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in both, ma) ; hence Pt. act. grape-gathering, -gat/ierer Je6 9 49 9 Ob 5 ; fig. cut off (= take away) ^ 76 13 (obj. D»TM rm); most often Pt. pass, cut off, made inaccessible, De Is 2 15 = fortified, always f.; generally adj. c.T>y, D'ly; Nu^Dti^V J0S14 12 2S20 6 2Ki8 13 = Is 3 6' 2Ki9 25 = Is 3 7 26 2Chi7 2 i9 5 3 2 1 33 14 Ne 9 s5 Is 25 s 27 10 Ez 3 6 35 Ho 8 U Zp i 16 ; rarely c nmn Dt 28 s2 Is 2 15 Je 15 20 ; 'an -ijr Zc 1 1 2 (rd. Kt); once, subst. of secrets, mysteries (= unat- tainable things) Je33 3 ; — '3 Ez 21 25 © Sm Co naina, doubtless right. Miph. Impf. 1X3? be withheld Gn 1 1 6 (One), Jb 4 2 2 0BQ). Pi. /wp/. 3 fs. ">»?n Je 51 53 fortify; so irc/ "ixajj Is 22'°. ti. [*fiQ] n.[m.]precious ore (AW l05 Thes), > gold, ring -gold HofFm ZA1887 ' 48CHlob70 (AW Thes ore as that broken off; Hoffm comp. Ar. _piu ring, Heb. nnXSmcfoguj-e, Talm. trd finger- measure, etc. ; a -/n.ixa must then be assumed, =j^>)— n >l? Jb2 2 M (|p , BiX q.v.); Tl sa v 2S (Ih9?) possibly also *|D3 n.X3 ^68 31 for MT 'a^ina, c f. Che crltn - Ne JBL,ls91 ' 151 . < +n."W3 (fortress) — 1. n.pr.loc. city in Eeuben (MI nsa) Dt 4" Jos 20 8 i Ch 6 a . 2. n.pr.m. a descendant of Asher 1 Ch 7 37 . ti. •"TjSSl n.f. enclosure, i.e. (sheep-)fold, 'a fsx Mi *» fn. !T12B n.pr.loc. 1. city of Edom (for- tress; (v. Palm. n.pr.loc. K1X3 Vog 1 ' - 22 © /3o- <r{o)oppa; cf. Poo-op; Lag On<>m - Sacr)02 ' 2:(2 - 2l " Ie Zc 9 12 . tjTIJn n.f. dearth (cf. foil.), '3 n?B> J e 17 8 . TrPIfi n.f. dearth, destitution (i.e. dimi- nution, cf. J!.'©**p» PS 672 ; v. also vb. "0O X Pr 14 28 ;>eop/« reduced) — dearth (— mva) '3 niny f 9' io 1 ; pi. nn»3 J e 14 1 . t*V23 n.m. Lv285 vintage (cf. *«#) — "*$| Lv 26 6 +4 t. + Zc 11 2 Qr (but rd. "11X3 Kt); cstr. 1^3 Ju 8 2 ; sf. ?1T S3 3e^;— vintage, lit. Lv 26" Ju 8 2 Is 32 10 Je'48 32 ; in simile Is 24 13 Mi 7 1 ; Zc 1 1 2 rd. TIM (Kt) and cf. sub 1S3. flO? n.m. «•»•' fortification— 1S3D Nu 3 2 71 + 1 8 1. ; cstr. "N 3D Jos 1 9 s8 + 2 1. ; pi. DnX3D Nu 1 3 >' Dn 1 1 24 ; nnS3D Dn 1 1 15 ; ,_ !S3Q La 2 2 Dn n 39 ; sf. 1 ,- 3S3t? Ho io 14 + 2 t.; ipVat? N a 3 12 ; ^nV3Q v 14 Je48 18 ; V-1S30 ^ 89 41 La 2 s ; nnx3t? Is 34 13 ; Onnvai? 2 K 8 12 ;— fortification, esp. in phrase ('on) '6 (ny) Ty= fortified city Nu 32 1 " 6 Jos io 20 19 2935 1 S 6' 8 2 K 3" io 2 17 9 18" Je 4' 5 ,7 8 14 34 7 f 108" CD-vy=-ti3rDT]J^6o"), 2Ch 17 19 Dn 1 1 15 ('d in this connexion sing. exc. Je 5 17 & Dn 1 1 15 (nmao)); Je 1 18 fig. of prophet, so without "Vy Je 6 s7 ; fortress, stronghold, lit. with- out "vy etc. Nu 13" 2 K 8 12 Je 48 18 Is 17 s 25" (THDin 3JBT3 'D) 34" (llniDlK), La 2 26 (II td.) f8 9 41 Hoio 14 Am 5* Mis 10 Na3 1214 Hbi'» Dnu 24 - 39 ; sq.n.pr. 1ST '» 2 S 2 4 7 (cf. Jos I9 29 -is 'd -vy). p13p3, p^ip2 v. sub pp3. T"^j?2p3 n.pr.m. (form strange, mng. dub.) a Levite 1 Ch 9 15 . i"Pp2p3. v. sub pp3. J"7p^ (test, prove, cf. Aram. N£3). + r < liT'pjl n.pr.m. (proved of"') Levite, son of Hem an 1 Ch 2 5 4 ; son of Asaph (?) v 13 . tlp2 n.pr.m. (id!) — 1. a Danite chief Nu

s2 . 2. a descendant of Aaron 1 Ch 5 301 

6 31 Ezr 7 4 . t.I' p21 vb. cleave, break open or through (NH id., MI 15 mntWI ypiafrom break of dawn; Aram. yp3 ; cf. Eth. fl^O; profit, be useful, orig. findere, aperire, Di) — Qal Pf. yp3 yf, 78 13 , nvr?3 Is 34 15 , nypa Ne 9 n ^ 74 15 , nygai Ez 29'; Twtp/ VBgi Ju 1 5 19 Is 48 21 , iyp3»l 2 S 23 16 = 1 Ch n 18 , nWi??M 2Ch2i 17 ; Jmv. VW$p Ex 14 16 ; /«/■ flrtr.rf. MP 3 Am i 13 2 Ch 32 1 ; >«. oc«. 3?pi3 IS63 12 Ec io 9 , 5?p3 1^- 141 7 ; — 1. cleave, cleave open, sq. ace, Ju 15 19 God cleft open the hallow (tyPDBn), and water came out, cf. Is 48 21 (obj. TS), also ^ 74 15 bring forth by cleaving, obj. )jyO ?-^J, all three of divine operation; cleave or rip open pregnant women Am i 13 ; of a broken staff, tearing the shoulder Ez 29 7 (but rd. *)? hand for 'IDS, © S3 Sm(?) Co); cleave wood Ec io 9 (|| D»M« y/DD); of ploughing (furrowing) the earth ^ 141 7 (|| D.? 3 ; in sim.); esp. of dividing the sea, Ex 14 16 (P) Ne 9" ^ 78 13 , cf. Is 63 12 , obj. D^P ; — in all these subj. '< exc. Ex 1 4 16 where he commands Moses; of hatching out (a brood, but no obj. expr.) Is 34 15 , subj. tiSp arrow-snake. 2. break through or into, sq. 3 2 S23 I6 =i Ch ii 18 ; sq. ace. 2 Ch 2i 17 TO??!! '"I'7 V1,^ &&', also 32 1 , obj. suff. ref. to cities, V^N Dyp3b nON»1 and he thought to break into them and so bring them unto himself. k 2