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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1080

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ts*rw hath sent burning heat; or cp. Syr. oi*. Pa. P ropagavit); — S.a pa ^o{t): Ezr 8' 824 Ne8' 9 45 " I2" 4 . rein© v. oatf. I. [Hlt^] vb. let loose (NH id., dissolve; As. lar&, Pi. open (building, for use), dedicate it; tasritu, dedication; OAram. me Joose, so Aram. IOV, Ji«. ; Eth. (iX remit, condone);— Qal 7»ip/. 3 ms. sf. VH?* Jb 37 s lie (God)^ Ze<* it loose (i.e. the thunder). Pi. Pf. 1 s. sf. WW Je 15" Qr 7 will set tliee free (cf. 40 4 £ @), but dub.; Kt innc (i.e. ^niiB', ^^), ThesGie I vex thee [Tie>=-nX, very dub.]; Ew al. RV strengllien tliee; this yields best sense, but as Aram. TE» is intrans., read then I'?"!!?' or ini7<?i],Dr; Jerome Eabb rd.^t^^W thy remnant (AV). II. )T")t# (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. ^'1 be moist; Aram, ton, J&l ttf.; Jilil* grape-juice ; NH N"!^ soften, dissolve; whence foil. prop. =moisture (Di Nu Dr* 178 Paterson liuH| "Gray Iia ), and so As. mesru, succulence (Hpt p,,er, °" *')). t[rnt*?] n.f. juice;— cstr. D'3$ mjpt? Nu 6 3 (P) <Ac JMic« 0/ jrrapes ( + p! , "W^). III. n")t^" (■/of following ; cf. Ar. jjjL, jj^-. short dart). tn"H© n.f. a weapon, perhaps lance, javelin ;— 'v Jb 4 1 19 ( + 3"jn , JV?q , VDD) — yet ® BapaKa, a> ifcoraa:, i.e. [pe*. IV. m^' (-/of foil.; meaning dub.; cf. As. siriydm, body-armour (Inscr. of Sennach.), Aram. AJLjLid.; Ecclus43* t<£.; also Egypt. tu-ira-na, ta-ra-y-na, WMM A,U - Eur - m ). TTV^ttJ, V~lti n.[m.] body-armour; — ahs. fTtf 1 S if*; ffi (Ges» au ) 1 K 22 34 =2 Ch I8 33 , ftf Is 59 ,7 ; A pi. &^V Ne 4'°, niJhe> 2 Ch 26 14 ; — body-armour, perh. more exactly breast- armour, Ne4 10 ; with appendages (0*^3^0) 1 K 22 w =2 Ch 18 35 ; c. vb. Wlb 1 S 17 5 , made of scale-like plates (D'B'f'ipi?) of bronze v 5 , named with helmet here, so v :B 2 Ch 26 14 and (fig.) Is 59 17 . — V n.pr. v. !in'B>. [m©] bracelet, v. TtE>. T^rPntD n.pr.loc. in Simeon; — Jos 19 8 (® oi%po airrZv, 1 rdg. W~&); WMM A,u - Eur - "'••" identif. with Egypt. Sa-r(a)-ha-na.

np-vs p-itt? n.pr.loc. "2^C5 adj. gent. (tiCh 27 s9 ) v. -|B> rvn© Je 1 5" v. i. mtv ,• n -, ni-n , j Je 5'° v. . "*»>, rrntf. U3T0J iCh2 7 M Qr, v. 'n.W. T s ">fiJ n.pr.m. one with foreign wife Ezr ATT IO 40 ; Saptov, K Sapotf, ®L Sapova. nnej v. in. me*, jrntf v. iv. rn&. ri" 1 ";© v. rpt«s>. Tjrvntt? Je 15" v. I. me>. ninittJ v. [nonf ] sub me 5 . ]"ntf v. ip?' sub IV. me>. trnti' vb. swarm, teem (NH id.; Aram. 3 U cmJz, JJ*2. = f^, so KS-1E' (rare) ; Eth. U»<JR: germinate, sprout); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. V X//105 30 , 'X1J? Gni 21 , etc.; J«y>/. 3 ms. pf! Ez 47 9 , etc.; Imv. mpl. «-]E> Gn 9 7 ; Pt. P^n 7" + , f. nsnfc'n Lvn 46 ; Hex only P : — 1. swarm, teem with (ace. animal.), subj. water Gn i 20 " 1 , cf. Ex 7 38 , land ty 105 30 . 2. swarm, subj. animal. Gn8" (4-m,B, nan), Ez 4 7 9 , P^n Gn 7 21 Lv 1 i*m«-«* (all P«n"?y), v 43 ; subj. men Gn 9 7 ( + nns, nan), Ex i 7 (t£, + 0??). TV"1U7 n.m. G " 7,21 coll. swarmers, swarm- ing things ;— V abs. Lv 1 1 2 ^ , P^ v"; cstr. v s +; — swarming things (H D and P), aquatic Gn i 20 Lv 1 1 10 ; small reptiles and quadrupeds Gn 7 21 (+s|ty nona, n;n), Lv 5 2 ( + njn, nana), 1 1 29 (weasel, mouse, lizai-d), t*'-««m» ( c . cogn. flf), v 44 , cf. 22 5 ; insects, *$%) 'V Dti4 19 , + Va-iK-^S IJ^TTJ Lv 1 1 20 " 1 , cf. v 23 . Cf. Dr DB '■ sls . t p™)^ vb. hiss, perh. also whistle, pipe (NH id., iss (dub.), Aram. FPf id. Z Lv 2 15 -' 6 , j> In, id.; — from 'b* comes Gk. oiiptyfc ace. to Lag Abh 0GW ""• " Lewy Fnmi "- ,65 ) ;— Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec.'S*. Iss 28 , etc.; 7mp/. 3 ms. p^f) Is7 18 + (Jb 2 7 23 read fH^ MeBiSiegf Bu); 1 s. "ijlf? Zc io 8 ; — hiss, as signal, ^ pers., fig., subj.: Is5 28 7 18 Zc io 1 ; in derision, ?y civitat., etc. (oft. + n»E> be astounded), Je 19 8 49 17 50" La 2 15 ( + B>ST r?n), Ez 27 s6 ; abs. Zp 2 14 La 2 ,s 1 K 9' ( + ft? p-in); >8 pers. Jb 27° (c. JO loc). tnp">tt) n.f. (object of derisive) hissing; — always abs. '&, and always 4- ™?t : Je 1 9 s 2 5 918