. v 47 (H), v 4S (P), Ju i 25 ; n-riinBE'p Jos 6 13 (E or R) is unin- telligible, probably del. (cf. Steuern Holz ; 1V3 JT3K i n v s [J]), cf. Nu2 7 4 "(P) ; toN ^K n^3 'D Ju 9 1 cZaw c/ /tis mother's father-house; inch individuals, and included by t33C5' 1 S 9 2121 io 21 : with specif, name, in series "133, JV3, 'D, tSSB' Jos 7 1

(all J; v 17 * read pi. Di Benn, or

<B3B'GFM JUI3 ' 2 ; Steuern allows either); cf. Dt 29 17 Ju 2 1 24 , T3 '3K 'O 1S1" (4-^n, v. 11. [ , nj) ; ^^3 'BO . . . B*N 2 S 16 6 ; with name also Ru 2 13 and (non-Isr.) Jb 32 s . b. in loose, popular sense=tribe, Ju 13 2 17 7 18", cf. v 2 (|| (33^ v 1 ), v" (yet in these two rd. poss. pi., v. GFM). c. techn. divisions of people of Isr. Nu 1 1 10 (J) Je2 4 31 1 , cf. 3 14 ; Nu i 218 2 M 33 M (all P), so (post-ex.) Ne 4 7 : Est 9 28 (^'ip, 'O, lil). d. usu. (P) techn. divisions of tribes of