Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/152

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-U «W3 128 tl| 'jJO Jos ii 17 12 7 13 8 (D), where Baal was worshipped as Gad, god of fortune, a city in the n i'i? 3 of Lebanon, under Mt. Hermon ; either mod. B&ni&s, Gk. Paneas, NT Caesarea Philippi, where a grotto of Pan took the place of the ancient worship of Gad, Rob BBUL«o Tristr Tp,!m. orHds te yA Bd Pal297 Di; possibly =po-in b)12 cf. Thes Rob BB "'- 4 ° 9 .

  • pT2H T'rd (possessor of abun-

dance; or is '3 here diviii. l) Ct 8". tpn 710 (Baal is gracious,cL Ph. ^jnjn&(in As.) Baalhanunu) 1. king of Edom "CO Gn 3 6 a Chi 4 . a Gederite 1 Ch 27 s8 . t"Ti!jn 7SO (possessor of a court; or '3 divin.?) city on the border of Ephraim and Benjamin 2 S 1 3 s3 , prob. = "livn Ne ii 33 ; ?mod. Tell'Asdr (with y) Rob BBIL264 doubtfully; cf. Survey" 298 (after de Saulcy). tp'S-in byS. Ju 3 3 1 Ch 5 s3 , a city so named as seat of the worship of Baal. 'The crest of Hermon is strewn with ruins and the foundations of a circular temple of large hewn stones,' Tristr Tpg , cf.on sacredness,Euseb. Lag """" 217 : possibly =1J bjn q.v. tp>'P Vyf Nu 32 s8 iChs 8 Ez 25 s = Tyo *?V2 JV3 Jos i3 I7 (cf. MI 30 )= Ma'inTristr M0.bS16 JJ^ral 192 g urve yEP176_ t-liyE *?J'£ 3 - 6 Dt4 3 - 3 V106 28 B.og w ,Baal ofPeor(VB) i.e. worshipped at ">il>3 q.v.; or Baal-P. (whence Peor as; cf. Di Nu 25 s Baud studlL233 Bae 8 " 114 - 210 . tD^inS ;V3. (possessor of breaches; or Baal ofPerasimf) where David de- feated Philist. 2 S 5 2020 1 Ch 1 4 1111 ; site unknown. t^D2 bvi. Ex 1 4 29 Nu 3 3 7 , near Red Sea in Egypt, prob. Mt.'Atdka, Eb GB6M . tn©W^? a -P r - l0C - 2 K 4 42 - P lace in Ephraim near Gilgal ; = Bai6<,a P icra6 Lag 0nom299 ' itoded.2w c jg m f r> Diospolis. (! '3 divin.) tlftn vj?r (]>ossessor of palms; or .Baa?, of Tamar l) Ju 20 33 , near Gibeah. fi. [nS'2] n.f. 1. mistress, TV^n n^jia mistress of the house 1 K 1 7 17 . 2. n. rel. 31N '3 necromancer 1 S28 77 ; D^Sirs '3 sorceress, Na 3 4 . fn. nSy2 Jos is'-'""- 29 1 Ch 13 6 = i'ja nr>i? Jos 1 5 60 1 8 14 {city of Baal, from a high place of Baal there) = TTW bjB 2 S 6 2 (We Dr read?5)3; , added by dittogr.; so-called as seatof Baal-worship in Judah, in distinct, fr. like places elsewhere) = O^ Drip Jos 9 17 v. 1 5" I Ch 1 3" ; a city of Judah ; tKirjat el , J C^a6Rob BE "- I1 Tristr Tre . tn^ya Jos i^iK 9 18 2 Ch 8 6 , a city of Dan, possibly Bel'ain Survey"' 298 . t rrt7S*a pi. Jos 1 5 24 1 K4 16 , a city in the southof Judah, possibly the sameas ii.???. TISjI n^y^ (mistress of a welt)

ltamath Negeb Jos 19 8 , a city of Simeon

11. ?5?3 ; mod. Kurnub ace. to Tristr Tpe but dub. typby2 (Baal knows) son of David 1 Ch 1 4 7 , the original name changed to JThd 2S5 16 (cf.WeDr). Trvbyil (Yah is lord) one of David's heroes 1 Ch 1 2 s . T v3. a chief Babylonian deity (Bab. Belu = ?JO, lord; Bel regarded as older form than I'SB by Hpt Hbrll78; BA8117 ) = Merodach (cf. "pin), tutelary god of Babylon (to be dis- tinguished from older Belu, one of ancient Babylonian triad) Je 50 2 (|| TP®) 51 44 ; Is 46' ( |p'33) — both writers of Babylonian period; — on Bel v. COT Gn ii 4 Ju 2 11 ; Say BolE " >10S ' U0 Jen Kosmologie 2*. 1S1, 907, 391 t"l-5Jtt)«Va (Bel-sar-usur, Bel, protect the king COT Dn 5 1 ) Dn8'; represented as king of Babylon, successor, and appar. son of Nebuchadrezzar (5 1211 etc.); in cuneif. inscr. known only as prince, son of Nabonidus (last Shemitic king of Babylon), v. COT l.c.

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) (Gr Momatsschrift 1885 471 rds. D^ya ; =Di>y-13 son ofdelightl cf. sub 3) king of Ammonites Je 40' 4 (Codd. & Jos Ant -' x - 9 ' 2 rd. D^y3). t]y2 v. ;y» *;y3 n*3 sub rra. Tt^SyS (f^JV - ! 3 son of distress) — 1. name of two officers of Solomon, a. 1 K 4 12 ; b. v 16 . 2. father (ancestor) of an Israelite of Nehemiah's time Ne 3 4 cf. foil. t PI j"3 (? id!) — 1. a Benjamite, one of the murderers of Ishbosheth 2 S 4 25 - 6 ' 9 . 2. father of one of David's heroes 2 S 23 29 =i Ch 1 1 30 . 3. head of a family of returning exiles Ezr2 2 =Ne7 7 ; perh. also=t"5» Ne 3 4 . 4. a chief of the people Ne io 28 . -j- I. I^J/^l] vb. burn, consume (31 "IJ?3 burn;

»v-» seek out, collect, (/lean; this apparently