^PE Je 30 10 4 6 27 , 3 fs. nfttf Jos n !3 + , noj>e> 2 K 1 i 2 " + ; 1 s. f«$f Jb 3» -ROpBh Ez 1 6 42 *; Zmp/ 3 ms. B^ Eu 3 ,s ; 2 fs. "b'^ijl J e 47'?; 1 s. ta^S Is62 l Jb 3 13 , naipt/x Isi8 4 Kt, Qr napvs (Ges" 10 ^ 480 ); Pt. apV Jui8 7 + , fs. nap)? iCb.4 40 , no£B> Zci"; pi. tropin Ez 38"; — be quiet, undisturbed: 1. of land, at peace, abs. Ju 3 1,M 5" 8 M Is 14 7 ( + nnj), 2 Ch ia»; +nnn|)B» J 0S ix" 14 15 (D?), cf. v 5 (P); ni.^Ven iCh.4 40 ; of earth, 'Bh_ TUB* Zci"; abs. of city 2 K.n 20 =2 Ch 23 s1 , kingdom 2 Cb.20 30 , + , 2?? pers. 14 4 ; of people, UB3* 't? in peace and security 5 a 18 727 , n03^ ty D'Bp&n EZ38"; +B^ Je 30'°= 46^; of Moab, opfeh . . . ])K# VTOE'"?K 48 11 undisturbed upon its lees (fig. of wine); of Job, quiet in death Jb 3 13 , be at rest (from apprehensions of evil) v 26 ( + 'TOtr*, inrp). 2. be quiet, inactive: of *+«p*Wl Isi8 4 I will be <?mi«£ and gaze, i.e. gaze as an inactive spectator, V'83 2 (|| TOT, Khn Je silent); =be pacified Ez 16 42 ; of sword of' 1 Je47 6,7 ; of Boaz Ru 3 13 lie will not be quiet until he has finished the matter; of prophet IS62 1 (|| nBTI be silent). Hiph. Irnpf. 3 ms. &V&: Pri5 18 , Bi?f: Jb34 M ; Imv. ms. DpJJ>n Is7 4 ; 7n/a6«. tDpfn Is32 ,7 +; cstr.t3 , i?fn 1 /, 94 l:l , B i?- Jh 37 17 , tip- Is 57 20 Je 49 a ; — 1. shew quiet- ness (inner causat.), of men Is 7 4 ( + NyjjTPK), of sea Is 57=°= Jew™, earth Jb 37 17 ( + Bh$p); hence Inf. abs. = subst., quietness, display of quietness Is 30 15 , HB31 Dp^n np"JXri nihy 32 17 <A« product of righteousness is quietness and security (Du Che Hpt Marti del. in as dittogr. from v*, read BSftpn for Dgfn, and del. 1 : the product of justice is security); {presumptuous) security, Bp.f n nibe* Ez 1 6 49 (of Sodom). 2 . cause quietness : subj. , Jb 34 s9 , ST) WD ? tJ'pE'np ^94' 3 ; pacify, allay, obj. 3n Pr 15". t E£C? n.[m.] quietness;— 1 Ch 2 2 9 (+ &b$). t/pl^vb. weigh (NH trf.; Ar. jJS be heavy, JJiS heaviness, weight, Jju Zoarf, OAram. ?pn weigh, Aram. ?pn,^oL (weigh), 2>ay, N?pn
- AeM,but also (OAram.Zinj.)^pE', ;^pe>Lzb 3a2 ;
