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ota DHlbn D3t? and I will purge out from among you the rebels Ez 20 38 ; 11*13 1?V a purified lip Zp3 9 ; V?0 1113 w««r in a pure, sincere manner Jb 33 s . 2. choose, select, only JP<. and in Chronicler : chosen, valiant men I Ch 7 40 ; porters iCh9 M ; musicians 1CI116 41 ; sheep Ne 5 18 . 3. cleanse, make shining, polish, pt. pass. 1V13 J*n polished arrow Is 49 s (cf. De & Je 51" infr.) 4. test, prove Ec 3 18 D"}3? D'l-'NI <^a< (rod may prove them (RV); — on 9 1 v. la.' Niph. nan Is 52"; P<. 13J 2 S 22 s7 ( = yjr 1 8 s7 ); — purify oneself: a. ceremonially, the bearers of the sacred vessels Is 52". b. morally 2 S 2 2 S7 =V 18 27 . Pi. Inf. TS^ Dn n 35 jatrtfr (I1 1^' '^)- Hi P h - 1 - In f- 13np Je 4 11 purify, cleanse. 2. /nte. n3H D'Snn Je 51" polish arrows (vid. 3 above). Hithp. 1. Impf. ni31V Dn 1 2 10 purify oneself. 2. li^PI ^i8 27 = 13nn 2S22 27 «Aew oneself pure, just, kind. fii.~0 adj. pure, clean, Jb 1 i 4 i/'24 4 ; 13 Pr 14 4 ; pl.cstr. "13 ^j 3 »; f.nia ^. I9 » Ct6 810 ;— 1. ^wtre, clear: 33? 13 ^)Mre in foarf ^ 2 4 4 > 33^ nn TJr 7 3 1 ; a pure damsel Ct 6 910 , man Jb 1 1 4 , commands of God ^ 1 9'. 2. clean: 13 M3K crib iscleanFri^*. 3. perh. adv.13"1pK0 kiss purely, of sincere homage ^ 2 12 but cf. 1. 13, p. 135. •{"in. "13. n.m. grain, corn (cf. Ar. j wheat, grain of wheat), f 72 16 Am 5" 8 M ; 13 Gn 41 3649 4 2 325 4s 23 (E) f 65 14 Pr 1 1 26 Je 23 s8 Jo 2 24 . tl. 13 n.m. lye, potash, alkali used in smelting metals Is i 2 " (see JV13). tn. "13 n.m. cleanness, pureness : *TJ "w cleanness of my hands 2 S 22 21 ( = 1^ i8 21 ) 1^ 18 25 ( = , 1'3my cleanness 2 S 22 s5 ); *]? 13 Jb 9 30 22 s0 . ^3 n.f. lye, alkali, potash, soap, used in washing Je 2 M Mai 3 2 . t"l3 a.m. field (BAram. Nia, Syr. |U, Ar. J o/jere country, land) — 133 13T <foy grow up in the open field Jb 39 4 (Aram, usage). tD'H3'13 n.m. pi. birds fattened for table of Solomon 1 K 5 3 ; capons Ki, geese (from their pure white feathers) 5' Jer Thes, swans Ew, guinea-hens Th, /ow'.s Tristr. AV EV (n3l3 = tp&y water-birds Lv n 17 it 8 ""). JP^3 (■v'of foil., meaning unknown). TUJVQ n.m. 11 " 140 cypress or fir(As. burdht COT Q,<,M ,Aram. Wfrtt, JI.0U cf. nil3 infr., v. also Gr. fipddv, Lat. bratum, cypress, juniper (PS); in favour of cypress, also © @ & so Thes; in favour of J?r or jpiW, 33 Rob in KobGes (because cypress not now indigenous on Leba- non); cf. also RS 1 "™"""'"- 20 who lays stress on Ph. n.pr.loc. DB>3 K ( = WJ'N) = Gr. n.rt/oOo-cu i.e. isle of firs; — v. further Schroed Fh0n - 8pr " w Low N ° ,M & Brathu as name of Hermon Philo Bybl. in Euseb Pra " ,z """ IM )— B^13 Ho 14' + 4 1.; D^BTis 2 S 6 5 + 1 1 1., D'eha Na 2 4 , v&ra Is 37 s4 , VBh3 2 K 1 9 s ;— 1. (lit.) a noble tree, usually ||nx (exc. 2 S 6 s iK6" 2 Ch 3' yjf 104 17 Is 55 13 Ho 14 9 Na 2 4 ); as standing and growing Is 14 8 37 s4 = 2 K 19 23 , Is 41 19 55" (|| D1H) 60 13 (|| pail 1133 = nN) f io 4 ' 7 . 2. sim. of luxuriance, stateliness EZ31 8 , produc- tiveness Ho 1 4 9 (Now thinks cypress), fig. for spear-shafts Na 2 4 Hi-St, but © €> D'BHS ; fig. for mighty men Zc n 2 . 3. as material (always pi.), for building temple ('3 'VJ?) 1 K 5 s2 - 24 6 M cf. 9" 2 Ch 2 7 ; '3 yv (sing.) 2 Ch 3 5 (cf. Baer's n.); '3 nii>l>¥ 1 K 6"; for ships (no f$) Ez 27 s ;— 0^13 ^ 5fc| 2 S6 5 appar. = unM. all musical instruments made of fir, but || 1 Ch 1 3" Dn/BCU tJT^S & so here © We Dr. T [ni"l3] n.m. id. (Aramaic (prob. North- Palest.) form of same) only pi. Wfetf || DTW Ct 1 17 ; ref. to arbour of trees as their home, cf. n.x. Tyta3 n.pr.m. (•/ & meaning unknown) king of Gomorrha Gn 14 s . ^fchs, >i ri i i3, nrrn3 v. sub nnw, p. 92. □tiO (have a sweet odour, cf. Aram. D'DB, yxctt=> be sweet, pleasant, Pa. yimi to delight, KD"D3, sw «e<; Palm. KDtO {xnm) Vog"' 1883 - Aoot. s. P t. ito 1. 12, m 1. is. 1*. zo .tc. g])iced ( ot -n _ cf . Becken- dorf zMG isss.^. As J a ^,„ Mj p a . mate fine, beautiful COT Gto "). Ota, [Ota] v. DB*3. v v > L. T T J ' spice, balsam, balsam- tctan.m. a tree (Ar. 'L£j, Aram. NODB, I'rtmA, Gk. ^dX- craiior; cf.Low^)— , 3ls3 S4 +, DHExSO^v.infr., 'tpB-S Ct 5 1 (as if fr. QEB); pL OMfift Ex 25 s + 18 1., VDE'3 Ct4 16 ; — 1. spice, perfume, sweet odour Is3 24 ; D^-JtJJg Ex 30 23 ('3 perh. so pointed to distinguish it from) DBQ-njp v 23 ; — with this cf. Aram. Uuu) Uus, NCD13 »J|>; — siiices as costly, token of wealth 2 K 20 13 = Is 39 9 cf. 2 Ch 32 s7 ; royal gifts 1 Kio 21025 =2Ch 9 1 "- 24 ; cf. sg. 1 K io'°= 2 Ch 9 s ; as article of commerce Ez 27 s2 ; burnt at burial 2 Ch 16 14 ;