Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/151

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fao , 3 2.7 4 3) a]g0 y 21.21 , Ch jlMI (® B „ of; Hoof). 2. name of the left hand of two pillars set up before temple (cf. also p3} sub p3) I K 7 21 = 2Ch3 17 ; (mng. obscure; MT appar. ref. to 1, cf. 2l 2 Ch 3 17 ; Thes supposes name of architect or donor; Ev perh. sons of Solomon, etc.; rd. possibly ty? in strength, © 2CI13 1 ' iVxus; Th thinks Tya ]>y a sentence, one word being engraved on each pillar, he (God) establislwth in strength; against him, however, Ke Be; Ot thinks an exclamation, in strength! expressing satisfaction of architect ; Klo prop, for 1M, * TfiS ( c f. B 1 K 7 21 BaXaf)). t[^3] vb. kick (so NH, Aram. D$D, £^=>)— Qal Impf. BJf^J Dt 32 15 ; 2 mpl. «^J«  1 Sa2 29 ; — &k£ (only fig. of refractory Israel) Dt 3 2' 6 (abs.); kick at (c. ?) 1S2 19 . "ra Jb 30 24 v. t- t /}J 3 vb. marry, rule over (cf. Ar. Jjo = own., possess, esp. a wife or concubine ; Eth. rtOrt: to be rich, As. M/m, rule COT Gl0M , Aram. ?SJ3 take 2>ossession of wife or concubine — Qal Pf. Mal2" + 6t.; Impf. 7$£ Is 62"; Pi. sf. ^bp l s54 »; pass. f. r^Jffl l8 54»+ 3 t.;_l. marry Gn 20 3 (E) Dt 21 13 22 s2 24 1 Is 54 15 g 2 J.5.5 JJ a J 2 U . g q_ 3 Jg ^14 2 j32 og 7^.^ (J iusoam l^ over. 2. rw/,e ouer 1 Ch 4 s2 (sq. ?) Is 26 13 . Niph. Impf. by^Jjl Pr 30 23 Is 62 4 6e married. f 1. ,JQ ]c6 ii.m. owner, lord (Ph. i>jn; Palm, id. Aitsoand Vog 62 cf. Bae Bel72ff -; As. 6^ ,C D1 Ar. JJu husband etc., v. esp. No

- 174 , Sab. 7JD CIS" 1 - 2 ) — Gn 20 3 + 92 t. ; 

sf. "ho Ho 2 18 ; i^ya Dt 24 4 + 5 1. ; pi. B^a Ju 2"+'i7 t.; cstr. fe Gn i 4 ]3 + 27 t.; sf. 1^3 Ex2 I 29 +i4t.; n^V? Jb 3 i 39 +2t.; [n^SErt ji7.2o. — j j_ owner (oft. pi. c. sf. in sg. mng.) : of ox Ex 2 1 28 - 29 ' 29 22 10111314 (E); "tun 'a of pit Ex 2i 3436 (E), ofhouseEx 22 7 (E)Ju 19 2223 , debt Dt 15 2 , the land Jb 31 39 , the ass Is i 3 , goods Ec 5 10 , riches Ec 5 12 ; 31Q '3 one to whom good is due Pr3 27 , gain Pr I 19 ; ?3E> '3 one having under- standing Pr 1 6 s2 ; "intSVi '2 receiver of the gift Pr 1 7 8 . 2. husband Gn 20 3 Ex 2 i 322 (E) Dt 22 s2 2 4 4 2 S ii 26 Jo i 8 Pr 12 4 3I 11 - 23 - 28 Est i 1720 ; YV 3 Ho 2 18 (my 2?aaZ, reference to the divine name used in the northern kingdom, here fcr the first time forbidden). 3. citizens, inhabi- tants: !?ij3 of Jericho Jos 24" (E), of the high places of Arnon Nu 2 1 28 (E), of Shechem Ju 9 s + 1 2 t., of the tower of Shechem Ju 9 46,47 , of the city Ju 9 51 , of Gibeah Ju 20 5 , of Keilah I ! 1 tin . Gloss. ZHG

