pa- Niph. P/ Vp3J Jb 26" Zc i 4 4 (1 consec); WP3? Gn7" Is 35 e , WgJJ 2 Ch 25" Pr 3 30 ; 7m^/. yp3? Is 58 s , ypa? Jbpa»; 3 fs. Pgan is 59", Vgpfl Nu i6 s, + 3 t., Inf. cstr. yp3r6 Ez 30 16 ;— 1. be cleft, rent open, subj. the ground, rHOTXH Nu 16" (J), H? 1 ? iKi^hyperb.); mountain Zc 1 4*; burst open, of men hurled from rock 2 Ch 25"; of cloud beneath its weight of water Jb 26 s ; hyperb. of belly full of words seeking a vent, Jb32 19 like new wineskins it mil burst open; so of the water-receptacles (nwyD) of the great deep, at the flood Gn 7 " ; of the water- masses themselves, niDinn Pr 3 20 , D^rai CD 18 35"; also of the Red Sea, tTDn WP3?1 Ex 14"; of light breaking forth Is 58 s (fig.); of serpent's egg hatching out as a viper Is 59* n ?BK JJpan rn*»n. 2. be broken into, of city captured by breaches in walls 2 K 25 4 = Je 52', Ez 3o' 6 . Pi. Pf yi?3 2 K 1 5" Jb 28'°, V^ Ez 13", Wjj3 Is 59 5 ; Impf. »BJ V 78 ,s , PR*! Gn 22 s ; 3 fs. ypan Ez 13", Dypan Ho 13 8 ; 2 ms. "J?i53J?i Hb 3', yp? 2 K 8 12 ; a fpl. naygarn 2 K 2 s4 ; — cleave, cut to pieces, or re»w2 MWn (oft. more complete or more violent than Qal), sq. ace, of cleaving wood Gn 22 3 i.e. cut it up for burning, so 1 S6 14 ; of ripping open pregnant women 2K8" 1 5 16 ; of tearing in pieces children 2 K 2 s4 ; cf. also Ho 1 3" (fig.) ; of cleaving open rocks, to bring forth water ^ 78 15 (subj. God); of cutting mining-shafts Jb 28 10 '3 an* nhwa ; r%&BZQ n™} Hb 3 » into rivers thou cleavest {the) earth ; break through or down (a wall, but no obj. expr.), Ez 13 11 yjMfi rinyo rvn (but Co ypsn), cf. v 13 rrn "nyjpni 'flora nriyD ; of hatching eggs Is 59 5 ^iVBX «jpj <vp>.3 (fig.) Pu. impf. Wjja; Ho 1 4 1 ; P*. nggap Ez 26'°, D'V^D Jos 9 4 ; — be ripped open, of women Ho 14 1 (vb. of masc. form); rent, of old wine-skins J0S9 4 ; broken into, of a city in whose walls a breach has been made Ez 26 10 . Hiph. Impf. 1 pi. 8 f. nsypaji i 8 7*; inf. cstr. y'panb 2 K 3 M ; — break into, sq. sf. ref. to Judah, Is 7 6 y VS '331 let us break into it, lay it open, and so bring it unto ourselves (cf. Qal 2 Ch 32 1 ) ; break through (abs.) with sword, lTi?3np S'ln *|?fe> Bh|j ^»"^K 2 K 3 M . Hoph. P/ 3 fs. -i'yn .iypari Je 39 3 the city was broken into, entrance was made by a breach. Hithp. Pf. Wpann Jos 9 13 , Impf. WjpaTl? Mi i 4 ; — burst (themselves) open, of wine-skins Jos 9"; cleave asunder, of valleys Mil 4 . + J*£2 n.[ia.] fraction, half, i.e. half-shekel, a weight ; v^O yp3 Gn 24 s2 , cf. Hesychius in Lag G,,.Abh.i».i.i 8j3a)tal . 0>/ [Lag/fcW] /icrpovri; v. also yp| Ex 38 w (=^n rvsnp). tnypB n.f. valley (cleft), plain— abs. '3 Gn ii 2 +8 t. ; cstr. nyp3 Dt 34'+ 7 t.; pi. niyp3 Is 41 18 V' 104 8 ; titty Dt ii 11 ;— 1. valley (opp. T 1 mountain) Dt 8 7 n 11 cf. IS41 18 ; also 63 14 "HO nyj533 nona§ ; in creation-poem ^ 1 04 8 ttWfi rrv Dnn ^p. 2. jfefo (sts. valley- plain, broad valley)' Gn 1 1 ! ; also EZ3 2253 8 4 37 12 ('3n "JB^y) as level, opp. &02J1 Is40 4 (|| TlE*!?); elsewhere cstr., mostly with n.pr. Dt 34' VTV '3 (appos. i3?n), nsro 'a Jos 1 1 8 , fta^n "3 1 1 17 1 2 7 , hjl? '3 2 Ch 35 s2 cf. Zc 1 a", iJ'iK '3 Ne 6 2 ; 'JK"'3 Am i* plain of idolatry = Baalbek (Damascus, ace. to "Wetzst in De jM3TO2 ; © j»'8<ok *Qk). ^DTj?^ Ti??] n-[m-] fissure, breach, Am 6 11 Cyp?, into which the small house is to be smitten (|| BW)); Tft-fy »|*^ Is 22 s . fl. [PP^*] v1} - be luxuriant (Ar. JJ be profuse, abundant (v. esp. Conjj. 1. iv, Lane)) — Qal Pt. PP'3 luxuriant Ho io^fig. of Isr.as vine). fll. [PpS] vb. empty (cf. probably Ar. j>j make a gurgling noise, of a mug dipped in water, or emptied of water) — Qal Pf. 'np?* Je 19 7 , 1p?3 Na 2 s ; Pt. pjfa Is 24 1 , D'pp.3 Na 2 3 ; empty, lay waste land, ace, Is 24 1 Na 2 3 , also abs. v 3 ; fig. make void (obj. nxy) J e 1 g 7 . ITiph. Pf ngajj (cf. Ges »«•") Is 19 3 ; Impf. 3 fs. p^3H Is 24 s ; Inf. abs. P^n Is 24 s ; — be emptied (laid waste) Is 24 s P^R pta", of land (|| fan fa 1 ! 1 ) ; fig. of spirit, courage Is 19 3 . Po. Impf. 'Pi??' J e 5 1 2 empty out (devastate) land. Tp5jp2 n.[m.] flask (from gurgling sound of emptying, cf. Ar. illiu gurgling sound; also Syr. )-4 > "->< ga 5, cantfiarus, etc.) — abs. P3p3 Je 19 10 ; cstr. id. 1 K 14 3 Je 19 1 . T p%3pQ n.pr .m. head of a family of Ne- thinim ; 'a-'Ja Ezr 2 51 Ne 7 s3 . trrjJ^a n.pr.m. a Levite Ne 1 1 17 I2 92S . tpil^ n.pr.fl. (-/prob. pp3; so Thes after Simonis, Sam. Di) pa'(n) iayo Qn^ (where perhaps connected with p3K = p3X'); ' 3 ! 70? Dt2 37 , ^D|n 'a: Dt3 16 Josi2 5 , pa! Nu 21 24 (|| fi-]K, cf. Dt 3 16 Jos 12 2 ), P3>n J u n 13 - 22 (in both, || J1J1K); it empties into Jordan from East, in latitude of Shechem; called (southern)