a«. ??/< wp; As. sakdlu, weigh, siklu (appar.) = W? Eth. f)<M: toy up, weigh; Ph. $>pcD weight; cf. Fra 202 , also Gk. ot'yXot (© cruXos), ^ag Mil. 3d7 Lewy Fremdw.llBf. . -on connex. of mngs. cf. weigh trans, and intrans. = Germ. wagen, wiegen, also heave, heavy, heft ( = weight, obs. or colloq.));— Qal Pf. 3 ms". 'e> 2 S 14 28 Is 40"; »»p/. 3 ms. b'pf] Ex 22 16 , sf. 'jfojfc Jb 3i», etc.; n/.aZ>8. ^PB> Jb 6 2 ; cstr. ^Pf ? Est 4 7 ; Pt. act. ?PP Is 33 1, ) 2 S 18" read perhaps pass. ?p?', v. infra; — 1. weigh, human subj., acc.rei 2 S 14 5 " Is 46" (3 of scale); fig., '» subj. Is 40 12 , also (ace. pers.) Jb3 1 6 (both c. 3 of scale); cf. Inf. abs. sub Niph. ; weigh precious metals intrusted to one, b pers. EzrS 25 , Dn^^S? v 26 , ace. rei om. v»(^B? of superior). 2. weigh out a price (i.e. pay): acc.ofsilverEx22 ,6 (E), iK20 39 Zcii 1! Je 32 10 (3 of scale), Is 55 s (c. 3, in exchange for); +7 pers. Je 32' Gn 23 16 (P); + W^S 2 S 18 12 (read perhaps 7pJ>, so We Kit 1 " 11 Bu Buhl), t H^J Est 3 9 , 'nbon n:a-^ 4 7 . Niph. be weighed': 1. .P/. 3 ms. W?, subj. rei Ezr 8 :u (pass, of Qal v 2 "); Irnpf . 3 ms. fig. (+ Qal Inf. abs.), fy$ & "b?3 ^ Jb 6 2 . 2. be weighed out, as price, 28 15 . L "• - P© n.m. Lv276 a weight, shekel (orig.= weight; late Heb.=com GACooke' n,cr - 3 ,li ); — abs.'B>Am8 5 + , ^ Ex 3s 29 -!-; pi. D^Jos 7 21 + ; cstr. vPS* 1 Ch 2 i 2i ; — shekel, as standard weight Am 8 5 ; of weight of bronze armour 1 S 17 5 , iron spear-head v 7 , + 2 S 2i ,6b (v. 7pf»), hair 2S 14 26 , food EZ4'"; implying value, of wedge of gold Jos 7' :l (JE) ; of nails in temple (gold) 2 Ch 3 9 ; usu. a definite weight of silver (used in payment or valuation) Ex2i 32 (E), Jos 7 21 (JE), 1 S 9 8 2 S 24" 2 K 7 'i-i«->6-i».is I5= o Je 32 9 Ez 45 1212 (v. infra), and (=coin, fr. time of Darius I) Ne 5 15 io 33 Lvs 15 2f Aii (all P), + 53 t. P; also 'B>n n'Snp Ex 3 o 131:Ui 3 8 26 (=:Vp3), all half '-shekel, atonement-money; cf. 'm fifrfy Ne io 33 one-third; also 'tf V3T 1 S 9 8 one-fourth of sliekel; '(?= 20 n")3 ('3 otherwise unknown) EZ45 12 Ex 30 13 Lv27 2i NU3 47 ; 50 V =one maneh EZ45 12 (read D'E'pni for ntycni [and fn'B>{? for n-)'fj| preceding]^ © A Boeckh Hi-Sm Co Toy Da Krae Berthol) ; B^ 'ti Ex 30" " 4 Lv 5 15 Nu 3 47M 7 13 + 2 1 t.P; land estimated in 'V of gold 1 Ch 2 1 25 ; / B' also often om. after num. — '{? was of two standards, one one-half the other ; actual weights (and values) varied, but most persistent were: (1) gold, 252I gr. Troy (or 126J), mod. equiv. c. £2 is., or $10; (2) silver, 224^gr. (nearly ^ oz.) = BHpn 'V (v. supra), or 112^, mod. equiv. c. 2«. 9c?., or 67 c; ^on J3K3 t> 2 S 14 26 is dub.; if late (Bu HPS Lohr Now) it prob. ref. to a Bab. or Pers. scale