tKJ/3 vb. ask, seek, only Dn (BH njn (rare));— Pe. Pf. 3 ms/3 2"""; 3 mpl. 1V3 v 13 ; 1 p l. tO'J?3 v"; Impf. 3 ins. *|$ 6"»; 1 8. -xyax 7 ' 6 ; /»/ ttjnoSt 2 ,s ; Pt. «j?a 6'- 14 , pl. TV? v 5 ; — 1. as&, request, c. ft? pers. 2 lfl (obj. cl. c "!), v 49 7' 6 ( + ace. rei) ; ask of God 2" ( + id.), of God or man 6" ( + acc. cogn.), v"; c. E^iH'? of God 2 18 (ace. rei); =pray, N D"JR fjinnni '3 6 12 , nrflva '3 v ». 2. see&, ace. pers. a* ace. rei 6 s . Pa. Impf. 3 mpl. PV3? (K » 47 - 3 ' ; M* d ,,>c - conj. ?iV3') 4 :o resort (for favours) to, ? pers. tiya (K* 6 '- 4 ) n.f. petition (X Syr);— abs. '3 Dn 6 s ; sf. nrnya v » (bo tu acc . cogn . c# N y 3 ). t 1 ?^ (K* 643 ') n.m. owner, lord (Syr. "<*>&», used similarly; cf. BH ^3, ^bffj also X W' 3 ); — cstr. Dy?"'3 Ezr 4 8!M7 i.e. commander (Andr Mi6 * as translation of Persian framatdr, commander). t[Wj?2] n.f. plain (X; BH nypa, /spa; cf. Syr. IfcLiiia, V-*&a);— cstr. KW nyj?33 Dn 3 '. t["1p!3] vb. Pa. inquire, seek (only Ezr) (X Syr.; v. BH);— Pf. 3 mpl. rig? 4 19 6 1 ; Impf. 3 ms."^ 4 14 ; /n/ iTljjOi) 7"; — 1. inquire, c. ?V (rei) concerning 7 14 ; c. subj. indef, =pass., 4" search was made, so 6 1 , 4'*. Hithpa. Impf. 3 ms. TjaiV g w , impers., Ze< search be made. fi.121 n.m. son (X*&; Syr. *», Mand. N13 No" 4148 , O Aram. Nab. Palm.13 (and (3) Lzb 542 '-; Sab.-|3acc.toMordtm VOJ,,Mr ;=|a,} becoming 1, Philippi 2MG x "" <1878) - 36ff - Brock <*'•«'•«« al.; •/diff. fr. f3 acc. to JHMich Thes K *» al. ; BH 13 Aramaism for J?) ; — cstr. '3 Dn3 2i + ; sf. iTJI 5 M ; pl. cstr. "?3 Ezr6 9 +; sf. 'nfe 6"' 7° Jin"?.? Dn 6 2b ;— 1. son(s) Ezr 5 '" 5 6 14 Dn s 22 6" Ez^^ 53 ; ^Hf! '?.? 6 16 = Israelites, Nn^J '33 = captives v 16 Dn 2 2d '5" 6 14 ; BOtpa 7 13 i. e '. one of human kind, NK>J^ '33 men 2*5"; fT^T 1 * 3" a divine (or angelic) iczrcgr (v. Dr, and cf. BHGn6 2 Jbi 6 ); "M NfiaV a son of 62 years = 62 years old (BH |? 9). 2. of bullocks, pin "J3 Ezr 6 9 . . 13 v. VI3. tpP3] vb. kneel, bless (so BH);— Pe. Pt. 1. act. "rri3->3-^y 7113 Dn 6" kneeling on his knees (in prayer). 2. pass. T"! 3 Dn ^blessed (be) the God, etc. Pa. bless, praise : Pf. 3 ms. T!? 2", 1 s. n?-)3 (K* 393 ) 4 31 , both c. b of God ; Pt. pass. T13D 2 10 the name of God (be) blessed. t [ijna] n. [f.] knee ;— pl. sf. Vli:)"i3 Dn 6". t [n3:n!Sl] n.f. id.(by transp.; cf. X N313-) , X 3 KTia«-]V; Chr-Pal. J^oai/ Schwally"""- 89 (who > expl. from •v / 331, cf. Schulth L "- ,94 ) ; Ar. £3J id.); — pl. sf. nn33-|t< Dn 5" his knees. tD 1 3 adv. with advers. force, only, nevertheless (der. uncertain : No M202 = ND + "13, lit. except what: X 013 oft. for ^, D^IK ; Syr. y>l=> Ex q 16 2 i :i , and in NT for jtX^ ; Chr- Pal. «i», »*•=>); — Dn 2 m 4 12 hew down the tree, etc., 'P3E> . . . D13 only leave the stump, etc., v S0 5 ,7 Ezr5 ,: '. '• TO (-/of foil.; BH "TO, 13 t Jb 39 4 ). fn. [~l3] n.[m.] open field; — emph. VF%, in '3 rtWj ( = BH H^ri n;ri), Dn 2 3S 4 fc . 1 "M*»j t-lfea n.m. flesh (£ 1D3, Syr. ^ ; BH "'V 3 ; -/"IBO);— abs. '3 Dn 7 5 /«sA (as devoured by beast); emph. K")tJ'3 2 " Jtesh = mankind, '3*73 4 9 =all creatures. t[jl3] n.[m.] bath, liquid measure (X; perh. loan-word from BH n. H3 l -v/fifD); — pl. abs. f*ri3 Ezr f 2 - K . irav. subinx.
HKil (prob. -/of foil.; BH HN3 „« m^). tn^2 n.f. pride (X nva ; BH nN3 ; c f. K»~- l (but *"° 6 '");— abs.'J3 Dn 4 34 in pride. T[33] n.[m.] either back (i 33 6aci, <qp; BH 33, n/aaj), or < side (v/333, cf. Ar. J^jL side, Syr. Jji^side, -/^i^ ; — v. also D WB6i ) ; — pl. sf. Dn 7 6 Kt wings n'aj"");; on its sides (Bev Behrm Dr; Qr 333 perh. its back, so most). t[3h] n.m. pit, den of lions (X 3*3, Syr. .»a^pi'<; Icf. BH 33, */22i);— cstr. '3 Dn6'- :5 ; 313 v"; emph. Mfl yHMMi4uu»
J ( ^of foil.; be strong, so X ; BH ">33).