■f-I. |H7 conj. therefore (BH b +R U i 1313 , Aram, of Tema b CIS"" 3 = Cooke ,9i ), Dn2 69 4 2J (Lambert R6j -' 904 "'denies I. R& taking BAram. always as = PI). f II. j M / conj. except, but (from tO and R ' not if* (cf. Heb. xb DX Gn 24 s8 ); so Nab. and Eg. Aram. |ni> Cooke 2 " 219 " 1 S-C ? * ,,06>7+ ; Idinni, however Socin Armb - D " L *■ * ,,rol " K, *> Anm - m ; 5:r^ , NGn32 29 43 s al.);— 1. afteraneg.(=BH D{ * '?, q.v.): a. except Dn 2 11 s*^ 6 - 8 . b. &u< (Germ, sondern) Dn 2 30 . 2. without a neg. : however, but Ezr 5 12 . "T^] n. gent. Levite (BH "ty;— pi. emph. W> Kt, U$ Qr (K »«'•«'"»•'•), Ezr6 1618 n? brvo
13 - 24 (all + priests).
T rv7 prep, to, at, beside (der. uncertain ; v. K 128 "-; perhaps akin to Hip, *)?, „^±.join; Zttfr, Syr. La^ to), c. IP, Ezr 4" the Jews which came up ^)?'P? from thee (de chez toi; cf.U^, ,£, n^p, e.g. Ex8 9 9 33 @$ = Heb. Dyo). tonS (IO 643 ') n.m. feast (X Syr. ftrearf, so BH, q.v. V II. Dni>);— abs. 6 13J? Dn 5 1 made a feast. t[n2nV] n.f. concubine (X «nrn|j; Fl L«,yNHWBii.6Mf. cp> Ar _ LliJ, indelicate epithet for woman; Batten Elr2 - 65 cp. Ar. *^J note, tune, song; still otherwise Wetzst D " , ' BI " ,K ° h - 454 );— pi. sf. iinan^Dns^n^v 2 ' 3 . t[N^^] n.[m.] night (v. BH "^);— emph. *$>'2 b'.ij Dn : g - ,«., t]©b n.m. D " 37 tongue (iSyr.; v. BH Jte$, -v/t^ij — tongue = language, fig. for people : abs. / 7j HEX By Dn 3 a ; pi. emph. K»J|ft] 'X '5? v"* 5 19 6 26 7 14 (cf. BH |£$ 2, Is 66 ls ).
NCI v. no. T tn«n n.f. hundred (v. BH);— abs. 'o after noun enum., Ezr6 17 <]*■*■*■* S o 'D Sg-$ 6' 7 , P'fJ/1 ' D Dn 6 1 , and du. !?nw? Ezr 6 17 . N^WO v. |M. "TOMB v. ion. t []NQ] n.m. K " 7 - 19 vessel, utensil (£ J(N)0, Syr. v |Lab,soChr-Pal.,SchuIth L "- ""; OAram.|ND, Ph. DJD ; poss. V rOM, v. BH II. mtt, cf. Lag BN 1!B Buhl); — pi., vessels of temple at Jerus.: emph. K|?Np Ezr 5 M,i 7 1 " Dn 5*; cstr. 'JW? v" Ezr 6 rtao v. ^J. t • : t["0 , 2] vb. Pa. overthrow (£, Syr. (Lexx.); v. BH (late, rare)); — Impf. 3 ms. •jbcrb -X>) Ezr 6 12 (of God). [TOTO] v. nan. rrrc> v . / sp. [7»tre] v. -m. "H"1J2 n.pr. gent, et terr. Medes, Media (BH id.);— I. gent. Dn s 28 6 91316 . 2. terr. Ezr 6% N^TO Kt, ANTO Qr (K« 61 ' 6) ) n. gent. Mede ; — Dn 6 1 . [nana] v. pi. [tto] t. in. tni3 (KO +Ezr6 s ) pron. interr. and indef. what ? (BH FID ; Nab. no ; Zinj. D ; X KO; Syr. U>; Ar.LT: cf. W CG124 ') ; — 1. wfiai f Dn 4 : ' 2 m25J no. 2. whatever, what (cf. BH 1 b end) Dn 2" KDItyra no 5?T knoweth w> hat i s in darkness, Ezr 6 9 : so ,r ! HO (cf. n 1 b : so Nab.; Palm, n NO, HO, Lzb 306 Cooke 320 ' >») Dn 2 28 ' 2929 - 15 Ezr 6 s |n35?n 1 ND^> with regard to to/*a< ye shall do, 7 18 ( = whatsoever). 3. with prefixes : a. nD3 how! Dn 3 33X '. b. nop why ? (cf. BH ra6) Ezr 4 21 be not slack herein: why should damage grow, etc., virtually=te#< damage grow (® w iron), f* Bjvp NIH^ nob *"l /oc w/iy should there be wrath ?, = lest [®m ttotc] there be wrath (cf. X XDp ,,: ! , Syr. 4> lest : and v. no 4 d 6, p. 554"). c. no-^5? wherefore 1 Dn 2 15 . tnin n.[m.] death (X Syr.; v. BH);— abs. Ezr 7 26 . ]1tD v. Jit. t[KnQ] vb. smite (v. BH Il.nnp);— Pe. Pf I is. nno, b rei, Dn 2 34 - 35 ( + b?). Pa. Impf. 3 ms. <^y? Xno^ 4 32 , i.e. hinder him (cf. Ec8 4 S; D Ar * mD '" ek,,>roi,,! " p - 5 ; Talm.: Levy NHWB "•). Hithpa. 7m;>/. 3 ms. Knpn^ Ezr 6 11 Ze< /«'m be smitten (nailed) ^npy. [n^nn] v. pbn.