חשך (v. BH חשֶׁךְ darkness, √חשך). † [חֲשׁוֹךְ] n. [m.] darkness;— emph. חֲשׁוֹכָא Dn 222.
† [חֲשַׁל] vb. shatter by a blow (As. ḫašâlu, shatter, perhaps thresh; NH חָשַׁל Pi. shatter : JAram. חֲשַׁל forge, hammer, Syr. ܚܫܰܠ forge, furbish; Buhl14 cp. 𝔗 חוּשְׁלָא barley-groats (as pounded, beaten), and perh. As. ḫušlu, barley; NöM135 cp. Ar. حَسَلَ, thrust, drive away (Frey), vb. נַחְשׁוֹל storm(y sea; cf. in Eng. beaten, buffetted by waves; As. loan-word BaZA 11.117), Syr. ܡܰܚܫܘܽܠ id.);— Pe. Pt. act. חָשֵׁל Dn 240 (acc. rei).
† [חֲתַם] vb. seal (v. BH);— Pe. Pf. 3 ms. sf.3 (of stone) חֲתְמַהּ Dn 6e|18 (ב instr.).
tlNt? vb. be good (J Syr., v. BH nto);— Pe. Pf 3 ms. 'D, c. 73? per.?. Dn 6 24 1< was good to him=he was glad (cf. E'S2 y u ).
2t3 adj . good ; — abs. 't3 Dn 2 32 pure gold ;
=pZeasi'n0 to (^y pere.)Ezr 5 17 (cf. 6 18 , BH 3iD 5). I" [ri2t2] n. m. guardsman (v. BH id. ; -/nao);— pi. emph. NJPI3D Dn 2 14 . t"WO n.m. mountain (X Syr. Nab., SAC 58 ; BH-fl2f, .v/V.-ilx) ;— abs/BDn a»; emph. K"«B v 45 . tnitp adv. fastingly, hungrily (Syr. Iq,J tU; PS 1455 ; on etym. cf. Schulth n ° mWurl - 32, - ; on adv. force of f. term. n_, v. No» ,K>A ' M201 W CG13i ; and cf. nan f 124 3 );— Dn 6 ,s . t[^Ip] n.[m.] clay (X id.; NH nj»D, Syr. ILJ. Ar - Zrsb (yet v. Fra 8 ));— emph. W'B S]pn Dn 2 4143 . t^U n.[m.] dew (v. BH I. V?d);— cstr. KJDB> i>B Dn 4 "-»-a-» 5M. t[7?I2] vb. Haph. have shade (I Syr.; v. BH III. [&?]);— Impf. 3 fs. b'xri Dn4» (beasts under tree). t[DJ/p] vb. Pa. feed (Pe. prop, taste, v. BH); — Impf. 3 mpl., ace. of grass + i> pers. : PByeP Dn 4 5SM , so (sf. pers.) njlDJJO* 5 21 .
DSHD n.m.
E "*> a taste, judgment, com- mand (BH Dye (late sense));— abs. 't3 Dn 3'°+, cstr. 'a 5 2 Ezr 6 14 , Dyt? (of God, mere scribal dis- tinction No L0B 18M - 305 Str * 8 c K Ar,m "" nen 40 ) Ezr 6 14 7 a ; emph. XD?B 4 2 ' + J— + 1 • Dn 5 2 in ^e taste of the wine (while they were enjoying it). +2. judgment, discretion, in reply, '01 NBy DVin Dn 2 14 (Pr 2 6 16 ); in act (pers.) bv '0 Ofy Dn 3 12 6' 4 shew proper deference to (-'y). t3. report (of official), c. T>n Ezr 5 5 , VP Dn 6 3 . 4. command, of God Ezr 6 14 7 s3 , of king 6 14 ; '13 D'E' gr('t)e command, issue decree Dn 3 10 + 3 1., Ezr 4" "' 21 + 1 1 1.; 'O fya commander Ezr 4 8 » 17 . t [iCp] n.m. nail, claw (X KIMO, Syr. }ISlI; v.BH n'SVVlV.IBV);— pi. sf. of man •TrtTBO Dn4 30 ; of beast, nnao (K^ 1 ") 7", Qr PTlfiB. t[*7")tt] vb. ohase away (v. BH);— Pe. Ft. act. pi. Hip, ? ace. pers. + JD pers. Dn 4 2229 . Peil />/. 3 ms.TT!p (W CG224 ), subj. pers. + P? + 1 N|y?EntO n. pr. gent, so most, Ezr 4' (Andreas'"' 64 '* a title; Hoffm ZA "- 55 cp.*Pers. taraparda, i. e. beyond the bridge ; < Scheft 86 cp. Olran. tarapdra, beyond the shore [ = lrans- riparii Id. MGWJ ". 316 ] transl. of trm -UJ?).
t [ /^J vb. Haph. bear along, carry (v. BH);— Pf. 3 ms. ^0, acc.rei + !> loc. Ezr 5" 6 s ; Inf. n^rni? 7 15 , ace. rei. + [ro£!il n.f. earth (so Syr.; % as BH nfT dry land, VVT);— emph. ¥%#$, Dn 2 10 . t["iy] n.[m.] (stone-)heap (Zid.; Syr. Ji^; cf. Eth. a>1L throw together, (OVC: mound) ;— cstr. *&!$ n Gn 3 l 47 ( = Heb."T^> t"P n.f. D ""hand (v. BH)j— cstr. Ezr 5 ,2 + ;"emph. rjj Dn 5 s24 ; sf. TJ 3 15 , ^ v' 7 , WT Ezr6 12 , D'rrv (K* M - 2 -°>) 5 8 , etc.; du. abs. JIT? Dn 2 34 - 43 ;— 1. 7W of man Dn ■*• Ezr 5 s 6 1 -', and (in vision) Dn 5 s5 - 24 ; fig. T]'1 , 3 in thy possession Ezr 7 14 " 5 ; fig. of God 4 s2 . 2. power, of man Dn 2 38 3 15 ' 7 7 s8 Ezr 5 12 , of God 1 Dns 23 ; of lion 6 s8 (al. paw).