Nntmn Tarshish, ® usu. e a/ ><r(*)is (Is 2 3 1 " Kapxn^v— Carthage);— esp. in phr/n ni'JX Tarshish-ships (large, sea-going vessels, fit to ply to Turshish) Is 2 16 (© ttXoIoi/ daXrio-o-r/f), 23 114 60 9 Ez 2>f I K
49 , II 2 Ch 20 36 ' 37 (where the ships go to 'n);
'n >itt 1 K io MM || 2 Ch 9 21 (ni'?«), +v !1 (ships go to 'n) ; 'n alone Is 2 3° Jon i 3 - 3 4 ! (all c. n loc), Gn io 4 || 1 Ch i 7 (erron. n loc), Is 66" f 72 10 Jon i 3 ; 'rrna Is 23 10 ; trading-port Ez 27'= 38", whence comes silver Je io 9 . 2. m. a. in Benjamin 1 Ch 7 10 . b. Persian noble Est I 14 ; expl. by Scheft 53 as Olran. trsus, 'der Gierige.' " NfittTlFI n.m. Tirshatha, title of Persian T t : • governor in Judaea, ace. to Mey nutthune &].= His Excellency (read Tarshathd) otherwise La« s,B " n - '• " "'■ Arm ' 8 "" 1 H28 °' 1680 '.— As Mey'% Scheft 93 ,B {tarka, the feared, revered) Moss H "'- DB T,MB4T " Che En w .B»>.ID.._/ n n Ezr 2 63 _ Ne 7 6S ( Nfi jM (BaerGi; v 70 vand.H.); of NehemiahNe8 9 io'. TUTtfJ a.m. title of As. general = field- marshal (loan-word from As. tartdnu, turtdnu D }WB716 Tie ] e G« K h.«95f. pj nc J ies B«t.DBTA«IA 1( J olll)S k„c. Bib. id.) ._ Is 20 i 2 K 1 8 17 ( + DnD"31 , nj5B>-aT ; only this last in || Is 36 s ). t pr~r n.pr.div.of D'lyn, 2 K 17 31 ; eapdai; not identified, cf. Pinches"* 8 ' 1 "'™" 11 ". nown v. 1. dib'. [n«©n] v. n. kib*. nUtfl v. aenn su b at?' '"SStF v. rue*. ya^ri v. [jot?], [rnwfi] v. a* rrxnn Jb 3 o 2: v. [™ot] 8U b n. nib*. nyittjn, nvtrin v. y^. t : t : rt^wr v. in. pit?. mien v. 1. •ne'. n^cjn v. n»tovi sub rto T T * *
. * J'tyn, nVti^H a.m. et. f. a nine, nonad (NH = BH ; As. tiiit (fern.), nine, tesvL, ninth; Sab. nj>Dn nine, *$OT ninety Hom chr4S ; Lihy. yDn DHM E ' ,D,!, " lm - ArM , Ar. iJli, Eth. frlHh Aram. »OT, -%iX, Nab. Palm, yOT Lzb 388 , Mand. (k for y ; sts. y pref.) KOT, Knt?y No" ,ffl , all nine) ; — m. c. n.f . abs. yOT Dt 3" + 20 1., cstr. yOT Ju4 3 +i8 t.; f. c. n.m. abs. niton 2 S i4 9 '+ 13 t., cstr. nyOT Jos I3 7 + 2 t. (these include 9+10=19); — nine (Hex chiefly P); 1, no other num.: a. before n.pl. HitSK yOT Dt 3", V)f 'n 2 K 17' Gnu' 9 , nilVi 'D Ne 1 1 Dto-jn nyB>n 2 S24 8 , B'oaipn nyOT j os i3 7 (JE1), cf. 14= Nu 34 13 (both P); after n.pl. JOT D^V Josi5 44! " 2 1 16 (all P), nyOT d-Ib Nu 2 9 2,! (P); n. om. 1 Ch 3 g . b. =ordin. EHr^ njtona 2 K 25 3 + 3 t. on the ninth (day) 0/ iA« month; b yB/n-nSB' 1 8 10 the ninth year of. 2.9 + 10 = 19, c. n.f. njB* n-top?OT Gnn 25 ,Tton D'ly nify Jos i9 3S '(both'P), as ordinal TOT n3B> j> njB> n<-toy 2 K 25 s || Je52 12 ; c n.m.'njton B*K "toy. 2 S 2 30 , cf. (as ordin., bjt om.) i Ch 24 16 25 2G . ' 3. 9 oo=niKD yOT Ju 4 3 + 14 t. 4. c. tens (20, 30, etc.) : 'n foil. 2 K i4 2 + 10 t., precedes Gn 1 1 24 + 6 t., cf. Kb"- 1 - 215 * iyi©n, ^n m. n^V" 1 ^ *■ adj. num. ord. „ ninth ;— "JPOTfl Di>3 Nu? 60 ,' 1 ^ of series of men 1 Ch 12" 27 12 ,' of lot 24" 25 lc ; 'nn BHhn Je 36 9 - 32 Zc7> 1 Ch 27 1 * Ezr io 9 ,'n om. Hg 2 1019 ; n'y'OTn nj^n Lv25 M + 3 t.,'nn n:&2 (Ges' 134p ) 2Ki7 6 25'. □^TOTI n. indecl. ninety (archaic pi., DHM ZMG """< 1883 > 1 "- Prat BAS L376 ,but cf.Ges' 97 ');— before n. sg.: r:f Gn 5 9 i7 17 + , nm EZ41 12 , DV Ez 4 s 9 ; less oft. after n.pl. D^K Ezr 8*, cf. Dn 1 2" ; in combination, 'n precedes units 1 S 4 15 + 7 t. ; foil. Gn 5 ,7M ; 'n foil. 1 00 Ez 4" + 4 t.