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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1117

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t ,^n n.m. power, strength, army (v. BH II. hn, S»n);— 1. power: abs. 5>Vtt JTntO Ezr 4° by force and power; TO top i.e. call loudly I>n 3 4 , ^03 4 " 5 7 ; 'rr*i33 3=" mighty men of power. 2. force, army, sf. BTn 3 20 ; cstr. n;»b> ^n 4 ^ (=bh D?PE>n ja*). [□ s 2n] n.m. wise man (v. BH D3n); — pi. abs. FP^ID Dn 2 21 ; elsewhere of the class possessed of occult learning in Bab. v 27 , emph. N , D _ v » g ». cstr- ^ 2 ij.M + 7 t Dn tllEOn n.f. wisdom; — 'n abs. Dn2 30 + , emph. Nnoan Dn 2=° + , cstr. HEOn 5 » Ezr 7»;— wisdom, attrib. of God Dn2 w ; of gods 5"; of man 2 30 ; of God imparted to man Ezr 7 25 (practical wisdom), Dn 2 21 ; = occult knowledge (v. foregoing) imparted to men v 23 5 1 '". ^6 n-ni. 1 * 14 ' 2 dream (X Syr.; v. BH tffc?J, Vll. D^n);— abs. 'n Dn 4 2 7 1 ; emph. taobn 2 4 + . 8 f.-.»bn 4 «, ^d. 2 2s ; p i. fqljffl 5 « ; _ dream, as vehicle of revelation Dn2 4 +iot., 4 3 4-6t., 5 12 ; to prophet 7*. t[*]7n] vb. pass (over) (v. BH);— Pe. c. ?5? pers. pass over one (of time) : Impf. 3 mpl. pBbrr Dn 4»«mm». Tp^n n. [m.] portion, possession, lot (v. BH); — abs. 'n possession in land Ezr 4 16 ; sf. ^PpO Dn 4 l2M , i.e. his appointed lot. T[np7n?p] n.f. class, division, of priests and Levites (BH npbnp);_pl. s f. pnnp^ip Ezr6 18 . ' «nn v. cur. T VI tl^n n.m. wine (X Syr.; BH inn ( poe t. and late), Vl. ion);— abs. 'n Ezr 6 9 7 22 ; emph. toon Dn 5' 2 - 4!3 . t [rropn] n.f. wheat (v. BH nan, y tMn ; m icB.im.-ie cp Eg chnt . OAram. has nan, pi. 'On, Palm. Nan Lzb 279 SAC 5 ');— pi. ! s tMn Ezr 6» 7 21 . t[TO2n] n.f. dedication {X; BH itt, v l^n); — cstr. nspn, of image Dn 3 2 - 3 ; temple Ezr 6 1617 . t[Jjn] vb. shew favour (v. BH);— Pa. Inf. c. ace. pers. jnp (K' 48 - 3 *) Dn 4 2 ' (cf. BH Po". Pr 1 4 21 ). Hithpa. implore favour (of God ; so BH Hithp.), Pt. f3Pinp Dn 6' 2 . trr;3n n.pr.m. (=BH id. 6);— Dn 2 17 . VWh t[|Dn] vb. Haph. take possession of (Syr. be strong, overcome; X be strong, take possession of; Eg. Aram. Haph. pnn hold pro- perty S-C D2+ , cf.BH Jon);— Pf. 3 mpl.Upnn (IO 38 - 3 Km?" 1 "*) Dn7 K ; Impf. 3 mpl. tUpiV (K »»•"') v 18 (perhaps point !«?-). T [|Dn] n.m. (royal) power ; — emph. XJtpn Dn2 37 ; sf.^pn^. tr|Dn n.[m.] clay, potsherd (X id.; Chr- Pal. ).°>nw clay vessel, ~l~>^ pi. potsherds Schulth 68 , Syr. £JL potsherd; X N^sri, NH 3Xrt cZay vessel; As. hasbu, id.; )oJyl jar (PS 1238 ), whence Ar. i-KL pottery Fra, 169 , but Sab. f)Dn jar, ace. to Hom 2MGl ""' ,892) - 632 ; cf. Eth. Hth-tt: jar (transp.; Di 12M ); v.BH [D3pn]) ; _' n abs. Dn 2 4 ' pria *] Tl), f|Dn v 3342 ; cstr. KJ'B 'n V 4M3 ; emph. NSDO v 34.3i.«.« - T^pn adj. lacking, wanting, deficient (cf. BHipri);— 'riDnr: 27 . t[*ti{n] vb. Haph. shew insolence, harshness (XH P|i'n Hiph. act insolently, so X Aph. ; Syr. a _~ be audacious) ; — Pt. f. nDYnp(K' 33 ' 2e) )Dn3 22 or«r6eart%(of command), nDXlinp 2 15 harsh (id.). t [H"] FT] vb. be waste (v. BH II. Tffl);— Hoph. Pf. n 3"]Pin Ezr 4 15 city was laid waste. ttcb")n n.m. magician (BH id., ■/!. Bin);— abs. Dn 2 10 ; pi. abs. PPpnrt 2 27 5"; njb- 4 4 - 6 . tpPOl vb - sin s e (£ Svr -; NH TO);— Hithpa. 7 ; /. 3 ms. ^nnn Dn 3 27 (of hair). t[y-?n] n.[m.] loin (v. BH )fo /IL [K^]); — sf. BS"!0 Du 5 6 the joints of Ai's Zom (v. iPi?). t[^t^!l] vb. think, account (v. BH);— Pe. Pt.pass. pi. p:?'B>n nb Dn 4 32 like those not accounted of, of no account, Bev Dr. ffntCri] vb. need (As. hasdhu, crave; Syr. ..»■'■ m need of; not S); — Pe. Pt. pi. I^nB'n Dn3 16 , sg. Inf. (van d. H., wrongly, '(% tfnnipn] n.f. thing needed (Syr. JfcLJL.; No in K"' 173 );— pi. jnfn Ezr6 9 . T ['intt.TT] n.f. coll. things needed, require- ment (Syr. id.) ;— cstr. 1$K JV3 nin^Tl Ezr 7 20 .