VP^ (cf. S-C ** tcho <9QK3 oft.); 60 (or 50) 'e>= 1 mina, 60 minas= 1 talent (v. nJD,n33). Vid.esp. A T?ClKtf»nnpH V Hwtl DB WEleHT8 As '° MEA8CRBS, and MONEY t?iptt?0 n.[m.] heaviness, weight; — 'E3 Ez 4 10 by weight. ^ptt?3 n.m. id.;— abs.'DiK25 ,6 +; cstr. b&Q Ju8 ,J6 + ; sf. SbffiQ Gn24" + , etc.;— weight Gn 24 2 " 2 (J), Jos 7" (JE), Ju 8* 1 S 1 7 5 2Si2* , 2i ,6 »(v" b read bpj» with © [v. esp. ©L] We Dr and mod.), 1 K 7 <7 'io 14 Nu 7"+ 1 1 1. Nu 7(P), 7t.Chr; of wind Jb 2 8 25 ; i^fpa Gn 43 5, (J) in its (full) weight, cf. '» <?.!*<» Ez 5'; 'B3 by weight Lv 2 6 26 1 Ch 28 u *- ,s ; '03 id. Ez 4 16 (of bread), Ezr8 M iCh28" bl5 ' 5 - ,7 - ,7 ; 'SSLviq 35 tn respect to weight, cf. 'd i Ch 28 16 as to weight, in weight; 'O nVTtO (i.e. there was too much to be weighed) 2 K*2 5 ,6 =Je 52VD HJ 1 CI122 314 . t[n^^P0], fl^ptra n.f. levelling in- strument, level (for horizontal accuracy); — abs. rb?Vh? Is 28 17 (fig. of n$TX; || !p); cstr. n^-, fig.', 3NnK its '» 2 K 2 1 13 . t[rrcp©] n.f. sycomore tree (NH id., Aram. «Op*B', |oiU», Low 1 * '™; hence Gk. miKafiivos, mulberry Lewy Fremdw - - 3 ) ■ — pi. abs. D , OpE' Am 7" + ; sf. DntopB' yj, 78 j; ; — sycomore, ficus sycomorus Linn (Tristr NHB397ff - Post""" 110 ' sjn»7so; Hut. db ».v.^ a common tree Is 9', growing in the Shephela 1 K 1 0"= 2 Ch 1 ,5 = 9 27 , 1 Ch 2 7 ra ; as property ^ 78< 7 (|| JO?); D'Optf D?t& Am 7"* a tender of sycomores (v. [D?3J). [^pt^*] vb. sink, sink down (so NH VpV, Aram. WP; Ar. has xjCo be smitten, prostrated, collapse) ; — Qal Pf. 3 fs. consec. n^Jp^l Am 9 s it shall sink like the Nile (of land ; opp. nby); 3 fs. Vgfni Nu n 2 (JE), of fire, it sank down, died out; ypfn J e 51", of Babylon (like stone in water ; opp. Dip). Nipt. 3 fs. TT$&} Am 8 8 Qr, of land, sink (opp. i"6j> ; = Qal 9 s ; Kt erron. npe>J, cf. W 80587 ). Hiph. Impf. 1 s. JPBffc D , 9 , 9 Ez 32" / wrcM make their waters sink (settle, grow clear); 2 ms. W.!> JTpfPI $>3n31 Jb 40^ ««<A a cord wilt thou make his tongue sink (? pull or press it down ; of crocodile ; Mich 80 ""- 2 "', cited Thes" 77 , cp. Sam. v?>"= Eton bind). [i^Cfc] n.[m.] what is settled, olarifled (cf.-/Hiph.);— cstr. lflffl D^p-ypBh? EZ34 18 the clear (of) water ye drink (cf. 32" supra). [n-vnypto] v. -up. fl. flp^"] »*. Niph. Hiph. overhang, look out and down (NH Niph. Hiph.=BH; cf. Aram. NS , p£', ) fcja « rocky pinnacle, rock, Ar. i-ii.'. ceiling, roof, sky (on connex. of mngs. cf. Ar. <_Jyil overtop, overlook, from i_!Li 6« /m^A.,- iit} look down upon, from /eli, Wse)); — Niph. Pf. 3 fs. riBpE^ J U 5 2S + , n?p 7 f31 Nu 2 1 20 (read prob. pt. nBjjB>?n, c f. 83* GBQ); 1 s. •neg^J Pr 7 6 ; Pi. «£# Nu 2 3 23 1 S 13 18 f 8s 12 ; f. '"'BpB'3 Ct 6 W ; — lean over (and look), lookdown, c. ^3 of window, through Ju 5 s8 1 S 2 16 = 1 Ch I5 29 , Pr 7 6 ; abs. look down, forth Ct 6 10 ; c. of direction whence Je 6 1 ^ 85 12 (both fig.); of mt. lean over upon C 1 ?.?"??), overhang Nu 2 1 20 23 13 1 S i3 18 (read »MJ for ^3311 WeDrHPS al.). Hiph. />/. 3 ms. ftyfn f i 4 2 + ; imp/. 3 ms. TPf: La 3» IPf?! Gn i 9 ™+, etc.; Jim. ms. cohort, nfl'pe^n Dt 26 15 ; — Zoo* down (=lTiph.): c. nyi of window Gn 26 s (J), 2 K 9 30 , c. ?S pers. v 32 ; look down upon, V.?"' l 5?, sub), pers. Gn 18 16 19 28 (both J), abs. K"£l 'E>n 2 S 24 20 (e?3 in || 1 Ch 2 1 21 ); esp. subj. c. 5>K loc. Ex i4 24 (J); c. [O loc. Dt 26 15 ^io2 20 , 4-fy pers.i 4 2 =53 3 , +N-V1La3 50 . II. ^pVf (/of foil.; cf. Aram. f0, *ji«. strike, whence foil, as that against which the door strikes, v. Fra 20 ; Ar. J£ <o cei7 or roof, <*-i.&Z ceiling, roof). ' Lnp©] n.[m.] frame-work, casing of doors (cf! NH *$$ lintel, Aram. *ftpf, NSpB/ threshold);— *$& iK 7 5 . t[Pl^, ^p©] n.m. 1K6 ' 4 frame, casing of windows ; — pi. CBpip V.i?0 1 K 6 4 windows of narrowing frames, so read also, inserting '{?, EZ41 16 (Co Toy; > Krae Berthol read 'e> for TOfv"); 't? alone 1 K 7 4 . t FpptpiO n.[m.] prob. lintel of door ;— 'On Exi2 7 (P),v 22 - 23 (J). rptv (-/of foil.; cf. As. iiksu, appar. a (skin-?) disease; NH Pi. flg0, Aram. Pa. fgj detest, are denom.; RS JFhllxvl ' 71ff - conj. original meaning let fall, throw away, cf. Ar. iaJLLfall, drop down, but very dubious). typ/UJ n.m. Lv7 - 21 detestation, detestable thing ; — 'k 5 of the ceremonially unclean L v 7 s1 ;