FIBERS Dn 5‘, v. 113. people of Erech (BH
- so also Mey l"""L‘°);—pl. emph. Ezr 4° (Qr
811,??‘3; cf. K”"°).
m n. earth (so I Syr. ;=BH q.v.) ;——emph. NBS Dn 23“” + [6 t. Dn, Ezr 5” Je 10"“; 813155 (D”"“‘“"") = + “T of direction, earthward, i.e. downward, nap Dn 2” Kt lower than thou, i.e. inferior to thee Qr (cf. I ll? Ru 4‘);—J e 10‘" v.
'l' n.f.denom. bottom (so I; of. also I “WIS lower) ;—cstr. hunts Dn 6”.
n.[f.] earth (= aepr Eg. Amm. S-C ""“H'm' (sts. also «vex, as ib.“), N inev. and Bab. Aram. Cooke m, also Maud. Non“, Zinj., Lzb’” Cooke “M's”; P=Y. 35 Zinj. Np1n=N¥1D, ~pfi=nym Cooke M's“; cf. K $1.2.“ Ann]. land refi'" CookelaiNazlG xlvll (18”). IN; I m Gunk mom. is LZBEph. 1.223 SAC “MW-4.173) ;_ emph. 81218 Je 10‘“.
l of king, Ezr 43"”2 6“ = 7"-'"-" (BH MEI???- ; Eg. Aram. wownmx RES "a, 8-0 BH; v. also Andr‘5” Scheft " 7°);—Ap¢mp0a, A(p)0’a0a0a, Apoaa'aoa ; @L Apraficpgqr.
1' [KEN Kw“c n.m.‘"” foundation (prob. loan-word fr. As. 143‘3‘12, id., s/W'WR (v. BH), so Zim WW; I f. «that, NH Chr-Pal. .502, hol,Schulth"'-"; Ar. Lfill: No '9“) ;—pl. emph. 83% Ezr 4" 5"; sf. WW 6‘.
fag-‘52 n.[f.] fire (BH ; Kmmthinks emph. fr. onomatop. s/W'WR; Dm Buhl v/RWR, cf. 3 Ra's, Raw, Syr- 1m );—Dn 7".
we v- [w]-
l' (KW‘) n.m. conjurer, enchanter (prob. Bab. loan-word; so BH ;—abs. ’3 Dn 2'”; pl.abs. I‘Ql?§ v’7 5”, emph. 8:9??rfi 4‘57-1‘.
ITNJWWN nan. meanin and Iv, dub. K 5"
. _ ., g Buhl ") ;—||NU:E_! Ezr5”; most wall (6&3 walls) ; M“ " cp. As. afar-1'22, wall, but 2 ; Hpt in Gu I" "3‘" thinks: [afirdnd] fr. Amal‘ru, sanctuary;
pointed by Mas. as if: 8:153 (4” 5“); other conj. Mal-quart“ Scheftm'.
wast-Jim v.11c‘. wacky: v. [nary]. 1'an, vb. come (BH poet. “13$; Palm.‘nx Haph.Lzb”",Chr-Pal. ll.) Schulth l"‘);~I’e. Pf. 3 ms. Ezr 53 Dn 7”; 8-,— Ezr 5“; 3 mpljnfi 4"; 1m». mpl. Dn 3’“; Inf. (K“‘°’)v’; Pt. nuts 7“;—comc, c. 11 pers. Ezr 4”(+5 loc.), 5’; c. 5 mi Dn 3’; abs. v” 7"”; sq. vb. fin. act. Ezr5". Eaph. bring: Pf. 3 ms. “71:3 (K"°'), Dn 5“(acc. pers. + [[3 loc.); 3 mp1. WEB, acc. rei 5’, so (5 acc.) v” (+1313 pers.), 6‘7 acc. pers.), v” (acc. pers.); Inf WED? (so Eg.Aram.RES”‘°) 3" acc. pers.), 52 (5 acc. rei). Eéphal (pass, K" °') be brng .- Pf. 3 fs. mi»: (1041- MM, W09”) subj. rei Dn 6'3; 3 mp]. “15".? subj. pers: 3“ (+1313: pers.).
m3 v. ms.
THEE? n.m.”“"’ (prob. f. "’“) furnace (prob. loan-word from As. ut12nu, amnu, id. also TelAm. , DHM W m Buhl ; s r. 1551):
hence Ar. as loan-word Fri”; Eth. NF}: Dim; conj. on etym. in K““'“'" Lag”“‘);— IR; 319.”. v. any“ n.m. place (so Eg. Aram., Nab., Pnlm.; I; Syr. 517 'place ,- Zinjnwx Lzbm"; Ar. 55! footstep; cf. Heb. “(7-3,, and sub ,— place : a. Dn 2:15 I‘m? margin-«E; Ezr 5l5 mpg-5y fizz-31:13 «935 mu, 63-5-7. Hence b. HER; (Dn 7‘ Baer 13-3!) afler (lit. in the track of .- so Zinan’RJ (Cooke m" ‘7”), Palm. I “13?, Syr. ms), nu: fine; after thia, Dn 76-7, sf. Dnz” €11,133! and after thee. 116:3 v. 1m.
3 prep. in, with, through, etc. (1311 af.‘:3, 3? Dn 4°+, 3 Ins-743 37+, f. I“? 2‘3‘“+, 3 p1, fin; 325+ ;—,of place, 2”3‘4"'“D$S;3.+; at Ezr 5‘”, of time Dn 2” 35 (at), 5" + ; 4" Ezr4“ a share in (BH I. 2). 2. into, Dn 23’ 31"? 33:, Ezr5"; '3 “jg pass over or upon Dn 3’7. 3. of the instrument, by, with Dn 230.34 34 412b.24.27+; 52.! (Am 65: BH 111 2)_ 4. of the price (ib. III. 3), with, Ezr 7'7"”. 5. Di‘? Di” Ezr 6’: day by day (ib. III. 3, end; so Syr. PS1“: ; of. mu m~ 8-0“, 11.5 Li...