-Q3 n.m
man (BH);— abs. 'i Dn 2 M 5" ; pi. abs. H 33 (K' 64,3 ") 3 24:d , aso,=certain ones, v ».'i:jo. emp h. NJI33 Ezr 4 21 5 4 ,0 6 9 Dn 3 ,: + 9 1. Dn. t[rTVOa] n.f. might;— emph. KPHOJ ( K m».>;6">«> but m« t2 <) Dn a*"*. t [133] n.m. mighty one ;— pi. cstr. "'"I?? ^nDn^^BH^nnia?). ttsniia n.m.pl.emph. Dn f, dub.: t — : it'. most think || form of ["B]!!] treasurer (or, Mey E»ut. j.=3 > text err for ' tJ ) ; Qr Bev al. rd. Kjl^ ministers (3 s4 ); poss. (v. Lag Dr al.) dittogr. for following Kfiapi- t[*VT3] vb. hew down (I 1 ; Syr. (rare); BH cut) ;-Pe. Imv. mpl. KJ^K «S (K« 46 - Belsp - ") Dn 4»» t [ia] n.m. midst (Eg. Aram. Nab. Palm. U; X W; esp. cstr. 133,^, to; so Syr. cx^J cf. BH 13, p. 156);— cstr. Kia (so Nab. Cooke" - 91 ) Dn3 M + , f' edd., Gi 13 (Baer Nia, v. on 3 s ); sf. 3 ms. FBI fEzr 5', 3 fs. FIJI f4 ,b 6";— midst, alw. c. preps.: a. N133 ( = Heb. IJ^TB), Dn 3 2i K-jy 6033, 4 7 7>» Ezr 4 1 *; 5 7 FB33 3<rD H3-I31, 6=. b.' Ki^ Dn 3 «-»'»»»-». c. KiRO Dn 3 s6 . ma v. rm. T '* t ["GT3] n.m. treasurer (Pers. loan-word (Scheft* 1 ); SSyr. BH ; K* 64 - 3 ; in Bab. ganza- baru Peiser ZAWlv "" TO - 347 ); — pi. emph.' N> T !?!? Ezr f— Vid. K^?. [™1T2] vb. cut, (divide,) determine (so £ Syr., in both mngs.; BH usu. divide, +Jb Est decree); — Pe. Pt. act. as subst., pi. abs. P"]]3 determiners (of fate ; astrologers or soothsayers) Dn 2 27 5"; emph. Np.ta 4 4 5 7 (cf. Dr.; Ar. .!«*. BS JP> "' <>«*>• *"). Hithpe. P/. 3 fs. rqrann
- a stone «w« cw< out, so OJTM (K Ma "**)v W
(c. IP of source). + [H^ta] n.f.decree(lN-na,Syr.Ji:jO;— cstr. rein Dn 4"" 1 . t Y*X] c. 3, J"J3 prep, on account of (so Oalil. Aram., D' 473 ), read perh. in f": v. njnj. t["Va] n.[m.] chalk, plaster (so X; BH once, p. 162); — emph. SO"! Dn 5 s .
t[K73, J173] vb. reveal (BH r6a un- cover, reveal); — Pe. reveal secrets, human agent : Inf. K.^pb Dn 2 47 ; of God, Pt. act. *)>) v 2 -- 2829 - 47 . pe'il Pf ^3 v 19 , ^3 v 30 , revealed (W CG
Nii LCB. 1896. 7»3)._ of gecret) ' <, I, perg Haph.
<a£e m<o errt'e (BH Hiph.), Pf. 3 ms. "pan, c. ace. pers. Ezr 4' 5 12 (7 loc). t[^aK» 6M ] n.f. exile;— emph. WJ»Vj "33 i.e. exiles, Ezr 6 1S Dn 2 2i 5 13 6 14 (cf. BH r6i3).
(vV following; BH II. "p^a ; Palm.
N&J Lzb 2b0 SAC 36 Cooke 334 , = aT>jXi, XSirr,). tb^an.rm.l rolling ;— abs. '3 OK Ezr 5 s 6* stones of rolling, too heavy for carrying. t^a 1 ??] n.m. wheel (SBH; Syr-V^); —pi. sf. 'nta|>5 Dn 7 9 of throne-chariot of God. tn^aO n.f. (book-)roll (I BH);— Ezr 6 s . t["1Q3] vb. complete (oft. 5 Syr.; rare BH); — Pe. Pt.pass. Tpa Ezr 7 12 as adj. perfect (read perh. '3 n)f, Torrey Berthol ; cf. 5 7 ). t [m] n.m. Ezr6 ' ' treasure (X ; v. BH [D^33], sub 133); — pi. emph. NJU? treasures Ezr 6', n'3 NS^P n '3 5 17 , cstr. Vqfa M33 Jr$ 7 20 . t[r|a] n.f. D ° 74 wing of bird (X % x ?3, NB33 (?D WB79 ), Syr. 1*4,; akin to BH *|3N :> As! aga2>pu1 ace. to Nb M77 (cf. Mand. KDTKJ, $ Wfll), Id GOA - 1S84 '"" 9 , ./epS, Ar. ^JSi, uJjl ^2/, row (but this loan-word Fr'a 227 ));— pi. abs. wings, m Dn 7 46 ; sf. FTB3 v 4 Kt (Qr sg. FIS3). t[D-ia] n.[m.] bone (BH BTJJ; Chr-Pal. p^ Schulth «- 46 ) ; -pi. sf. fin'ona Dn 6 2 t[Dtfa] n.m.^ 430 body(vVeitwin BH; % 3 ttamt, ttafi (D WB83 ), Syr. U*.o^, body, self )l— body oi man, sf. FICf 3 Dn 4 30 5 : ', so pi. sf. firvwa (K il6 *) 3 2728 , both Kt, Qr sg. |ttlt T J § /J^iM,36)
t^'l demonstr. pr. f. this (=BH ft; Zinj. Tema, Cappad. Eg. Aram. St, Nab. NT, Palm, m (Lzb 264 "**- 1 - 323 Cooke 26 ), SSI: y. further sub BH HJ. The corresp. masc. is rty;—thie, Dn4 27 Kftl ^3 S-n to K^n, 5 6 JB'pa NT? NT one striking against another, similarly 7 3 (cf. m 1 b), v 8 (n"W)».