cmn sf. *rm Ct 5 2 6 9 (late, exc. Gn 25");— 1. com- plete, perfect : in beauty Ct 5 2 6 9 ; of physical strength f 73* (rd. Dn toi> Ew De Dr s * mx " 1 Che Bae al.). 2. sound, wholesome: BR B^K, of Jacob as tent-dweller, opp. Esau, hunter, Gn 25" (J; De leutseliger Mann, Di ruhig, still, AVRV /(Zai'ra man; 'n here poss. redactional, = 3). 3. complete, morally innocent, having integrity : D? E*N Jb i 8 2'; 'n alone I 1 8 20 9 20 - 21 " 22 Pr 29'° V' 37 3; 64 s .— D'BH v. [DSH]. CDFl adj. complete, sound;— 'n Gn6 9 +; f. npW Lv3 9 + ; cstr. D'pn Jb 36* 37'"; pi. D0pri'Ez43 2i + ; nb'pn Lv23 15 ; cstr. 'P'pn 1^119' Pr 1 1 20 ; — tl« complete, whole, entire, Jb 36 4 niyn DWl, 37";. ' 2. w/toZe, sound, healthful, of men Pr i l2 (|| D^n); vine Ez 15 3 ; usu. of sacrif. animals, P; Ex i2 5 + 40 t., so Ez 43" + 1 o t. 1 3. complete, entire, of time : day Jos io 13 ; yearLv25 30 ; sabbaths 23 15 . t4. sound, wholesome, unimpaired, innocent, having integrity : of God's way | 18 s ' = 2 S 22 3 '; work Dt 32 4 ; law yfr 1 9 s ; elsewh. of man Gn 6 9 ' (P; both || d^k c^b) m jfojnn); '- oy 'n Dt 1 8 13 f 1 8 2 ', c. b in || 2 S 2 2 24 ; oft.' c. TH way .' Tl Iji-J V, 10 1 2 ; T?" 1 ,!? fl Ez 28'*; inn W? Pr 11 20 V' 119 1 ; Wfi 71 "BR! 2 S 22 s3 || 'n jn;i <?-nfi8 33 ; 'n")-mT;nioi 6 ; T^om., D'cn-^n, Pr 28'* V' 15 2 ; 'fl 2b 119 90 ; =noun (late), man of integrity Pr 1 1 5 Jb 12 4 ; pi. Pr 2 21 28'°^37 ,s . 1 5. as neuter adj. = subst. what is complete, entirely in accord with truth and fact : Tl "O^ Am 5 10 ; Drwu TI31 J1DN3-DN Ju g ,en ; 113V np*ai 'na "- Job34"(E); tntyrty 'n -na ^ 18 26 (cstr.Ges 593 '; || 2 S 22 26 113?), 8 4 12 ; T|BttaJh.— iSi4 41 v. Oh 4. t ttj"ftj n.[m.] soundness; in phr/3 Dhp ps Is i 6 ty 38 49 ; Ohp "I'Sip Ju 20 4S from entire city (Codd. De Rossi BuGFM Dnp, v. np and cf. D(')no TV Dt 2 M 3 6 Jb 24 12 ). ]T3ri, W v. IP'" sub |B». room. nri3nn, ■■am n:rcn v. ruo. t : • t t : * ':* -.* yMrivJM. Dnriv. ddd. t : • ••• v "1DJ") (-/of foil. ; cf. perh. Ar. JUjJ 6« erect, stiff (e.g. of lance), so Buhl 13 , who derives thence "ion palm-tree, and alsoTip'riNH rnpFicoZttwiw of smoke, NH "Titsn rising motion, etc., but these denom. from ipn Levy sawB Buhl' 4 ; cf. Ar. £J date, Eth.+^C: j'd., twCfc date-palm, Aram. K"3pn, JIVit date-palm, NH IDJ? c/a<e(-/>a?m)). !07i runt* t "l^in n.m. palm-tree, post ;— cstr. 1 "nl3 , | 'fl Ju 4 5 palm-tree of Deborah ; ntPpp 'JIS Je 10 s like a post (i.e. a scare-crow; cf. Bar 6 ro ) tn a cucumber field (sim. of idol). f 1. 1DP n.m. palm-tree, date-palm, Phoenix dactylifera; — 'n Jo I 12 ; in sim. of prosperity 1^92 ™, of (graceful) stature Ct 7 s , cf. (fig.) v 9 ; pi. Dnpn i n oasis Exis^J), || Nu 33° (P); ' n n93 L v 23 40 (H) palm-branches, cf. 'D h| Ne 8 15 ; D'lpnn "HN Jericho Dt34 3 (JE), 2Ch'28' 5 Ju i 16 3 13 .— Vid. PostH^-DBPAL,..!... M'Lean F " CI - Bib - I0 - Tr NHB378fl - Theob. Fischer D&ttelpalme, 1381 ii. ~YOr 1. f. ta. daughter-in-law of JudaV Gn 3 8" MWM ' i Ch 2 4 Ru 4 12 . T>. daughter of David, sister of Absalom 2 S 13 12 + 1 1 1. 13, 2 Ch 3 <J . tc. daughter of Absalom 2 S 14 27 . t2. loc. Ez 47' 9 4s 28 ; 1 K 9 ,s Kt (>Qr "te/fi q.v.), so read also || 2 Ch 8 4 (for MTib-lFl)'; site not certain, cf. Buhl 0131 .— npn byi v. ^5??. mori n.f. palm(-tree) figure, as orna- ment; — 'n Ez4i ,8 +(van d. H/BFI, so through- out); pi. nibn iK6 M + (Gi 'on), nnbn Ez 4 o 16 + ; sf. V-Jb" 1 )? v 22 Qr(Kt YVyr);—palm- figure in Sol.'s temple 1 K 6 29 - 32 - 32 - 15 f« 2 Ch 3 5 ; in Ezekiel's temple Ez 4o 16 - 2226 -f 10 t. 40, 41. I [m^D^ri] n.f. (palm-like) column (spread- ing at top; cf. Oi 5,84b );— pi. cstr. vy nilD'H Jo 3 2 Ct 3 6 (cf. JOT n^sy in prose Ju 20 40 ). ' fn. [-WTtoJjl] n.m. pi. annpn Je 31 21 , doubtful word ; sense, and || Q'?^, require mng. sign-posts ( = 'OKn , cf. Ar. Jj.*t) sign-post, Vj^ , v. ,LIl sign, i^2 stones (heaped up) as way- mark ; Eth. hoo£,; sltew, point out, give sign or signati; — Gie rejects strange form, reading Q'lbn palm-trees, as posts. — 1. 'n v. T1D. pi-irpn, pn-, v. pno. i. Tnon v. -no. r v. pn. I. [mj/H] vb. hire (si vera 1., akin to fro) ;— Qal Impf. 3 mpl. D^ia3 «n^ Ho 8'° hire (allies) among the nations ; Hiph. Pf 3 pi. yrin v 9 Iiave hired lovers. — We in both WO? give: v 9 give amorous favours, v 10 give (these), cp. Now Marti Harper. — njn ^, 8" v. ;n3 Qal 2 b. tn3n^ n.f. hire of a harlot; — 'n abs., t : v Ho 2 I4 (in fig. of Israel as adulteress); — on I?nX (which We Now Marti read here also) v. II. Jan.
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