Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1124

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ttf DD, HJ3E vb. reach, attain (Xid., Syr. J4*> ! , cf. Chr-Pal. Schulth «■* m ; Eth. aomrn: Ar. J$ (for j£) No z " Gl,(,M,1 ' 7M ; distinct from BH *»», etc., q.v.); — Pe. Pf. 3 ms.Npp Dn 4 2i , n__ 7 » K ; 3 fs.nBD 4 19 , DDD v 21 Qr (Kt, erron., JTBD K ,47B "«"- 1>a; ); 3 m I' ] - iBO 6 2S ; /wip/ 3 111s. NBO> 4' 17 ; — 1. a. reach, come to Dn 6" (b loc.) ; come unto, as far as 7 13 ("I? pers.) ; abs. arrive 7™ (of time ; @ f'8o5i; ; v. Nes"" 41 who cp. Ar. (J kc iv. give), b. reac/t, extend, *? loc. 4 s11 '". 2. c. 75? pers. come tt/xm, 6e/a/i 4 s1- *. t^NttHp (=BH id.,2,mh s Q);— Dn2 17 . T^tt (BHid.);— Dn2 49 3 12 + 1 1 1.3. t[N7E] vb. fill (v. BH);-Pe. Pf. 3 fs. nN^O Dn 2" (c. ace). Hithpe. Pf. 3 ms. KDn vpnn 3'* was filled with rage. ["sjn^o] v. ik!>. nta v. i£». tn 1 ?^ n.m. salt (v. BH);— 'D abs. Ezr6 9 7 02 (both for sacrifices), cstr. 4 14 . l[n?p] vb. denom. c. ace. cogn., eat salt ; — Pe. Pf 1 pi. Kjn;>p Ezr 4" we have eaten the salt of the palace (so most), i.e. have assumed obligations of loyalty, cf. M 69 * K» 7, ' 2 (and Syr. ^Lsoifbe intimate with PS 2134 ); Str (after Nes"" 30 ') thinks n. c. sf.: our salt is the salt of the palace. I. "7773 (-/of following, v. BH). "SJ^'p n-m. king(general Sem.; v.BH); — 'Dabs. Dn2 l0 +2 t.; cstr. 4 34 -f 6 1. ; usu. emph. N3^D Ezr 4 8 + 154 1., H_ Dn 2 11 ; pLf^P Ezr 4 15 +9 1., D , _4 ,s ( Hel,raism . Be - :R y :M:41 *); em P h - «'?!» Dn 2 44 + 2 t.;— king Dn 2 4i + 132 t. Dn, Ezr4 ,11 + 42t.Ezr(KJ35 r P^P of Neb. Dn 2 s7 , of Artax. Ezr7 ,2 [cf.Cooke 7, - 3 ,of Xerxes]; r?bp Dn 7"= kingdoms, cf. ttbp v 23 ). I" [113773] n.f. queen; — emph. Nrapp Dn5 ,01,,T . : " T , l37 7 5 n -f. royalty, reign, kingdom; — abs. 'o Dn 2"+ ; cstr. nttjjp Ezr 4" + ; emph. «"- Dn2 J7 + , nn_ 2 « ; g f.'»n. 4 » +y nn. f> +> 10- 4 n +; pi. cstr. niabp 7 s7 ; e mph. »rn- 2" °> — 1. royalty, kingship, kingly authority : Dn 4 *>™x>; 'd Vo v 26 , 'o rva v w , 10 ND-ra 5 W . . organized (world-) kingdom : 2 39 ' 1 .19.40.41.K.44

«.v^., l; K e>3« > D 4 MJUI 5 2i. of spec i f- kil]gs 

2 37 5 18 - 28 6'; of God 3 33 7 27 (both ofy 'D), 2 * tM

33 4 3. gitr y». f ]ff ess . yM.M. of gain T ts jrlMMUT, 

. mrim (territorial) 4 li - S3b 5 7 » 16 » 6 2 " 4 - 857 Ezr 7 1323 ; meton. 6 b = administration of realm. 4. reign, time of reigning Dn 5 26 6 2929 Ezr 4 24 6 15 . II. ^7712 (-/of foil.; As. maZd&M, counsel, advise ; X !$?, Syr. yi^o, Chr-Pal. y S™ Schulth 112 ; BH II. pjjc] tNe5 7 as loan-word). ■ [^T'P] W-Wi counsel, advice; — sf. S ?7Q Dn 4 24 let my counsel be acceptable to thee. t[77£2] vb. Pa. speak, say (so SSyr.; cf. BH 9?0 Pi. (rare));— Pf. 3 ms. Vx Dn 6 M he spoke with (Dy pers.) ; ace. of words, Jmpf. 3 ms. bfo) 7 M (c. *iv!> of God); so /><. act. bk» v 8 (van d.H.herei^pp), v 20 ; f. N^PP (K» ,5d, )v 11 '. t PI Vp n.f. word, thing ;— abs. '» Dn 2 9 + ,>p v'°+; emph. nn^p v 5 + , K_ v 8 + ; pl.abs. fa 7 123 , cstr.^P 5 10 ,' emph. K»£b f^ ; — 1. word, utterance Dn 4 a 6 n , pi. 5 10 7 ,,;s ; in bad sense, nrvneh nana '» 2 9 , «nanai n£p 7" (cf. !3"13"! alone v 82 "); w;orrf of God's judgment 4 30 ; =command 2 5S 3 22 - 28 6 13 . 2. i/iinjr, affair, matter: i""*" 5*" <j mM , pL v" 1 . t TO (so Gi, with most MSS., supported by Syr. ^i, Ar. ^ ; v. K » « ] ), ]0 (Baer : v.onDn 3 6 ), interr. pron. whoP (OAram. Nab. Palm. |D (Lzb 312 Cooke 188 ), Z p, Syr. ^i, Eth. <*>»■: Ar. ^1: W CQ123 : BH *P); — 1. who f Ezr 5 3 »; strengthened by Wn, Dn 3 15 *1 B^ NWlPi «,Ao i'« the God who . . . t (cf. Syr. m v> contr. from o« ^.i, and ^P in the Syriacizing X to Pr : also BH WH 'D, mn 4 b (8) ; so in the pi. Ezr 5 4 nnpB' p3K-fP w/(o« (lit. who : cf. *9 1 a, and Gn 32 28 Ex 3" %) are the names of ... 1 2. 'TIP whosoever (lit. Wto is <Aere that . . . ? v. BH •p g) Dn 3 611 *?& *b TIP, 4 14 Kiln) N3S> n jpbl to whomsoever he willeth, he giveth it, v 2229 5 21 (so Nab. H JO, Cooke 241 ' s25 - ; X 1 1P ; Syr. * ,»; cf. Eg. Aram. S-C p *o-k'.' 2 (run n'3X 1 JD^l). jQ prep, from, out of, by, by reason of, at, more than (BH and general Aram, id.); — rarely assimilated, as in Heb., v. Dn 6" *1?P, Ezr 5 11 6 14 ; sf. 'IP, ^?P, 3 m. n&, f. n|D fDn