S 23" 12 , of Jabesh 2 S 2 1 13 . 4. rulers, 

lords: Eft} ?g3 Is 16 8 . 5. n. of relation: a. 788: mo^nn '3 dreamer Gn 37 19 (E); '3 D , i3T whosoever hath cases, complaints Ex 24 14 (K); ijrtp '3 an hairy man 2 K 1"; ncn 'a wrathful Na I 2 Pr 29 s2 ; f|K '3 one given to anger Pr 2 2 24 ; nosnn 'a one having wisdom Ec 7 12 ; rvne>D 'a destroyer Pr 18 9 ; spa '3 winged thing, bird Pr i' 7 Ec io 20 ; c'b3 'a one given to appetite Pr 23 s ; niOTD 'a mischievous person Pr 24 s ; )lB9n '3 charmer Ec 10"; J)BH '3 one given to wickedness Ec8 a ; nVB'D '3 double- edged Is 4 1 15 ; tiSBii '3 adversary Is 50 8 ; '3 mpS captain of the ward Je 37 13 ; D^lpn '3 two-horned Dn 8 620 . b. b}» : WT? '3 con- federates Gni4 13 ; D'Xn '3 archers Gn 49 s3 (poet.) ; D^BHBn '3 horsemen 2 S I 6 ; iljn3B> '3 conspirators Ne 6 18 ; niSDS '3 members of assem- blies; or well-grouped sayings; or collectors (of wise sentences) Ec 1 2 11 . — On 2 S 6 2 v. 11. n?J|3. (78? in Hex not J or P; b]}2 Lv 21 4 © i^miva - Jjfca Nu 4 20 : Di 73K3). Esp. II. lord, specif, as divine name, tBaal. 1. without arti- cle: 7J)3 niD3 Nu 22 41 (poet, Balaam); 11513 b$'J Nu 25" (E) Dt 4 3 (vid. below). This divine name is not used elsewhere in Hex. It prob- ably originated from the sense of divine owner- ship, rather than sovereignty (IIS 8 """ 92 ). It seems to have been used in Northern Israel = jns in the South. It was the special name of the God of the Canaanites, Philistines, etc., = Babylonian 73, cf. Schr 8K Wi - S86 "■ In later times scribes substituted JIB'S, in (neaT = ?jj3"v, nwzunt = 'ftsthit, vid. nfe Gei 2 * 01862 - 728 '), & also in the text for ?l>3 Ho 9 10 Je 1 1 13 (hence f, fiaa Je 2 a f 1 1 1317 19 5 Ho 2 10 1 3 1 + ,Rom 1 1 4 , see Di"** 11 "" ""'»>• *""""• MBA i88i,jun.i6 Dr2g4 4^ 2. cart. ?n J u

13 6 

.31.32 , J£ j £31.32.32 j g j Q 18 22 54 2 JZ. 1 , j j 18.18 T ^16 I 2

Ch 23 

.17 IO

2 29 - 35 Ho 2 10 13 

,18.18 ,11 '" 21 Je2 8 7 9 n 13 - 17 Zp i 4 . 3. D^Jjan emphatic pi. (cf. Qini'Nn, D'jnNn) the great lord, the sovereign owner Ju 2" 3 7 S 33 io 610 1 S 7 4 1 2 10 1 K i8 18 2 Ch 17 3 24 7 28 2 33 3 34 4 Je 2 s3 9 13 Ho 2 1S19 1 1 2 (or local special Ba'als, vid. Dr SmpD0 ; pillars of Baal MV). 4. c. attrib.: nna ?JB Lord of covenant Ju 8 s3 9 4 (cf. nna bx 9 46 ; 'N«j zmg ' m - m ) ; 3131 '3 Lord of flies 2 K i***» Philistine god, © BaaX fivXav (Beelzebub, Jit 1 2 s4 ) cf. Bae Ee,2,s . ■fii. 7yH 1. city in the tribe of Simeon iCli4 33 =" 1 ??3 n?JJ3. 2. a. a Reubenite 1 Ch 5 s ; b. a Gibeonite 1 Ch 8 30 g M .