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jfon 1069 fn. V vin n.pr.m. in Issachar; a judge of Israel Ju I o 1 ; assigned to earlier time by Gn 46 13 Nu 26 23 (both P), 1 Ch 7"**. t" , }Hi,n adj. gent, of foregoing ; c. art. as n. coll. Nu 26" ny|?in, ngWI n.f. worm;— abs. tlfo* Is 14" Jb 25'; ny^in°l s 41"+ , n$« Dt 28 39 Nuip 6 ; cstr. ny!?in Ex 25' + ; sf. Dnyjwi Is 66 24 ; — 1. warm, grub, vine-weevil Jon 4 1 Dt 28 19 (coll.); devouring the dead L314 11 (coll.: || nB"}), 66 24 (coll.); symbol of insignificance 41 14 Jb25 6 (|| nei), 1^22". 2. elsewh. (P) specif., + , ??' (q. v.), of the coccus ilicis yielding scarlet colour: 'n(n) 'Jf Lvm"*"'" Nuig 6 ; of crimson stuff, w'ti 133 4 s ; usu. I??"!* 1 : "fe? 1 .? '131 »:#(?) Tt Ex 2 5 4 2 6 { + 24 1. Ex. I [V7P] vb. Pu. denom. clad in scarlet (v. 1. ySin2 ; nyjrtn 2.— NH Hiph. denom. is ftreefiu'orOTs.etc.);— P<.pl.D , 5 , i , riONa2 4 (||D , nKD). trW 1 ?™? n-f-pl- teeth (AV RV jaw-teeth) (perhaps gnawers, v. y ); — <ee<A, incisors, late (always || O?!?'): cstr. 'd Jb 29 17 and (of lion) Jo i 6 ; sf. vnj^no Pr 30". t,ni , Q7,n n.f. pi. Ges (in Thes) exitialia, fatal things (•/«li'n = Ar. 1— aAj perish); — poet, for weapons; many other conj. in Comm.: 'rb Vf Tpm 1*n Tfffl Ct 4", doubtful; Che Eipos. Time.. ix.«3;jq.juij 1999,5m q'e^ej shields cf. v b . "wbn v. "ife*6n . D^nbn v. i.bbn. T -J T-. .-.. on, an, ntsn v. odd . «nn v. kdw . T T '.. T •* T I" [rTQWl vb. be astounded, dumb- founded (NH id.; so Aram, iron, ojjcL); — Qal Pf. 3 pi. Wgf f 48 s ; /rrejp/. 2 ms. ^P™ Ec5 7 ; 3 mpl. MVOT Jb 26", etc.; Imv. mpl. Won Is 29' Hb V; — be astounded, Is 29' Hb I 5 (vtrlithp.), Je 4 9 (|| DOS?, Niph.), f 4 8 6 ; + JO caus. Jb 26"; +">y rei at which Ec 5"; look in astonishment at *&&$ B»K 71 Gn 43 s3 (J), Is 1 3". Hithp. Imv. mpl. + Qal Imv. VTBnrn WOO Hb i* (v. supr.), lit. astonish yourselves, be astounded, but We Hithpalp. inpnpnn ; Gr rds. inf. abs. i?bn (Marti al. IHDni) for inon . TpnQri n.[m.] bewilderment; — abs. 'n Zci2 4 ; catr. finon Dt 28 19 ; — bewilderment, stupefaction; 33? 'D v 23 , of those infatuated (v. Dr.); 'n alone of bewildered horses Zc 1 2 4 . felon triO/l n.pr.div. Tammuz (Bab. DHzu (also Dumuzi) COT El8 ' 4 Zim k**'- 3 "'- Jastr Bel • B.b.4fa.t,>M... on t he phonetic change Hpt 2 *"' 270 , but also Jager BA8U ");— 'nn-DK r))33B Ez8 14 ; 'n = Gk. Adonis (piN); cf. Baud Eel8 « !m - ,a,> ' 300t J) r Dn 11,37 QJj e Bncr. Bib. TAHntJi g ay Hut.DB Id.^ roinn v. p». rrfton v. -no. nmnn v. mo. t : triQn n.pr.m. head of a Jewish family, Ezr 2 M =Ne 7"; ® St/ia (Ne Hfiaff), ©L Of/ma. TOPI v. 11D p. 556. G , 'E)riEx26 24 36 29 v. [DNJ?]. t[^T£2J"l] vb. grasp, support, attain (Aram. 'HPPI Pa. hold fast ; cf. Ph. and OAram. ^N3Cn El hath sustained Lzb 386 SAC 121 Cooke "");— Qal Pf. 3 fs. n3t?n ^6 3 9 , etc.; Any/. 3 ms. 'Hton; Pr 29 s3 , 3 mpl. 13$"? Jb 36 17 Pr 5', etc.; Inf. abs. ifin f if; cstr. =l'on I s 33'^; PL ^ipin Am 1", T»in ^ 1 6 5 (, rd. T9- Ges'"", or TOK cf. Vrss Du ; > 01 V9ta, Bi Che 1*0$), etc.; — 1. grasp, lay hold of, c. ace. rei Gn 48 17 (E), Pr 3 1 19 (|| 3 T r&{?) ; ace. pers. (wisdom) Pr 3 IS (|| p'lHP); ace. rei (grasp and) wield Am i 5S ; yfr i6 b (v. supr.) thou dost grasp my lot (i.e. take and cast it for me, cf. mod. Pal. ..yu »U1 _Jlij may Allah uphold my lot, Bergheim PEF ism, 194^. £„ ^ jh jgi; judgment and justice seize (thee ; but v. obscure and doubtful); Pr 5 s her steps lay hold of Sh e '61 (keep the path to it) ; lit., c. 3 rei Is 33'% 3 pers. Pr 28 ,r (or sub 3 ; mng. dub.); lay hold of, attain, honour, wealth (ace.) Pr 1 1 18 - 16 . 2. hold up, support, c. VT3 Exi7 2 (E); fig., 3 pers. IS42 1 ^4i 13 63 s ; ace. pers. Is 4 1 10 (3 instr.), Pr top (opp. ^Sf"). 3. hold, keep, c. ace. rei Pr 4 4 let thy heart keep my words (|| "I0E>) ; hold firmly ty 17 5 (3 loc; opp. ib% ju iph. impf. ^ipn; IriKKn £ana Pr 5" in <A« cords of his sin is he seized (|| "1??).

: S3' : v 6' : •

io", TICnN fls 30 53 Mi 2 s (v. inf.), subst., used sts. as adv. ace, yesterday, fig. recently, formerly (Aram. ^OriN , bon , s ts. bmm ,&l, &U*, ~±x>ir; Mand. ijNCnyNo" 202 ; Eth.

V tn i&.y As. timdli, itimdli, ina timali (Dl

15S ' W ); der. dub.; ace. to Me Gr - 8jr " 8 Ko" 264 '- from Ar. 5U 11. prolongavit, iv. longam vitam