mcnn KKi.'i T" Ez26 l9 (|| D'3in iron), roaring at theoph.Hb3 10 ; in gen., || DJ, Jb 3 8 :, ° ('n *0S); || D*V Jon 2 6 ; alone Jb 41"; fig., in* **rt$ 'n 4 2 s (|| nna^o, D^? ; but poss. here of Jordan, cf.4); in j>].=abysses of sea, Ex 1 5 5S (of Red Sea, so) Is 63 13 1| i 106 9 , 1/C77 17 ; also 78 ,5 (insim.), 107 s6 (poet.of hollows of great waves, opp. troB*); vaguely, nionn";>3 ^i35 6 i48 r . 3. primaeval ocean, deep, in Heb. cosmogony, 'n 'JB Gn i 2 (P; || DJR1 'JB), Pr 8" ; (1| TO), ^ 104 6 .— (Cf., further, Gunk ch(Spfmi» u. Chaos 21 IT. OC WhltehoUSe "*"' DB CoB * 0< ' OK, Zim KATS - «"••«»'■•**). 4. <%>, depth, of river Ez 3 i 4 (Nile; || ITO, +P|^r»rj}), v ls (||i'd.); pi. of bursts of water fertilizing Canaan, D'KVI VOI rT8p33 Dt 8 7 ( + n'r t 5? , D^P '<«}).— On ^ 4 2 s v. 2. 5. a6ys« (si vera 1.): H«n niDinn= SAe'o', f 71 20 , but 01 We niwnn. [nssnri] v. isn. viv. I. mn. Nin v. t»p. [QNin]v. nxn. tbl'in et gent, in E. Asia Minor, perh. nearly = Cappadocia (= As. Tabalu D1 r.25or. cOT Gn102 , cf. Di Gn, °' 2 );— 'n Is 66" Ez 27 13 , ban 32 M , ban Gn io 2 = 1 Ch i 5 , Ez 3 8 2 - 3 39 1 ; eo^x. "I" rp(~)7^^ 1 first worker in metal, ace. toGn4 22M (J); eofrA. •maun v. njw» sub pa. rovi v. ra T.I T prrin v. m T I. mn (/of foil.; cf. NH 1Kn=BH V?, njrivb.denom. Pi.; S»S Ez 9 4 ; Levy NHWB,v - 622 derives following from V nix). tin a.m. mark; — abs. 'n, mark on fore- head, sign of exemption fr. judgment Ezc. 4 - 6 ; sf. "'in Jb 3 i^^bm/ (written) mark (in attestation). T[rnNPJ n.f. boundary (as described by a mark ?);— cstr. D^S nfcaa mtW Gn 49 26 (this mng. AV RV Ew !M8b [ </nsn] De Gn /nw, nan, nin), but < desire = desirable things, so most. [mi 7 ! J vb.denom. make or set a mark ; — Pi. Imp/. 3 ms. im Kt, 1W Qr 1 S 21 14 (Ges
- ,6bb ) and Ae made marks on (?5/) the doors, but
< © 03 Th We Dr Ges ,c - und most «10fl Ae drummed (v. *isn). Hiph. "by in JTVirn Ez o 4 «e< a miar& (ace. cogn.) upon. til. [niJ-1] vb. Hiph. prob.pain, wound (fig.) (Aram". jot (oft.), tSin (rare) Krujl X 1 , all repew<) ;— Pf. 3 pi. *nn U« Bnipi f 78 41 (|| »J$ <A« //oJ?/ One 0/ 7«r. <Aey pained (© TrapoJ^urap). tnVl ancestor of Samuel 1 Ch 6" [Levitel]; e««, Boom, ®L Naad; || WW 1 S i 1 ; ©one, 0oou, @L Gojf. rtanin v. 5>n ITin injury, v. ?]n sub *pn. Ipri subst. midst (NH id., also denom. W? ; /unknown ; not apparently in cognate languages);— abs. ^IjnGn 1 5 10 -1-; cstr.'Hin I s +; 'ain, tota, etc., 2 fa. 'aain ty- 116" 135 9 , nain tEz48 15 - 21 , Daain Gn23 9 +, njrdta tEzi6 a (Ges !91f ); — midst, whether of a space or place, a number of people or things, or of a line: abs. tJu 16 29 tJJpJJ niB5? = the middle columns, Je 39 s fin "W, ^13 Gn 15 10 WJ 'na tank, Nu 3 5 5 1)98 t^m, JosS 22 Ju 15 4 Is 66 17 JJJ9S "ins -irw ; csti-. 1 K 8 64 THJ !$$n en? nsnn T]«in, Ez 15 4 nro iaini; usu. c.'prep., as a (oft. = an emph. in, in the very heart and midst of), Gu i 6 DJBJ tfrif, 2 9 fan 'na, 9 -' rib™ 'na, iS^^yn 'na, 37' rnfrn T, na, Ex n 4 svv »3K ansa 'na , 39*, Jos8 9 i^n 'na, j u 7 16 nnan 'na, 1 k 3 r0 ntyn 'na ; naina ( f land or city) Nu i3 32 Is 7 6 , etc.; in Ez ^aina, naina, etc., of sins done, or judgment to be wrought, in the very midst of Jerusalem, Ez 5 810 9 4 2 2 3J - 9 - 13 + ; '$» 'na a//22 15 , 4o 9, Po 'na ^rnin, -ab 'na v », c f. Pr4 21 '; after verbs of motion, =into Ex 14 2 ' 1 S 9", = through Ex 14 29 Nu 33 s Ez 9 4 Ne 9 11 ; of a number of person s-=among (not necess. of the actual middle), Gn 40 20 vja% 'na, «3ina 23 s , Daina 1S10 10 Jb i 6 , etc., Dajina -ian Lvi7 910 -
+ ; = between (of things arranged by twos) Ex
39 25 ; in P oft. (12 t.) of the divine presence, or dwelling, in the midst of Isr., Ex 25 s 29 4546 Lv 15 31 i6 ,6 + (Carpenter"" 1 - 209 '" 1 - 2 ' 410 ; JED in such cases have alw. anp), so Ez 37 26 - 28 43 79 , cf. Hg 2 5 ; |D, as Gn 19 29 naonn -linp, Ex 3 2 'no roen, «" bnNn'no ww «s Dt4 !3 +2'Kn 'no,
S 1 5 6 P2PJ! 'nt? <"n ; =from among, as to take,
separate, etc., Dainip, Dyri 'no, etc., Ex7 5 28 1 Nu 3 12 4 21S 16 2153 17 10 19 s0 (all P)+; b?, as Ex 1 4 *> Djn -]in-^S . . . wan, Lv 1 1 33 , Nu 1 7 12 rg! brii3n 'n-^s, i 9 6 Dt 21 12 l^a 'n-^K nnsani, 22 s " 2 S3 27 4 6 Je 2 i 4 +; byp+Ezn 23 .— lin is used by most writers, occurring c. 8-10 times in many books, but is esp. frequent in P (c. 106 t.) and Ez (1 16 t.). Syn. anp, q.v.