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ttncj (+ nrnn, rfyv), 29 K ( + rhtt, nsnn), 5I w Mi 6" (4-nB-in), 2 Ch29 s . > [np"H>] n.[f-] hissing, perhaps also whistling, piping; — pi. abs. (intens.) np v "lE' Je 1 8 16 Qr hissing, in derision, + TOB/ (v. ^W), Kt npnc ; cstr. DniJ? nip-IB* J u 5 16 as signal hissings (or whistlings, pipings) for flocks. ■PHtf (A/of p"'!? > J, Wlf, and perhaps of other words following; OAram. TWff be firm, sound, AranOIB' be firm, hard, JL be firm, con- sistent, substantial, truthful, JL( slrengtlien, confirm; Aram, and NH "HK' firm, hard ; ) L'oj_iJL_/f rmness, strength, constancy). t [ifei] n. [m.] navel-string (cf. Aram. tTAV Ezi6 4 3:, )'JL, Ar.J^,alKd);— sf.^B* H3? N^> Ezi6 4 (Ges' 22 " Ko" -145 ) thy navel-string was not cut; questioned are : IJJB' Pr 3 s (De al. navel, synechd. for body, || T'niosj) • © t<5 o-w/uiti crov, cf. <©, Clericus Bi Frankenberg ll'J'S, Ew Hi Kmp al. T0 , Toy either) ; TF& Ct 7 3 (® Z^aXo! irov; || ^]?.03), =TftE> Thes al.; now oft. interpreted as = vulva, cf. Ar. ~L» secret part, Hi Stickel Buhl Ottli, noticed also' by Thes, but Arabism dub., v. Bu. t[rnttj] n.[f.] bracelet (Aram. K?B> id., iJL chain, Gn 24" <SS: Ar. Jj^ bracelet, Qor 18 30 [Fra 66 ] is said by Lane" 66 to be from the Persian, and, if Sem., would be ir.V.yJ); — pi. abs. nWn Is 3 19 (in list of finery). t~ntf n.pr.m. 2 S 2f=n. "Ok, q.v. T ["Vltf J n. [m.] sinew, muscle (so context suggests);— pi. cstr. foB3 TV^9 W* Jb 40 16 (II "WW **)• tjW#, usu. rVrnitf n.f. firmness, always = stubbornness; only cstr. 'b>, sq. 3.?: Je9 ,3 i3 in 23 17 Dt29 ,8 Vr8i ,3 (nnnE ; ); V)n Da!) 'B> Je 3 17 7 24 1 i'CT), so (iai>) i6 12 18*. [n©">©] Ex 28 s2 v. following. t[n~lCnt?;] n.f. (in spite of foil. sf. masc. Ex28 14 ,Ges' 1!Bo Albr ZAWxvC,895,s,6 ' I,,(1896) ' 96 )chain (As. llarfarratu, chain, fetter; Mishn. J'li'iBHE', Talm. K^BHB/, Syr. |ifn ■»., chain or rqp« of palm-leaves, etc., but also NH rDByE/ chain, % vhf^, Syr. 1UJL [whence Ar. ILL, v. Eth. CfiftiV:], (connex. with "IB' denied by No B88WWAnm.9^._ pl- t/H^, abs. lKf' + ,Ph- abs. 2 Ch 3 15 , cstr. Ex 28" + , n:?-iB> v 22 (either abbrev. or textual error); — chains of gold, like wreaths, attached to ephod Ex 28" 14 ' 22 39"; ornaments on pillars at porch of temple 1K7" ('E> nyyo D^-ij), || 2 Ch 3> s "'«. ttHttf (apparVof foil.; Di Jb40 ' 16 Buhl al. think =iehE>, */t!0, cf.-IB», etc., Eth. t"C(D: nerve, muscle, whence BnB> as root^idre, but word very ancient, and this der. quite unproven; <Schwally 2MaMI(1898, - ,4or - cp. Ar. J^L (^i by dissimilation), thorn-bush, ,1^L hard, rough, rugged (of ground), ^^i. ill-natured, cross; hence Ens', from tough, gnarled root-fibres; NH and Ph. BOB*, As. luriu, all root, Sab. DIB* (v. Ar. supr.) root, foundation Horn chr 124 , DnCK foundation DHM ZMG " II<ls,5, - ,06i """ (ie83 »- 4 ' 5 ; Aram. K&p, U.JL root). tttnS n.m. Dt29 ' " root ;—'v abs. Dt 29 1 ' + , cstr. Is 1 1 ,0 + ; sf. , B i 1?' Jb 29", etc.; pi. cstr. 'B*!? 1 1 3" (v. infr.) 36 30 , sf. I^ftf Am 2»+, yB/'iB' Ez 17' + ; — 1. root of people under fig. of tree, involving firmness, permanence, Am 2 9 Ho 9 16 i4 li Isi4 :,0 2Ki9 :>0 =Is37 : ";— DEnB>J u5 >< is prob. corrupt, v. GFM ; — so of pers. (cf. Ph, Eshmunazar" GACooke« , • 9<, • 3l, ) Is 5 24 Mai 3" Jb8 17 18 16 29" Pri2 3 - ,2 ; = stock, family Is 1 1 1 -'° Dnii 7 , cf. (of serpent) Is 14 29 ; = source or cause Dt29 i; , l^'t? Jb^ 28 . 2. lit. root of tree or shrub Je 1 7" (sim.), Ez 31' (metaph. of people), Is 53 2 (sim.), Jb 14 9 30 4 ; of vine (metaph. of people) Ez 17 s -'- 9 - 9 ^So 10 (ace. cogn. c. ehB* Hiph.). 3. roo<, fig. = lowest stratum, of mt. Jb 28 9 , of sea 36 30 = bottom (text strange and dub.: Du Dnn WJ, with "n?< in v*); of feet, ^H '^f 1 3", i.e. soles Ew Di De Da al. (elsewhere H 3 ), Bu place of treading,/oo<AoWs; Du (arbitrarily) ^V, del. fyh. t[l*0"lttj] vb. denom. Pi. = deal with the roots ; — 1. root up, out : Pf. 3 ms. sf. consec. IfHH ^ 5 27 *« »haU root thee up from (|») the land of the living ; of fire (burn) roots, root : Impf. 3 fs. 3 BHB>n Jb 3 1 ,2 fire (fig.) roots at all my increase. Pu. Impf. 3 mpl. }BHE^ 31 8 be rooted up (of produce). 2. Fo el take root, establish oneself firmly : Pf. 3 ms. H¥? ^^ OytZ Is 40 24 (fig. of princes, etc.). Po'al id.: Pf. 3 mpl. WHg Je 1 2 2 (fig. of wicked). Hiph. id. : Impf. 3 ms. BOB*: I 8 2 7 6 (fig. of Isr.) ; 3 fs. BHB>rn ^8o 10 (id.; c. ace. cogn.); Pt. E*nfp Jb 5 3 ( n g- of pers.).
