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Syr. r Ul) ;— Dn 2 " « 3 M 4' Kt 5" f*. The f . in use is 'inN (Eg. Aram. mnK, RES™; X Talm. ,- iniS (D ,20i ); cf. K S61 - 5 M S87d No""" 51 ), Dn 2 : " 'K tti»0, v 39 7"**. t [pS"VTtpnN] a.m. pi. satraps (BH D'J-; cf. M 42 *);— emph. &h Dn 3 s * 8 6"- 4 - 4 - 7 - 9 . jfrN v. ^k. t[]np , N D' 35 "] adj. terrible (£ jriEM?, fr. Knp'N=BH no*, q.v., -v/d's);— fs. abs. ^riD'S ,(K)'ei.«) Dn 7 ;'^ on form v p^zMGLiomiM No BSSW 51. Aran. 3 tWN (Baer TH*, exc. bef. rf., v. Baer Dn210 ) part, there is, are . . . (prop, a subst. foil, by a gen., v. BH &. : Eg. Aram. MVK RES 361 , S-C p * p -, Nab. WK, Palm. JVK, X Talm. 1VK (Dalm

  • «•% Syr. fjsj, Sam. AOTA-, Mand. TVK, n*y

(No M » aa - «•) : "v. further BH B*) ;— »$*$ Dn 2 10 , sf. rfWH 2 26 Kt (Qr 'qiTK K"* 2 "), 'ni^N 2", wn* Kt (i.e. prob. ^6*H: K '•'•), Qr Kjfr* 3 ' 9 , fiawx v 14 ' 5 ;— tfiere & (are) .... abs. Dn 2 2S N>oe>3 r6« VVK ifore t* a God in heaven, v 30 not by wisdom '3 , n , N~ , ' ! ! thatt* in me, 3 12 5 11 ; sq. ptcp. or adj. 2 26 ^BJ T""*? art thou able . . . ? 3 1 *' 7 ; sq. "!, Ezr 5 17 ,<: ! 'JT* JO if {< ,« <Aa< . . . With neg.WK N^ (so S-C d,0+ ; X Syr. Mand. n£, U^i, Zenj. sf. n2»i> (Cooke 181 ); cf. sub BH &) Dn 2 10 . . . *! B>JK W* t6, 3 29 4 32 ; after the subj. 2"* 3-' fina 'K *b ^ni, Ezr 4 16 ; sq. ptcp. or adj. Dn 3 14ls ; with pleon. sf., 2" ii'TVTD «I 'ninie «b tnka-Dj*. t[7DK] vb. eat, devour (BH);— Pe. Pf. 3 mpl. £?N Dn 3 8 6 25 ; /m;>/. 3 ms. 5>MP 4 30 ; 3 fs. baNTI 7 s3 ;' /m». fs. b3K v 5 ; .Pi. fs. nJoK v'"; — 1. eat, of beast, Dn 4 30 (ace. rei). 2. devour, of beast in vision, 7* (ace. rei), abs. v 719 ; hence fig. of kingdom, devour, devastate, v 23 (ace. of earth). 3. in phr. iin'JnfJ ,{t 3* eat their pieces, i.e. slander them, cf. 6 :i (v. fli?). t/K adv. of prohibition, do not . . ., let not . . ., sq. impf. (=BH I. ?N ; Zenj. ta (Had 22 - 2329 ) Cooke 1 ™'-; cf. Pehlevi (N6 OOA1884 - ,0 "); not X Syr.); — Dn 2 24 *13inrr^N ; 4 >« 5 ">. t /N demonstr.pron. pi. these (v. H|N infr.), Eir5»Qr(Ktn^).


H^St 9< n.m. god, God (=BH &$ (p. 43), v. also Vl. rbtt p. 41); — 'K abs. Dn2 M + , cstr. v ls +; emph. KnbK v^ + j sf. »r6.K e 23 , $J- Ezr 9 » + , Pin- Dn6 6 +, Bfhq. Ezr 5 5 '7 16 , ftah- Dn 3 2a - 2SM , HbW. Ezr 7 17 , etc.; pi. abs. pn^K Dn 2 11 + , emph. Njn- J e io 11 , cstr. %• Dn 5 423 , sf. VI- 3 », etc. [c. pref. *$*& Dn 5 23 , tpl&»^ 3 14 , etc.; but not in sg. abs. or cstr., e.g. lyNJ Ezr 5 12 , etc.]; — 1. god, in gen. Dn 6 s -' 3 ; heathen deities Je io 11 Dn 2" 3 15 + 15 t. Dn (made of gold, etc. 5 423 ), + ?v6*P 3 3 25 (v. 13). 2. , 3 God (of Isr.), Dn2 2, Ezr 5 2 + ; phr. Is* f6k Ezr 5' 6 14 7 1S ; tt^aptV 'K ?*• TirOK 'ti Dn 2°; KjPp K Ezr 5 11 ( 4-Kr^SI), v 12 &* Da 2 1S19 + 6 t. (v.' D^ 2 a); 31 * bn2 45 ; pnbs 'N v 47 ; ¥ffa snbx 3» M, 5 ,M1 ; Njn 'K 6 2127 ; also Kn^.K n'3'5 3 Ezr 4* 5 2 + 16 t. Ezr; 'NnT3J|Ezr6 19 .' tn V^ demoastr. proa. pi. these (Nab. nb$ (Lzb 204 Cooke 241 ), Cappad. and Eg. Aram. n^(Lzb E " h - , - 323 RES M1A3 S-C p * 1,K13K13 ): prob. therefore not, as used to be supposed, a Hebra- ism, but a peculiarity of the dialects of Je io 11 and of Ezr (in which the usu. Aram, form J?t< does not occur) : v. further l?x); — tJtese, Je io 11 Ezr 5 15 Kt. tl/N iaterj. lo ! (der. uncertain: usu. regarded as by-form of V1X, q.v. ; cf. Eg. Aram, •tat, Cooke* ", RES 492B =S-C Mi );— ^«1 Dn 2 31 «T4! ri;in in j 4 ».w ^ a i ways ; n description of a vision. t P 7K ('kt Dn 2 44 6 7 ) demoastr.proa.pl. these (pi. of nj 1 !, q.v.: Palm. f?tt (Lzb 864 Epn - '• S43:,4i Cooke 26 ); X r^N ; Mand. ?bll (m* m ); Talm. (with emph. M prefixed, W co m ) pJlCT : v. further sub BH H^N, and add Eg. Aram. li>X Cooke 2 ");— these, only Dn : Dn 2 40 "b V5?"J» ^ f.^N, v 4 ' KniD^p 1.^-^3, 6 3 P.Wt Kj3an^ns'(so v 7 ), 7 17 KWli'l^. T^TvK demoastr.proa.pl. these (pi. of IfH, q.v.: Eg. Aram.^K (Cooke 207 RES 361B S-C r,pK « + ): with hd prefixed, OSyr. ^0., f. y^ko., N6 !67 • M « 82 Burkitt E, * ,, «• , "•" ep,, * ^^ " 1 " : ' i ■ 42 , Chr-Pal. ^o. (m.and f.) Schw Idl0 '- 24 ; cf.Ar. eJiiy, Eth. XAh-: Di 1 " 11 ' 57 : the demonst.affix 1 as in !R, dlS, etc.; W CG 110 );— these, KJ133 ^K <Aese »im, Dn 3iw****»Wgi.ii.i«;* E zr4 =' g*^ also Ezr 5" 6".