t F|j5.n n. m. power, strength, energy (Aram. Iti 1 ?, IP", laisol) ;— 'n abs. Esto 29 ; cstr. Dn 1 1 17 the strength of his whole kingdom; sf. iSpn Est io 2 the deeds of his power ( + iJ"P'3?, etc.). t Fpjpri adj. mighty (Aram. TirC , A*Sl) ; — c. ft? comp. Ec 6 10 . fn.in, Tin n.f. lTW (m. 1 *"- S0 ) turtle-dove (onomatop.); — abs. in Gn I5 9 (J; +7$*), Je 8 7 (as migratory); as saorif. offering (RS 8em,la>2: toded.iu.SMj [ usu . nji' ('33) }3] Lv I " 5 711 1 2 6 ' 8 i 4 **> i 5 »» Nu 6'° (all P; 'cf. also Gn 15 9 ); ninn bp Ct 2 12 ; sf. Tjn + 74" (fig. of '"'a peo- ple)._Vid. Tristr NHB20,ff - Shipley-Cook Enc ' Blb - DOVC P qf Hast - DB TDBTLE-DOVE , ^jq „ ■» -^fl Tn7Niriii.pr.loc. in Benjamin Josi8 2; ; Bapirjka, @L &€paa. rrta"un, n"»srun v. i. [nan]. 7inn v. 5>yj Tiph. i"[aiHn] vb.qnadril. interpret, translate (As. targumdnu, interpreter (so also TelAm.), perh. from /Djn, cf. 1^., conjecture, opine Vie toBAr.b.Hdd.w v also j^hwb-k. VoUera ***"•»; NH = BH ; Aram. BaT0, p^lT, Ar. lijj) ;— i><. ya««. D3"]^? Ez 4 7 - — O n Targum v. Walker BulDBi.T. ntnnn v. [dti]. t nj?n"|n n.pr.m. king of Egypt, of Ethiop. dynasty: 2Kio 9 =Is37 9 ; Qapaita; ©Leaptfrnt; = Egypt. T-h-r-k, ks.Tarku, Steindorff BA8L84Br - COT 2Ki,.9 Wiedemann A,.o«ch.«off. Brugsch E !Ip . under Fhtraohi (new ed. 1891), 410 ff. WMM Encr. Bib. Tibuahah Griffith Hm,db1b -. norifl, n^niin v. an . njwnn v. [vn]. noiin v. ep-1. • nj^n n.f. a tree, KV cypress, THY holm-tree, but very dub. : Tr *" B3:e Post""'- DB c " ,ltM ; 93 ilex, and so M 'Lean K " crBlbc " ,,M ;— abs. 'n Is 44" (+1**, II otjs<). trnn n.pr. 1. m. father of Abraham: (a kind of ibex RS K(1 " ed > 220 (cf. As. tur&hu, Ar. $ No z "° """<■»">•»', Syr.U^fcapro cawca- «'ea), but against this No z * G,l(18 "'-" i7 ; n.pr.div. Jen ZA "•'»);— 'n Gn xi »***mmmm j 08 24 2 ; rnn Gnu" 1 Ch i M ; Bappa, @L Oopa.— Vid.
Selbie ""'• DB r *™. 2 . loc. station on Exodus journey Nu s^^; TapaB. namn v. jm. nrnn, menn, n'-n-in v. n. [ran]. I ]"in n.m. mast (NH id.; V unknown; Hoffm' rhIn " r - 27t conj. pm, from px, v. )"&);— abs.'n, of Tyre as ship Ez 27 s ; inn |«T7J| 'n Is 30 17 (|| D3), i.e. a (solitary) standard-pole, flag-staff; sf. PJT? 33 23 (|| DJ, D^3_n). n^jnn v. |Vi]. TQ' , ny")n n.pr.m. pi. a Kenite family, I Ch 2 s5 ; Bapyadup. tO^HPI n.m. Zc,0 ' 2 pl. (=pl. majest. No zmoxhkus.).!?.) a ki nd of j doli ob j. of reverence, and means of divination (/and etymol.-mng. dub., cf. GFM H *"- I)BT """"" Say ZAII1M (citing Neubauer, and As. tarp4, spectre), al. vNSn, cf. D'KSn); — alw. 'n : — portable and sts. small Gn 3 i*»» (called tt$% v » a ll E), but in size and shape like a man 1 S io 13,16 ; in household shrine (v. also 1. c.) Ju 1 7 s (+*lto&, cf. GFM Ju ), 1 8"- 17 (both + liSS, bos, rDDO), c f. v 20 (om. n3DD), H03 4 (+'N, H339, n31); condemned 1 S 15 23 2 K 23 s4 ( + DV??); used in divining (by king of Bab.),'fl3 b& Ez 2 1»(+ 07"? ^P , 1333 nxn); as giving empty oracles Zc io 5 (|| D'DDipn)._Vid. GFM ,C - Now**" Sta Blb.Theol. d.A.T.i.T. nmn v. nxn. t : ■ Tttjnn n.pr.m. eunuch atcourtof Ahasuerus (Scheft 53 cp. Olran. tarsa, ' Begierde,' used as n.pr. in NPers.); — Est 2 21 6 2 ; &ap(p)as. ■J" 1. C^ttTin n.m. a precious stone, perhaps yellow jasper, or other gold-coloured stone (® Ex 2 8 M 3 o ,5 x/W croX«<9or, so Jos Ant - "'• '• 5 [1681 , v. Petrie Hast. DB Stones. Precious ~hJT V rpa Ency - B,b - I D n7T) r DrilO,6 . 'n P5?3 Ez i 6 ; Tl J3N J-JJ3 ic 9 ; in list of gems 28" Ex28 2 °39 13 ; in sim. of resplendent body Dnio 6 ,cf. Ct5' fn. QJ^in n.pr. 1. loc. a distant port, site not certainly known (Wkl *""■ ro " ch - y ui ) ; most Tartessus in Spain Thes (after older authorities) Ges ,,L719 Mey G "* ch - d - A "- l -« 2sl ; other views are : Tyrseni (Etruscans) in Italy, WMM H„t.DBTA» a ., S H ) Phoenicia Henoni^^ ""■"*■, Sar- dinia Hal BE,,l "• 14 ; v. also Ency. Bib. T " s " ,aa ;—