tj?ntr "1X3 n.pr.loc. Beersheba (well of seven, explained Gn 21 30 " as place of swear- ing by seven lambs, or, well of oath, v. nyaE*; cf. same meaning otherwise derived 26 s3 )— V2f 1K3 Gn 26*+ 13 t,, WBON3 J og /<,'; J»# 1N3 Gn 2i"+i8t.; V# ITJPJ (n_ loc.) Gn 46 1 — south from Hebron, ace. to Onom. c. 20 miles Lag 0aom - 10S - 234 ' a " 1 •*■ >* «» • mo d. Bir-es- Seba, 1 2 h. fr. Hebron Bob BB '• ^ f - Survey" 1 - »♦ Gn ■I*"*" 22'»'» 26^ 28'° 46" Jos i 5 » 19 2 Ju
1 lS 3 »8» 2Sl 7 »2 4 ' lK I9 S 2Kl2 2 2 3 8
Am 5 6 1 Ch 4 28 2 Ch 1 9 4 24 1 Ne 1 i 27 - 30 ; in phrase ' 3 " n yi f'TO./rom Dan to BeersJieba (i.e. all the territory of Israel, v. f) Am 8 14 Ju 20 1 1 S 3- 2 S 3 10 17" 24 216 1 K 5 5 , & (only Ch) JOB" 1X3J? rr 1 ^ f rom Beersheba to Dan 1 Ch 2 1 2 2 Ch 30 5 . T N"}N3 n.pr.ni. a man of Asher 1 Ch 7 s7 . trn^S n.pr.m. a Reubenite 1 Ch 5 s . T ifnNl n.pr.loc. (but only 2 S 4 s ace. to Masorah, v. BD 8 " 2 - 25 elsewh. rnN3), city of the Gibeonites Jos 9 17 ; assigned to Benjamin 2S4 2 Josi8 25 ; cf. alfoEzr2 25 Ne7 29 ; mod. el- Blreh Bob BBI462 Bd r * 1214 Survey" 1 - 88 . t^n^Nl adj.gent. always c. art. 2 S 4"-», 23 s7 = , niari 1 Ch n 39 ; pi. Dvntcan 2 g 4 ». + "J i^if^ — '^?^ f^*® n.pr.loc. Dtio 6 (cf. Nu 33 31 ' 32 , where py «r0, a station of Isr. in desert, prob. in country of Hoiites, cf. Di. T , "1N1 n.pr.m. (my welt). 1. a Hittite, Esau's father-in-law Gn 26 s4 . 2. Hosea's father Ho i 1 . t[lN2] n.m. J,,2 - ls cistern, pit, well (for 1N3 cf. -fa)— sg. Kt 1N3 2 S 23 1S - 16 - 20 (Qr "13); appar. well v 1516 (rd. perh."W?3), fit v 20 ; pi. Je 2 13 me they have forsaken, the fountain of living water, Bna|*a JV1N3 n ! ,1K3 orb 3fr6, to hew out for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, etc. t"rt3 n.m. Gn37 - 20 pit, cistern, well (="^3, MI "13, Ar. g. 'yi hole or hollow for cooking, As. burtum Dl rr 182 , Mrw Lotz"" 169 )— 'a abs. Gn 3 7" 2 + ; 13 Ex 2 1 33 (2 S 23 20 Qr, V.1N3 supr.); cstr.lia Kio 14 + (2S2 3 ,5 - ,6 Qr, v.nxa supr.); rn:3(n_ loc.)Gn 37 M ; sf. l l"l l i3Is36 16 = n3 2Ki8 :!1 ; ^'3 Pr5 15 ; pi. nina Gn 3 7 20 - r 3t.; Tins Dt6":— 1. cistern, containing water, made by digging (3Vn) Dt6" 2CI126 10 Neg 25 ; also (without ret to origin) Pr 5" (|| "*») Lv 1 1 36 (II r T VP), iSi9 2l Is36 ,, = 2Ki8 31 . 2. later appar. «*« ( = TN3) 1 Ch n 17 ' 8 =Qr 2 S 23' 616 (yet now no
