conj., viz.: — 1. as a temporal conj., as Gn 2* DNiana in their being created = when they were created, 4 s Dni^na in their being (=when they were) in the field; and constantly. Some- times it has in appearance the force of after that, as Gn 33 18 Ex 3 12 13"; hut as a rule this is really due to the action denoted by the inf. being treated as extending over a period within which the action of the principal verb takes place : so esp. in the phrase «> K "}^ J1KX3 QnXBD, even of events at the close of the 40 years, Dt 4** 23 s Jos 5", the whole period being treated as that in which Egypt was left (comp. 2 K 2 1 , where the time included is future). Cases, however, occur in which this explanation will hardly apply, as Dt 2 7 412 . 2. as a causal conj. (cf. above III. 5), as Gn 19 16 * nppns V?V through J.'s having compassion upon him, Exi6 7 33 16 34 w Dt i 27 Unk ntufett through J.'s hating us, etc. (9 s8 similarly J?),' 1 K 18 18 (=in that ye have . . .) Ez 9* 43 s 44 7 2 Ch 28 s . 3. as a concessive conj., when — though : Is I 15 +■ 4 6 ' HS " ) ' l '?7 : ? though the earth do change. Note. — Ex io 12 '"I3"]K3 can only be rendered 'with the locusts,' the locusts being con- ceived as implicit in Moses' uplifted hand: but prob. n|1f6 should be read. Thrice in late Heb. 3 is used peculiarly : 1 Ch 7 s3 for with misfortune was it in his house ( n Vl? chosen for the purpose of explaining ny"! 3 ); g™ nSK^Ba DiTpy it devolved upon them with the work ; Ezr 3' for with terror (was it) upon them from the peoples of the countries (the sentence without a verb as oft. in Chr.: Dr lutr.KHf.) . cf 8 m Comp . Ew' 295 '- tfeS poet, for S (v. sub to: cf. Sab. M, DEM""***") Is 25 10 Qr (<Kt ♦$») 43 s 44> 619 + u 2 Jb 9 30 Kt ( > Qr 'M) 1 6 45 1 9 16 3 f. II. 3, perh. abbrev. in for "J3, rV3 q.v. HMO v. sub Ni3. ffHfcO] vb - onlv **■ make distinct, plain (so NH.Aram.; Lag BN68 prop. for Q a n^3,nj<3, cf. deriv. infr.; Thes & most comp. Ar. JLT dig a pit or well,hut this prob. denom. v. Lag 1 ") — Pi. Pf. 3 ms. "K?3 Dt i 5 , Imv. "K?3 Hb 2 2 ; Inf. abs. 1X3 Dt 27 s (cf. Bo im '*) — make distinct, plain, of letters on tablets Hb 2 2 "^ IK?? pin 3ha 13 Klip fH> fjrpb ninj>n, i.e. so that one may run past and (still) read; or, so that one may read swiftly; on stones Dt 27 s '75? J?anai ac'n "1N3 .... D'iaKn and thou shalt write upon the [whitewashed] stones all the words of this law, doing it plainly and well; fig. exj>lain, expound Dt 1 ' JTjinn "1N3 fl&O ?'{<in Moses began (and) expounded the law. tlNQ n.f. 0nKn well, pit, mostly Hex, Gn
1. Ex 1 1. Nu 5 1., 37 t. in all ; Ar.^lj , Aram.
SOX3, -V3, K-J'3, )U, Sab. 1N3 DHM z " au75 -« 0, ) As. beru, Lyon 8 *'"" 161 (connexion with above /not clear; Lag 1,0 " spring of water, as coming to UgJd, appearing ; possible, although meaning in use rather well, than spring; v. however, Gn 16 14 cf. v 7 26 19 Nu 21' 7 )— '3 abs. Gn 2i»+ ; cstr. 2i 19 + ; sf. X$$ Pr 5 U ; pl - abs - n ^ Gn 26 15 ; cstr. id. 26 18 ;'cf.ion niKSnita Gn 14 10 ; — 1. a well, often as made by digging C 1 ? ) Gn2i 2630 (E), 2 6 ■ 51919 - 21 - 22 - 32 (all J), also poet. Nu 2i 18 (+ ma) vid. also v 1617 (where the well addressed, in song, "itQ ^pg); also c. ma in prose Gn 26 25 ; also with no ref. to its origin Gn 16" (J; || H? v 7 ), 29 s Ex2 is (J) Nu 20" 2i m (E) 2 S 17'" 1 ; CTO(n) 1S3 Gn 2 i 19 (E) 24"(J; || P5? vv 131643 - 46 ); (cf. also 21 25 26 18 supr. & esp. v 19 D^n D?p 1X3); water taken from it by drawing (aSB-) Gn 24 1120 ; flocks watered from it (*$? n -jp) 29 2 - 38 - 10 (cf. esp. Ex 2 16 they drew, rbl, and filled the troughs) ; also mxa ^inp . . . . D^p mf Pr 5 15 (|| 113); the opening called ">K3n '3 Gn 29 ! cf / 3n >jb 2 Si7' 9 (rd. prob. '3 so Sam. $(333, cf. Dr); fig. of fresh delights of woman beloved Ct 4 15 D»n D?p 1K3 D»fl f!l/p |i33p"|p D , pfl31 . 2 . pit ( = ""3) ; pits of bittt- mln Gn 14 10 (cf. supr.); nriB> 1N3 f 55" pit of (the) grave; cf. 69 16 n*| 1K3 fy -iBKrr^ and let not (the) pit shut its mouth over me (|| npisp); fig. of strange woman niX 1X3 a narrow pit, out of which rescue is difficult Pr 23 s7 (|| nriW n i?~S). 3 - as a. c. H— loc. '1"1N3 a station of Isr. in desert Nu2i 16 , possibly = E^N 1X3 Is 1 5". b. same form Ju 9 21 , ace. to Euseb. Lag Onomm2ndedai0 8 miles north of Eleutheropolis; cf. Eob BBItt2 who comp. el- Blreh, near Beth-shemesh. D^N 1N2 v. 1N3 3. a. "hi*""! TD "INS (lit. well of the living One that seeth me) Gn 16 14 (where ex- plan., from story of Hagar) 24 s2 25 11 (all J); perh. name of ancient shrine or holy place, cf. sta zAwn.347 & dj Gn 16 14 ; W. of Kadesh, cf. Jer sub Barad, Lag °° om - !* M ^ ls> , v. Rowlands in WilUams^ 1 ' 01 "' 489 Trumbull K * d " h - B * rne * 64 .