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pro pn Ex 5'°+ ; — straw, i.e. straw threshed fine: chaff Je 23 s9 (opp.">?), blown by wind Jb 2 1 ,s (in sini. ; || }*)> yielding 4 1 " (sim.) ; food for camels Gn 24 8i ' 3S (J), asses Ju 19 19 (all + KfcDD), "»l» Is 1 1 7 65 :i , horses 1 K 5 s ( + 0"lW); mixed with clay in brick-making Ex 5 "-«>-»-» (opp. B>j?), v ».i«.>s (J);— v. further Vogelsteiii L * nd -' rtl " ch - 67 . tpntt n.[m.] straw-heap ;— 'D Is25 10 . t"»pn n.pr.m. rival of Omri (We UruJild o«h..w«i..ro ) cp sidon . Thabnit);—! K i6 MJMI ; rV'Jin v. na . rnyari v. nya . tyin n.pr.loc. near Shechem : Ju 9 50 ' 50 (}*3n ; also 8 18 Bu for "fan q.v.), 2S11"; mod. Tubals, 4 h. N. of Shechem Rob BK, "- 30i Guerin SM-i-w. Buhl 0204 ; ei)/3ijt, 8ai/3ai t (in Ju), &apa(r(t)i, ®L ©a/ifao-ft (in S). t~ip&7S i""COn n.pr.m. Tiglathpileser (III),kingofA8syria(Zinj.1D^Dni'jn,lD^Bni'3n, GACooke ""•■*"- m - m ',BzAB. Tukulti-apil-esar-

D^n Jinri (^/of foil.; mng.dub.: Aram. KHH is raye, roar (of earth, with ref. to Gn I 2 ), of man, bluster; al. cf. Ar. i (<j) go astray, t-J desert waste, but this very doubtful). "hi-in . m. (Albr ZAW,,l(1896) - U2 ) form- ra Rost "■n*""- «■"*•»*»>•« COT 2 also Pinches E " c '- B,bTP Say ■»'•»");- 2 K15 29 16 10 =iDbB 'n v ; ; corrupt 1DWJ)B nj^J? 1 Ch 5" 2 Ch 28 20 ,^D3!j9 'n iCh5 M ; v. also ^B;— A ya 6- (fxWatrap, eaya6[]<pe}ia<Tap l BakyafiavaGap, etc., ®L (Kings) e«yA«<£aXno-ap. frmari] v. ba. [rnan] v. [ma]. tnn^n/in n.pr.terr. Gnio 3 =in iCh I s ; 'ITl JV3 Ez 27 14 38 s ; Gopyapa, e<py., etc.; it lay in (SW.) Armenia ace. to Di Gn ,0 ' 2 (and reff.), D1 F * 246 (Til-garimmu) ; >NW. Asia Minor (Gk. TtvSpapia) Lag GM - Abb - 2>7iArme ° B,ud -* 865iA1>h - OGW. l»x» (1888), 142 "in"in v. p. 187. t lf2"in n.pr.loc. built by Solomon, ace. to 1 K 9 18 Qr= 2 Ch 8"; Tadmor— Palmyra (RS Knc,.Brit.i»)PAUitu Mommsen »»^ «•«*•»• 423 , cf. Lag B!,,2S ); but read in both places T?ri ThRS ,c - Mommsen '• "• Kmp Benz Kit Bur Reckend ZMQ llll (1898), 402 Lag'c. (J^g m Ceo8r,270, K.2jS80,N.2. y n lOPl. T T t byin n.pr.m. king allied with Chedor- laomer* called ttfli ifx Gn i4 , - t ; e a ya[X], @L &apyak(n.j>r. Tudhula occurs on late Bab. tablet, pj_ „} Tr»n«.VIct. liitt.. IX1KI8U7), 47,75 g„y Acad. Mar. 21, 1896,

H«t.pBT. AL. but ident. of pers.unproven,LW

J£j n „H»mmur»b> !(18<8),linjJ_^B«ll Qn H,lQJj e Encj.Blb.TlDAL lessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness (primary meaning difficult to seize ; Vrss usu. kivov, ovSiv, parawv, inane, vacuum, vanum; cf. I J ag Or "- 60; BN1 ") ; — X. formlessness, of primaeval earth Gn i* (P), of land reduced to primaeval chaos Je 4 23 (both+Waj and voidness), Is 34" 'fine (|| vt ♦JO*), 45 ls atf!? 'n vh (|| wil} nifby,

10 'rriVIP, city of chaos (of ruined city); 

=nothingness, empty space, Jb 26 7 Kl? n (™ iri'S; of empty, trackless toas<eDt32 10 (||">3"|P), Jb6 19 i2 24 =^ 107 4 ". 2. fig. of what is empty, unreal, as idols rSi2 21 (coll.: "fte 'WJ ' r HJ* iWi" s6), v 21 Is 4 1 29 DH'Stp? 'IT} rm, 44 9 (of idol- makers), groundless arguments or considera- tions, Is 29 21 P"!V 'na *3, 59 4 moral unreality or falsehood W^J niD3 (|| W^^TDj =a thing of nought (cf. Ecclus 41 10 inn bx VWD), Is 40 17 (|| |$, dbk), v 23 n'B»y 'n? p}$ "oay (|| p«^), wortAfe^w^a" 1 ^ 3 ,r ? 3 ^ 3n l '^ (II ^ Pnjfc as adv. ace. 45 19 I said not, T'E'i? 3 Wh seek me emptily, to no purpose. Cf. 29" ® Will for *TU|IJ. nSnn n.f. error (? si vera 1.; «/7nn ace. t :t T to Di L "- jB,h - 522 , who cp. Eth. IVhrt; in. rove, wander; Ar. Jij is commit error, cf. Ba NB * 179, A ..m.3j ._/ n qi^ vaxbrni jb 1 4 18 , < rd. n^sn q.v. n^nn v. n. ^n. [nDibnri] v. ^n . DrTJl (prob. a/ of following, in view of As. tidmtU, tdmlU ( = 01.-1)1) D1 HWB69S J^Ko.mol.545 Barton ,A03 * v - lff -, Syr. jiooo.1; all from /jMH Thes Ew 1 ' 61 01 5213d Sta i264 al.). tDinn n .f.«» 7 .»+"- et m . "•».»+»«• (Albr Z AWx,ia896i.62 K5 ii.5.]67 Ency. Bib. D " p ) deep, sea, abyss (almost alw. poet.); — abs.'n Gn i 2 + ; pi. abs. ntohm ^ 77 17 + , etc., 'ns IS63 13 + 106 9 (only here c. art.); cstr. Dto'inn 7 1 20 (but v. 5 infra); — 1. deep, of subterranean waters, Gn 49 s5 (poem in J; opp. aw), Dt 33 13 (opp. id.); 't ni3;yD nan Gn 7 11 8 2 (P; || o)0n na-iK), 'n niry p r s 28 (ifn^nf'), Jb28 ,4 3 8 16 (both || oj); nan DinriAm7 4 (prob.)', nai 'n T^sfi? ^36 7 (opp. *wi| ^np^jr bt<), Is 5 1 10 (perh.) ; so pi. niDhPl, Pr 8 24 ( || Vlii^p), 3 20 (opp.O , t?n?»), and prob. ^33 7 (II D £ ^ i35 6 ( + D*B!). 2. (deep) s«a, overwhelming Tyre