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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/164

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Bold textIra TTJVG n.pr.m. (blessed)

. friend and amanuensis of Jeremiah Je 32 121316 36 4 " 32 43 36 45 1J . 2. a priest, son of Zabbai (Zaccai) Ne 3 20 io 7 . 3. son of Colhozeh, of the tribe of Judah Ne 1 i tnD"l2 n.f. pool, pond (nanan SI 5 ; Ar. i£>.J SabVna-a Sab. Denkm. 73 ; Aram. *?Onj)) — 'i 2 S 2 15 - 13 4" 2 K i8 17 (=Is 3 6 2 ) 20 20 Ne 3 16 Is 7 s 22 911 ; cstr. nana 2 S 2 13 1 K 22 s Ne 2" 3 15 Na 2"; pi. ntona Ec 2 6 Ct 7 s . t^C^S n.pr.m. (El doth bless, cf. Ph. i>y33-Q, Palm. "paba Vog 117 ,Bab. Bariki-iliOpp JA.1887K.,.-D«.,5»^ fother Q f E ]i hu Jb 32". t^rrytT n.pr.m. (=WJW s. Yah blesseth Ges t27 ' 3 ) father of a Zechariah in Isaiah's time Is 8 2 ; usually in abbreviated form as foil. : no-ja, 1. son of Zerubbabel I Ch 3 20 . 2. a Levite guard of the ark 1 Ch 9 16 1 5 s3 . 3. father of Meshullam, one of Nehemiah's chiefs Ne 3 430 6 18 . 4. father of the prophet Zechariah Zc i'sWSJI v 7 ; VTjarjf also 5. father of Asaph 1 Ch 6 M 15 1 ' 7 '. 6. Ephraimite chief 2 Ch 28 12 . rr?">|, ^fryja v. i^rna; supra. D"!^ (cf. Ar. 1J twist a rope of two strands). TCOhSL n.[m.] variegated cloth (Ar. j 1 J rope (or fabric) of two strands or colours ; cf.As. birmu, akind of clothing COT ' ", burrnu, iris, Zim BP82 ; on burumu cf. J e n Ko,mo,liff ^ 'M ""•)u?3 D'Oia Ez2 7 24 . yr>3 cf. 'a trip. TJVji n.pr.m. king of Sodom G11 14 2 (V unknown ; © BnXA<i).

  • ny"^3 n.pr.m. 1. a son of Asher Gn
6 1717 Nu 26 444i 1 Ch 7 30 - 31 . 2. son of Ephraim 

1 Ch 7 ra (where expl. as if fr. nyta). 3. a Benjamite njpa 1 Ch 8 13 , nflf 1 Ch 8 16 . 4. a Levite iChz3 ,on . t^ynS adj. gent. c. art. as n.coll. nnfiB>D 'an Nu 26". tp"Q vb. flash, of lightning (Ar. ^ gleam, flash, lighten, As. bardku Zim BI>76 , Aram. p^a. j»U, Eth. (U+: Sab. pna Hal 262 cf. DHM 2M0 ' lm - OT )— Qal P/ PT8 so rd. after © L 2 S 22" & also in || f i8 15 (cf. Klo Che crit. n.); /»»». fnai/' 144 6 ; — all c.acc.cogn. p")3, O'p"}?; — flash, trans, flash lightning, subj. 'V n.m to- TO EzI13 lightning (chiefly in tpja poetry) (Ar. Jjj, As. WrJbu COT 01 "", Zim BP 7& ■ Aram. p!?, L^)_abs. 'a Jb 20 B + 7 t. + 2 S 22" (cf. infr.); cstr. p^a Dt 32" + 2 t.; pi. D-g^f Exi9 16 +7t., Vgna 1//97 4 ;— lightning, 1. lit. mostly pi. = lightnings, liglvtning-flaslies Ex 1 9 16 ■>fr 18 15 (intheoph., on 2 S 22 16 v. infr.) 77 19 97 4 !35 7 Jb 38 M Je io 13 51 16 ; so in sim. of swift brightness Na 2 5 , sg. only ^ 144 6 2 S 22 16 (where however rd. P13 D'pia cf. P13_ S0 @L Klo Che, cf. his crit. n. yjr 18 15 ), Ez I 13 (in vision), and in sim. of brightness Dn io 6 ; swift destruc- tion Zc 9 14 . 2. fig. (always sing.) of flashing arrow-head Jb 20 2S , cf. 3in 'a Dt 32 41 , mn 'a Na 3 3 Hb 3 n ; cf. glitter of weapon Ez 2 1 **•. Tp^2 n.pr.m. (lightning -flash, cf. Pun. Barcas, surname of Hamilcar, cf. Nepos H.miu»n.i. gab Dp ^ DHM^ W "; Palm. pna Vog 1 '*"" 6 ) son of Abinoam, & leader of Israel Ju A fix ^ M - nMM - v ' M ^ ,-112.15 P"13. cf. (TO "ja. T P p"^S n.f. a precious stone, emerald, ace. to © 03 Josephus; (from flashing, sparkling; Lag 1 ""- Jur - Kccl - «■ comp. Skr. markala, Gk . ndpuySos, ^ u >ySo t ) Ex 28 17 39 10 (both P). tnj5na n.f. id., Ez 28 13 , cf. Ges i80R - 2 Pinsk Bini.73.

  • D*l,7"l3. n.pr.m. (>/ & mng. unknown;

Bab. BarMsu Dl Pr212 ) head of a family of Nethinim, '3^33 Ezr 2 M =Ne 7 s5 . TQ' , ;p"l3. n.m. pi. briers (so Vrss Ki al., also Stu q.v.,Be, -/unknown; cf. yCSip; > J. D. Michaelis, Thes al. threshing-sledges, furnished with sharp (glittering) stones) Ju 8 7 ^Pl) 'an-rw lanan 'jrtpvi'g Da-iba-nx (^id. also B*n) and I will thresh your flesh together with the thorns of tin wilderness and the briers; v 16 Vf 'an m nansn 'sipTisi Tyn 'Jprns ngji niap ib'js ns Dna ( r d. Bhjl for SH 5 ! © Bu B3114 ; cf. Stu Be) and he took the thorns of the wilderness and the briers and threshed, etc. [ I jH] vb. purify, select (cf. As. bar'.ru, be shining, in deriv. Zim BP4, - 7S Belser BAS " 1M ; Ar. Jj, pious, kind, true; "3 he was pious, good, virtuous, honest) — Qal l'f. 'Oha Ez 20 38 ; Inf. sf. D"o|> Ec 3 18 , Ges }67a s ; cf. tOJ 9 1 (si vera 1.) as metaplastic form, but on text vid. "W3 supra p. 101; Pt. pass. m. 1^3 Jb 33 3 + 4 t.; f. HfTTtt Ne 5 19 Zp 3'; — 1. purge out, purify: ^Via*