- H3
well at Bethlehem Bob BB '■ 47 °- 473 cf. also Survey" 1 - 28 Gue-rin;""*"- 1 *'), cf. Ec 12 6 & Je 6 7 Kt V|Stf ■WO ia as a we?; caste^. om< t'fe water (Qr T3) ; but "Vpn perh. ⅇ> cooZ, /res/t © 33 Hi Gf. 3 . pit Ex 2 1 33 (vb. nna), v 33 (ma), cf. v 34 ; cf. fig. V'7 ,6 of wickedness (II fine'; v b. lT l3, nan); iS 13 6 as hiding-place; 2 S 23 20 (Qr)=i Ch n 22 2 K io 14 1$ ;V3 113; of pit into wh. Joseph was cast Gn 37 20 - 22 - 24 (D)p is px pn ttsnj) yjuwi ^ JE ^ cf. further Je4i 7 - 9 ; fig. of Sarah 'as mother of Israel '3 T13J3D I s gi>; fig. f calamity + 40 3 l*P nia ; c f- *88 7 ni>nnn 's. 4. ^eon (pit with no water in it Je 38" Zc 9" cf. Gn 37 24 supr.) Gn 4 o ,3 4 i 14 (E) . Is 24 s2 Je 3 8 66 (0)1? r « / a) v 7.9.io.n. 1S . alsQ nto?J n , 3 ^. s<m Ex
29 Je37 16 ; fig. of exile Zcg n (13 D?0 }<K "1130);
cf. also La 3 53M . 5. (poet. & late; never c'. art.) pit of the grave Pr 2 8' 7 ; so 'a "33K stones of the pit Is i4 19 (of sepulchre, walled with stones) & of Sh"61 f 30 4 (|| W) ; '3 >ray_ hins of (tlie) pit, i.e. remotest pit Is 14 15 (11^1X5?) Ez 3 2 s3 esp. in phrase "113 *fp those going dmm to (the) pit ty 28' 143 7 Is 38 18 Ez 26 20 32 25 - 29 - 30 ; also, (II^IXK'), -f88 5 Pri 12 ; further Ez 26 20 3 2 ,a - 24 (all Ttm$ }ns) : 3J.4..6 (both || p K n'rinri; v 14 1| also nio, v 16 Snb>). "Trnen iia a .pr.ioc. 2 s 3 26 {cistern of ■&•- ra/i, Thes cist.declinationis, HYofthejyot, v.Td). T|©jr "Til ( so r d, f or ordinary 'y "lia, v. BD «"• »• "• © @) n .pr.loc. 1 S 30 30 (smoking pit), in S.W. of Judah; elsewhere JB'V q. v. T3 Qr Je 6 7 v. lia. ' V % n.pr.m. a descendant of Asher 1 Ch 7 36 (perh. =nN3). Tnnil^ n.pr.loc. near Hamath Ez 47" (contr. fr. nriiisa I), c f. foil. ;— hardly = Bery tus (Beirut) with wh. form of name might agree v. Steph. Byzant. al. in Movers"""" 1 - 110 "-; perh. Bereitdn near Baalbek, v. Furrer zpv "'"■ M - ' C '? n.pr.loc. belonging to Hadadezer ofZoba2S8 8 ; perh. = foregoing. t"»nhn adj.gent. 1 Chn 39 v. "Ph»fn SU pr. t luNH vb. have a bad smell, stink (Ar. JLij be evil, Aram. CW3, +.)£ be evil, As. blsu Lotz TP78 )— Qal Pf t?«31 consec. Ex 7 18 ; Impf ti$»H v 21 , OX" 16 20 ; 3 fs. K»N3P1 Is 50 2 ; CK3P11 Ex 8 10 ; — stink, of Nile, on account of dead fish Ex 7 1821 (E); of land of Egypt, owing to dead frogs 8 10 (J); of manna kept over 16 20 (P J or