conj. 'Dt? 'H^K his (God's) fire-offerings they bring (As. zabdlu), so (hesitantly) Berthol. t p2D] vb. think, intend (X Syr. ; v. BH 11.131? (late));— Pe. Imp/. 3 ms."l3D? Dn ^, sq. inf. tlJD vb. do homage (by prostration) (X Syr.;*BH (late));— Pe. Pf. 3 ms. 'D Dn a"; Imp/. 3 ms. W Dn 3 s + , 3 mpl. (rtfO; 3* etc.; Pt. act. pi. H?p 3' + ; — do homage Dw Dn 3 ) I, f f a l ge go d v ffl ; 'X^> om, v 6lus ; 'D bvn"f? 2" (perh. as representing God, cf. v b , yet v. Dr). t [pD] n.m. prefect (X (rare), Eg. Aram. S-C D13 ; v. BH (late), As. loan-word);— pi. abs. r«P Dn 2 49 ; emph. «I?5D 3 2 - 3 - 27 6 9 . tiap vb. shut (v.BH);— Pe. P/. 3 ms.'D Dn 6 2S *A«< the lions' mouth (ace). t ITSSE'lD n.f. bag-pipe, or < double pipe or Pan's pipe (v. GFM «l..«».im.) ( NH Levy SHWB111.JK. j^H Aram. jiaD'D is tube, esp. vein, artery Id lbM3 ; loan-word fr.(late) Gk.ovp^ttvla, Krauss "• 37r " 390 Bev" Dr Dn3 ' 6 Nes MM37 (hence also later Lat. symphonia, Ital. zampogna), Prince EB *-»<);— abs. 'D Dn 3 515 , = nfWD Kt, rn'aiD Qr v 10 (Syr. JLoa, t'<Z.; cf. Palm. }12D = oi/xQuvos, in agreement, Lzb 330 GACooke l •" cr ■ 3 ■'■^ , ). tl^HD] vb. be fulfilled (prop, ended) (X Syr. (oft.); v. BH);— Pe. Pf. 3 ft. r?6 *$? Dn 4 30 (cf. BH I. nb3 Qal 1 c). Haph. put an end to : Impf. 3 fs. ipn Dn 2" (ace. rei). TFpD n.[m.] end; — cstr.'D end of the earth Dn 4 9 "; emph. NSte 7 s8 end, conclusion of the matter ; '01^= for ever 6 27 7 s6 . PP:feftD, JTWD v. rn'aoiD. [p/D] vb. come up (Aram, loan-word in BH, q. v.) ;— Pe. Pf. 3 fs. np!>p Dn 7 20 , n_ (!) v" (K»* b >) ; 3 mpl. 'p!>D 2" Ezr 4 ,!! ; Pi. fpl. )$0 Dn 7 s ; — come up, P? pers. Ezr4 12 , W3!".fl? Dn 7 s ; abs. of horn in vision 7 s2 "; fig. of thoughts 2 M . Haph. lift, take up: Pf. 3 mpl. Ippri (as if from pM; K»" l, )Dn 3 M ; 7w/.np T D3ni> (K lc - Str' 3 ") 6 ,4 (?D loc), both c. "? ace. pers. ' Hoph.(W c022i ) be taken up: Pf. 3 ms. Ppn 6 U (|B loc). t[*T^P] vb. Pa. support, sustain (X Zinj.; v. BH);— Pi. act. pi. jin!> ?HJjPE> Ezr 5 ! .
tlDD n.m. Dn7J0 book (v. BH ->Sp);— cstr.
- W:n 'b Ezr 4 lbli , nB*> 'D 6 ,s ; pi. abs. Hfj
Dn •j'hooks (of records, v.Dr); emph. KJISp ri-3 Ezr 6 1 house of records. t[lDD] n.m. secretary, scribe (X Syr.; BH lab); — emph. N1?J? </te secretary, Persian official, Ezr 4 8 ' 9 - 17 - 23 ; cstr.iBD the scribe <j ltja , of Ezra as learned in God's law. t [?3fC] n.[m.] prob. mantle (v.esp. SAC j phii. om>. xn. f c f. Andr" 74 *, with conj. as to orig. Pers. form ; > trousers; NH ; J Aram, id., with both mngs., also shoes; Ar. Jl^-< mantle is loan-word Fra 47 ; Egypt. Ar. J*Ji} shoe is Gk. loan-word ace. toVollers 2 " 01 " 1897 '- 298 , cf. Krauss "• 412 );— pl.sf. Iin^31p Dn3 2127 . t [iPD] n.m. chief, overseer (X id. (=BH -rt?S5>); etym.dub.; prob.withBev Dn Dr D " Andr M75 *, loan-word fr. Pers. sar (and *sarakV), head, chief);— pi. abs. p3-)p Dn6 3 , emph. #?$ v 457 , cstr. 'Sip v 9 . fl. [1J1D] vb. Pa. hide (v. BH);— Pt. >ass. fpl. emph. KronpD Dn 2"</i« hidden things. fll. [*)J1D] vb. destroy (Syr. »£» ; v. BH infe);— Pe. P/ 3 ms. sf. B^ip Ezr 5 12 (ace. of temple).
"7 jj/ vb. make, do (5! Syr. OAram. Nab. Palm. Eg. Aram. (S-C p *"-; cf. *W> = BH 13y , q.v.. but in mng. || n'tyj));— Pe. P/ 3 ms. 'y Dn 3 1 + ,2ms.rn : 3J>(K* ,a ' 2 )4 32 ; 1 s. IVtay 3 15 6- 3 , 3 mpl. Vny Ezr 6 ,3 + ; /wp/.2mpl. jnayn (Baer K »38.i.i). pnagg Gi Str) Ezr 6 8 7 19 ; /»/ If?? (K » ,5> ■> 2) ) 4 m 7 "(13^0); Pt.act.llV 7 26 + , fs. If^Jj Dn7 21 ; mpl. ri?JJ Ezr4 15 ; — 1. wiaie, ace. rei Dn 3 115 and (of creation) Je 10"; make a feast Dn 5', war 7 21 (DV pers.), ded. of temple Ezr 6 16 . 2. do, ace. of deeil, Dn4 32 (of God), 6 13 Ezr 4 15 - 22 ; do, act, "033, thus, Ezr6 is , 3, according to, Dn 7 19 and (of God) 4 32 , abs. 6" ; ace. + 3 rei Ezr 7 1S do something with, +D?pers. 6 9 ; do, perform, ace. of God's law 7 26 , ace. of signs, etc. (subj. God) Dn 6 s and ( + tiV pers.) 3 32 . Hithpe. Impf. 3 ms.n3»n^ Ezr 6' 1 + ,1— 6' 2 f l ; 2 mpl. pi3ynn Dn 2 5 ; P<.135)npEzr7 M '~T3- 4 >»,f g . K"J3y. 5 9 ;_