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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1127

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t[D32] n.[m.], pi. r<?3? riohes, property ($ Syr. J" Eg. Aram. S-C E4+ ; BH(late));— '3 «^ Ezr7 M confiscation of property ; cstr. 'Mi 6 s .

103 a. [m.] leopard (v. BH) ;— abs. Dn 7 6 . 

t[llpJ] vb. pull away (J ; v. BH);— Hithpe. be pulled away : Impf. 3 ms. nDJJT Ezr 6" (IP). t"lD^ vb. pour out (v. BH I. tip:);— Pa. (more gen.): Inf. VQ n3E)j{> Dn 2 46 to offer in sacrifice to him, c. ace. fniV)) HITip. t ["SJCO] n. f m.] drink-offering (£ Syr. ; cf. BH) ;— pi. sf. ?in<?D3 Ezr 7 17 ( + Jinnrop, etc.). pD3 v. p^>D.

7p2 vb. fall (v. BH);— Pe. Pf. 3 ms.'j 

Dn2 46 ; SjM 4 2S ; 3 mpl. >$SJ 3 K1 +7 m Kt (Qr 3 fpl. nbhj, K' 23 - 2 ); 7mp/. 3 ms. b» (K 542 ) Dn «+; a mpl. l*f? 3 515 ; ^- pi- n»3 3 7 ;-i- /aW, 'ni^K-by Dn 2 46 ; fall tloum and do homage gUMMi.it. I, loc 3 ». of voice, KJOB'-fP 4 28 . 2. /aM by violence 7 20 (c. D^P). 3. 1$ H? Ezr 7 20 i'< shall full to tliee (thou shalt need) to give (cf. Chr-Pal. Schulth lMlS6 * ndZAW "" OM2, - ,6; '). pDJ vb. go, or come, out, forth (i jrf., NH PBJ, Syr. a4j, so Chr-Pal. Schulth Ut - 126 , OAram! Nab. Palm. PS3 Lzb 324 , cf. Ar. «UUG Aofe of field mouse; v. also Aram. NHipSJ, )• >'«<>■ ou^ay, Eg. Aram. nnpM Cooke 1 "*"' 212 , Ar. iiai household outlay (Aram, loan-word Schwally 2 " "" 1898 '-' 33 ));— Pe. Pf 3 ms.': Dn2 14 he went out, c. inf.; 3 fs. npS3 v 11 decree went forth (cf. Lu 2'); 3 mpl. ipsi 5 1 Kt (Qr 3 fpl. npS3, K t23,2 ) 'fingers came forth ; c. IP loc: 7tou. mpl. IpQ (K i42 ) 3 26 come forth ! Pt. pi. PgBJ v 26 (both of men); sg. P?J J* {—flow out). Haph. ftri'nijr forth, ace. rei + IP loc. : Pf. 3 ms. pB:n Ezr5 1414 6* Dn 5 2 ; 3 mpl. *p9?n v 3 (so Eg. Aram. S-C r « ,D,5 ' l - + ). t [npM] n.f.outlay;-emph.NripS?Ezr6 4 - 9 . t[n223] n.f. firmness (v. BH 3m);— emph. tOT3tt Dn 2 41 . t [n2£,3] vb. Hithpa. distinguish oneself (v. BH I.nVJ);— ft, n«nt? Dn 6 4 , ^* pers. [720] vb. Haph. rescue, deliver (v. BH Eg. Aram, bwi <a*« away, S-C 0, °• D,, ); — of God, abs.: Pt.act. btO 6 18 , Inf. nbsnb Dns*; of man, sf. pers. Wl^snb 6' 5 .


tfctjE adj. clean, pure (v. BH npj);— "i "ipy? Dn 7' Zi&e pure wool. tfttfW] vb. knock (v. BH(rare));— Pe. Pt.act. fpl. fB'pJDns 6 of knees AnocHng'S'lp K^. t Kti'J vb. lift, take, carry (cf. BH ; rare in Aram./ v. 'W, MD3 ChWB, NHWB);— Pe. Pf. 3 ms. 'J Dn 2 s5 carry away (of wind, c. ace. rei); Imv. ms. tti? Ezr 5" take (ace. vessels). Hithpa. make a rising, an insurrection : Pt. fs. nK^npEzr4' 9 , h? pers. ^mrJa v. [r#a] sub h. ns. t[rH3tt&] n.f. breath (v. BH, -/DEO);— sf. Tjnp^a Dn 5 23 , i.e. breath of life. T~vM n.m. griffon-vulture or eagle (v. BH);— abs. 'J Dn 7 4 ; pi. abs. Hf? 4 30 - t[|W0j3] n.m. E " 418 letter (prob. Pers. ; v. BH);— emph. WWf ? Ezr 4 19 - 23 5 5 . t^TTO] n.in.pl. ITethinin (prob. loan- word from BH D" 1 ?" 11 ??, -/l™); — servants of sanctuary, emph. W?™ Ezr 7"- 4 . t[|JU] vb. give (v.BH; Srare; OAram. |n3, Impf! jnr, so Nab.; Zinj. Palm. |rV; Eg. Aram. Impf. JTUK, |TO*, etc., S-C p,pA7+ , pi. sf. njUWIl ib. J9 , In{.]Txh S-C C6 - 9+ );— Se. Impf. 3ms. _ l^ (K» 42 ) Dn2 16 , sf.WPK 4 15 +- 2 ms.|ran Ezr 7 20 ; 3 mpl. l«nr 4"; 7r*/. |n?n|> 7-";— 1. jw«, subj. God, c. sf. rei + P pers., Dn 4 14 - 2289 . 2. of man, 0!»e, allow, ace. time, 2 16 . 3. grtVe, pay, ace. rei, Ezr 4 13 7 I0 ( + IP of source), abs. v 20 . t [Njrn?] n.f. gift ;— pi. abs. |3!TO Dn 2 64S ; sf.-inmVg'-. t [~)r0] vb. Haph. strip off (X^fall off; Syr. ifcO ; Ar. '£5 scatter; As. nasdru, diminish, shorten, NH "tfj /aZi off); — Imv. mpl. nnK (K» 426) ) Dn 4" (ace. of leaves).


N32D v. «HiT. t : — tt[ 7^D] vb. si vera 1. bear, carry a load (v.BH); — Po'. Pl.pass. D'biDD ^K (K* 38 No GllA ■ 1 * 84, 1( " 6 ) Ezr 6 3 its foundations (be) raised (Thes al.; W 00203 ' 225 ), very dub.; Hpt """ 00 -