NTTON tinrVTM adv. correotly, exaotly (ace. to Hang'-w^-'Scheft-'fromZendd^,™^ firm, whence Skr. ptcp. pass, drdha,firm, sure ^fhZenddereJta,holdingfirm,Pev8.durust, whole, complete, correct; > No KAT26 '7 from NlTN q.v.);—Ezr f'ti -I2yri1. jrvw v. jm. »TJK (-/of foil.; v. bh nix, ii. m«). t [DN] n.m. D ° ■ » sign (alw. as wrought by God, and alw. c. prion wonders);— pi. a bs. JVlK Dn 6 s8 ; emph. Wm 3*; s f. *n{ n K v 8s. TIN (-/of following, BH II. b)H, 5>»n). tfr* P 138 ) n.m. D -' tree (* £*, Syr <*./; cf.BHn^, P^ )P . l8 )._ abs/Nl) 7 emph. M- t[K]K] vb. make hot, heat (lid. [rare]; cf. Ar. jl fowcfZe, burn) ;—Ve.lnf Nft:!> (K* n - 3i >) (K !15e ) v 22 . t H'TiM (so Gi, with most MSS.; Baer Klgt)
ImK (-/of following; v. BH irtK). Tin adj. one, a ;— ms. 'n Dn 2" + ; f s . rnn Ezr4 8 + ;— 1. one side Dn 7 5 ; n. om. 6 3 ; ffW 2 9 = <me and invariable (inevitable); nirvs v 3 * as one, altogether (so S-C K3 X, and late~BH " V Ez ,3 2 " + ) = °"linal, "7" Jl^/rtf year 7 1 Ezrs 13 6 3 ; 'n = a certam one (rim) Dn 7 16 (c- IP partit.). 2. a (indef. art.) c. subst. Dn 2 " 6 18 4 <° ( v . nytf), Ezr 4 s 6 2 , njntf in Dn 3 I9 = seven-fold (as Syr.: No^PS 1194 '- cf Exi6 5 <S), v. K f66 ' 2 . ^ (assumed as -/of foil.; cf. BH HN p. 26). T[riN] n. ni. brother; — pi. sf. ^rtX Kt (J^Kf***-*), W Qr(K i-) Ezr 7 18 % brethren, i.e. fellows, associates. En*£7»3 v. [nmj. [m;n«] v . m t^nOnK (orig. ;ri- or Wn. No - in Streck zaiw) n .pr.loc.Ecbatana,Ezr6 2 ; capital of Media, captured by Cyrus (b.c. 550), and then summer residence of Pers. kings ; mod. Ix^ Hamaddn, Spieg 2 " Margoliouth "*"• BB a c"meth» . »-. |i»__. v«o^i,witnmostMSK .; Baer N"1TK) vamaaan, Spieg "" Margoliouth "*"• BB AcullE adj. sure, assured (Pers. azda, Skr. addhd esp - Bru g sch ™ KU - Ftt "°" a862) ' t " !W "(OMed.J« i 'certain' (Kern"™*-.-); so first No s*™ 1 '- tenaD1C, " rerB " > - l ";OPers.^an^ ( Jm(=^«c« confirmed now by Esr. Aram. mES s 6i.B3 n>v< J of assembling) Spieg L % Bab. Agam(a)tanu Beh 60 , Bez»- 26 , etc.; 'Ayfrirava Herod 198 ; © 'EK^arava 2 Mace Q 3 -f ; Mev Gesch - d - Alt - '• * 485 Sf M A i.c.sOTfA J onecK t[-inN] P i. cnn*, prep . after ( Cappad confirmed now by Eg. Aram. (RES 361 - BS ) Tfx p P layn 11 if it is made certain (certified) by, etc • > © Ki AV al. (v. Thes) as vb. is gone, or (tHM) %& fr0n ^ Talm - "*j (=^) /70 avoay (Levy mBI ' M ); «o Scheft»"^™. 3 '»from Zend Wa ' gone,' ptcp. pass, of azaiti ' go *) ;— Dn 2 5 finb ^^^W;??^7^«iew«rd»a M ^! , "/. pro* nab.™ after (Lzb 2 ' 2 SAC«V on my part (the thing Is fully resolved upon by Eg. Aram, asnm (S-C "" -+)• % fot^niruc. me: cf. 6 |Ltf; IE HON, *»,,,). + 3 „ (y ^ BH nr*);-^ nj* a/fer ,;j; Dn^i." !f' j.K»^». . trrnriK v 4 ttq„ a' ~_ -,„*,, ' " ' and Eg. Aram.inK afterwards (Lzb* 1 "'- 1 - 361 S-C 08 ), prob. Nab. -iriN after (Lzb 212 SAC 16 )- t7TK vb. go, go oft* (BH [rare]),— p e . Pf. 3 ms. 'M Dn 2* + &« v 1 ' 6»); 3 pi. ^ Ezr 4 23 5 I pi. NJplN 5 s ; / m «. ms . (rinN-few v i5 /f 'VR ft- ) ,— 1. go, go of, c. b loc. Dn 2" »™ Ezr 4 23 ( + by pers.), 5 8 ; go and say Dn 3 « go (and) put Ezrs 15 . |TN (-/of following; BH II. fW, D.JtKD). t^tNQ (Baer Gi Str) n.m.emph. scale, balance (cf. also Mand. fOJNriD No M148 Eg Aram. KiHO S-C ™, Chr-Pal. U,;^ Scnulth l«.| N5 BSW56 Jacob2 AW U ,.a9C« > .90._ Dn rf/^ ■d. H. du. emph. KJJJtto, v. K S5, - 1 -' Amn - M 33 *) I'l'inx 7 s4 % Usu _ Aram _ gyiii ^^^ ^^ ^
- T ?^? ad J- *?■ another: v. flTOf.
tpriN Dn 4 5 Kt, i»w;y«i »onp i?y pnnx ijn- very dub. (v. Comm.); usu. and unto the last {-at last) came in, etc.; but word in this sense unknown: Qrpm ; read perh. (Bev) pHN Ijn (or ? Kt rsp ; cf . ^ } and yet anoth ;- cam - in before me. tjT-inN n .f. cstr. end (Hebraism ; so (cf Jacob«w.«*«-^ Chr-Pal, SchulthOj-Di^ 28 «W 'N3 (from BH DWn 'N3 p. 3 , /). Tp T n« adj.m. another (Eg. Aram. pnN S-C D11 +; Nab.Palm. id. (Lzb 212 ); S ; cf .