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J©»fl ttto^ft, fi^ adj. middle;— abs. 'H Ex 3 6 ffl +, fs. nfOQyf Ju7 19 + , fpl- ni3-Ez42 5 - 6 (on form, v. fcVJ p. 300, Ges* 27 *);— Ex 2 6 28 = 36" (P) D , ?^?lI ^na P 3 ™ ET!|n the m«& bar (holding the ' boards ' in their place) ; Ju 7 " 'nn rn*D0|!ri the middle watch (of the night) ; of the middle story of side-chambers to Temple 1 K 6'- 9b - 1> (v 8 » rd. c. © X njnnnn for "W), Ez i Jl ' (read c. @ @ "!»' rutov£ ^sr rwnnnrriw rwwrbp njta'nn), 42", 2 K 2o« njbw n*yn (but rd. c. QrVrss 'nn "On, i.e. the T-)mn -ran, v. I.">xn 2)._pa'nn -ran Ez 47 16 , v. p. 347k nrnin, nroin v. ru D^ain v. 'an. T*?in, [nvfon] v. >6». pWi v. ff?>n . t[T?in] n.m. doubtful word, only pi. sf. WtyTn fisf; AV RV <% that wasted us, cf. S, but'rd. then W>ty& Bae al.; >Thes 596 Hup De al. wade us wail (Vb?" 1 )- tpoin v. ion. a^nin v. [QKta], oxn. pin v. 11. io'n sub |» nyin v. nyn. [nsyin] v. 11. ipr. [nNxin] v. kx nnpin Kt, nnpn Qr, v. m. nipn p . 876. ^jID (</of foil. [Levy*""™"- 661 , s.v. nam, assumes -/*]3n] ; akin to Eth. 1*£A: «pt«, Aram. (Talm.)*|E>nitf. / Ar.&jfie! for shame! Syr.cl' Aph. (and deriv.) also=spew out (Ba ES28 ), but prob. simply return). fi. rich n.f. act of spitting; — abs. Ill D'??? Jb 1 7 s a spitting in the face do I become, i.e. men spit in my face (|| D'QS/ bvob ; Perles Baer Bu Drws!> nob). n . riDn v. nan . I" I1J-1 vb. seek out, spy out, explore (NH id. (rare); perh. orig. turn (to or about), As. tdru, turn about, back, taidru adj. turning back, also merciful, and subst. mercy ; Ar. Jli (j) iv. ^o atoM< (rare), jp a go-between); — Qal Pf 1 s. 'Win Ez 20 6 Ec 2 3 ; 3 pi. WR Nu 13*; 2 mpl. Drnn i 4 2 < ; /„»££ 3 mp i. vijr i 3 2 , ruvi v 2i. rd# alg0 3 ms _ n , n , Jb 39 „ jg <j. E ' w Di BuDu and most (for 1W); 2 mpl. TW1PI Nu 15"; Inf. cslr.-m io^+j P<. pi. Dnn 14 6 , on 1 K 10" 2 CIi 9 14 v. infra ;— 1. seek out, select : nPIWD B# -Vb Nu io M (J, subj. ark of'*), cf. Dt i a (subj.), Ez 20" (id., ace. land); sq. inf.


=find out how to do something, ? '•apa 'n Ec 2 3 . . spy out, explore, ace. of land Nui3 216 17 ' 2l2S ' 32 - 32 H****, ace. of mts. Jb39 8 (v. supr.), cf. Pt. as subj. explorers, spies Nu i4 6 (all P); explore mentally, mpi efoi vb n$nb Ec f% cf. 9 1 Gr ('n for "US q.v.),^5? noana 'rb i T ' 3 (Kue 0nd - 2 - ilU96 ). . go about, fig. Daaal> 'nnK Nu 15 39 (P); Pt. Dnnn "BOS i K io 15 ' a Ch 9", usually merchants (|| D'bi Qnnb); Kit, after <S 2 Ch, prop. B*Wp for D'inn. Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. ^"n'aa nw Ju i 23 <fey r«ac?e a reconnoisam.ee at Bethel (Vrss disagree, Gie Vm, cf. GFM) ; 3 ms. WJUS "^ P^ Pr 1 2 26 <A« righteous searches out (RV t«  a guide to) his friend, % AV is more excellent than (reading TpJ), Hi Ew De al. spies ou< Ats pasture (Vljnip, in spiritual sense), all dubious ; Toy conjectures nV*JD ID J. fi. Tin, in n.m. plait, turn (Ar. iJLJ period, succession (jrcpiofios)) ; — pi. D'lin plaits (of hair ?) Ct 1 10 , cstr. 3PIT nin v " plaits, circlets of gold; sg. turn, opportunity, cstr. n"lj|5 th Est 2 12 , cf. v 15 .— DTK lin 1 Ch 17 17 is corrupt, || 2S7 19 DiNn m.in, also difficult, v. rnin 3, p. 436 ; Klo Perles*"" 68 IKH, q.v. ^ Jb 39 8 appar. n.m. a searc/«'«^, but v. -/. . "iin v. 11. in. niin v. m Ittjirt v. y&>. T T n^tptn v. n&. nn'iin Jb 41 21 v. nn t [TTJ 7 !] vb. Hiph. strike away (X. W3 (rare) spring forth ; NH tnj spring, spurt, out; Hiph., Aph. cut off (head, etc.)); — Pf 3 ms. "in I'pn nitrtjarrns i s 18 s . rvam v. m. [n^snri] v. i. bn. inn v. nin . ^Dpnn v. P . 3 1 5b. CPN^nn v . 1. t6n . n >>nn v. 11. bbn P . 3 21. n^riP v. nbnin S ub i?n D^nn v. Don. v v • t : - < ]nn v. nin. 1, n. nsnn v. 1. pn. pann v. pn. [njnn], ^nn v. run. I Dnasnn n.pr.loc. Egyptian city Je

7 ' 8 ' 9 44 l 46", so Je 2 ' 6 Qr (Kt DJBnn); 

= Dri3anp| EZ30 18 ; Ta<pm(i)s [TaQvtu]; identif. with Gk. Daphnae, mod. Tel Befenneh, c. 1 8 m. ESE. from Tanis, c. 9 m. W. of El-Kantara, Bad E87pt • 5,h ' >d • (190i!> • 16, p e trie Defwmeh<T * nU1I> ' 1838