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tJirOff** Kt 14 (Le. nroK, peculiar to BAram.; Qr R3«) pr. 2 ms. thou (BH nnx p. 6i b ; Cappad. and Eg. Aram. nJK (Lzb «ph... CT . S-C A,,+ , f. TIJK t'6. D9 - aM+ ), NerabTlK (Cooke 196190 ), Palm. TUN {&.*»); X° m, V TH (D* 161 ); Syr. t^J"); — thou, Dn 2 M - 3,J7 - 38 etc., Ezr 7*. tjWDN pr. 2 mpl. ye, you (BH nm p. 6ib), Dn 2 s . MD2DN n.pr.m. Asnappar, who trans- ported peoples to Samaria Ezr 4 10 ; Ao-evpcxpap, ®L "S.<xKpavaaaapi]t ; prob. = As.kg. Asurbanipal (b.c. 668-626), i.e. i>SJ(:n)DK, Gelzer*' 2 '" 5011 - 1S7J.78 C oT" d ' oc - Mey EJudBf - Zan** 1 "- 351 Berthol •"•"Ency.Bib. 342 . ttWIEDN adv. thoroughly, RV. with t :- : t (all) diligence (Zend aspire, aspereno, Pers. siparl, asperl, all complete, Castell [i66o],Thes Huug JBW1SS1M Lag 8M, -'- B Andr M,r "- G1M * Scheft «GWJ 1903, 415 (correcting ArlschM 1m AT. 73 f.) . T> C 8 '»{ tnaynD, 6 8 ' 213 7 17 - 21 - 26 (cf. OAra'm. pSDK, on a weight, complete, correct: Lzb 223 , Cooke 193 ). "iDff? (</of foil.; BH ppN] bind,-*0#bond, "IDK binding obligation). "HlDN n.[m.] band, bond (£ TdJ/WB, Syr. ixo( , »QXDf ); — abs. 'k Dn 4 1220 (of iron and bronze, for stump, in Neb.'s vision); pi. ubs. P"^DX Ezr 7 s6 bonds= imprisonment. T1DX n.m. interdict (as binding); — 'k abs. Dn'6 91316 ; cstr. v 13 ; emph. JODK v 9 - 1014 . ty« n.m. E " M wood (so X, for VV; Eg. Aram.pyS-C" 5 ; BH^VlI.nxy);— 1. abs.'N timber, for building Ezr 5 s 6 4 ; team v 11 . 2. emph. t<VK wood, material of idols Dn 5 423 . t^lN conj. also (BH W; Eg.Aram., Palm. tp (S-C p « > - Lzb 224 ); £ W, $ J also »).«; Syr.

  • ]");— also, always *|t0. Dn 6 23 Ezr 5 1014 6 s .

X t t^CHEM (K* 62 '" 1 ) xi.pr.pl. gent. Ezr 4 9 , © ' hfppaaaiot, A 'A<£(i(OT<uoi ; Ges L " M,n - Rod Th-.Add. w Hoffm ZAIIa Mey E,M,J ' 38 Persians; Dl •*" E " " Scheft 75 Tarawa (in Media [v. Streck

    • "•*•••]; yetv. COT ""«•); Marquart^KJlBD^)

secretaries (k dittogr. of preceding); oft. identif. with following, so Andr* 53 *. ttN^3D">DN Ezr 5' 6"=(acc. to most)

‡†(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 49 , n.pr.pl. gent., so most hitherto, and still MeyEnst.J. 38 ff. (Persians), but many moderns think official title (HoffmZA ii. 54 Marquart64 JenTh LZ. 1895, 509 Ency. Bib.190 f.; plausible explanations are: AndrM 53* = As. šuparšaḳ (v. Muss-ArnoltAs. Dict. 1098 šāqū 3, general, Id AJ Sem. Lang. xx (1904), 186 ff.). Scheft76 =OIran. apara-saraka, lesser ruler; IdMGWJ 47 (1903) 315 f. expl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) as OPers. *(Symbol missingGreek characters), lesser governor).

t QhSN or DiriDN (so edd. : > Gi Baer [v. p. 102 f.] from MSS, DhBN) Ezr4 13 O^bo Hj pT3nri ; f uncertain mng.: ThesHaug JBW ' 1853 ' 156 ' in the end (from Pelilevi afdom, Pers. Mi end); Scheft " 9 treasuries (from Zend pathmd, pi. of pathma, treasury, V path, to Jill up), will endamage the treasuries of kings. [JOSM] v. yav. SWIM v. jm . T[]13"1S] n.m. purple, red-purple (BH «., fO?"]K);— emph. Miri« Dn 5 71629 . mK (•/of foil.; BH I. rm, nns). lion ; — abs. 'k Dn 7 4 (. trrnw n.m. Dn6 ' 2M> (aim.); pi. emph. KnjnK (D 153 ) 6 s - 1 tl Iff* interj. lo (of uncertain der.: only BAram. (1 Nab., v. CIS" 196 ); =6*j, p. 1080, and NH *Tn see / here ! Ab 3 4 al., are perh. allied), XV$ Dn 7 2 riM . . . niq tn, v 5 - 6 - 713 , always in description of a vision (cf. vN). t[rn'H ?as S Syr.] n.[m.1] way (fig.) (BH);— pl.sf. ^nm« (cf. K* H - 8 - Anm - 3 ) Dns 25 <Ay ways (the progress and outcome of thine affairs); Wl- 4 34 his ways (i.e. the course of God's dealings, || *ijfta$j). rrn« v. ms. ttjtnH n.pr.m. in Bab. (BH id., cf. Dl " x );— Dn: .

1- "]")** (-/of foil.; BH[^.K,tI-iK]). 

tn5"]« (Baer D " 4a4 K* 643 - 2 ) n.f. a length- ening, prolonging (X); — of time Dn 4 24 7 1! . Il.^lff? (/of foil.; ace. to most, weakened fr."pp (cf. BH) Be-Ry Ezr *■ u ; but ?pK loan-word fr. Pers.(OIranian) aryaka, worthy of an Aryan, Scheft 79 ). iTJVjiS! adj.vb. fitting, proper ('K Baer k »i..5* m »«,a.».!. van d. H. Gi Str T"!«, cf. D WB39 ; Zid.; orig.P«.;>a««.K !671 "' ) );-Ezr4 14 .