■nton 148
9 . 2. tidings, news 2 S I8 20 - 25 ; with miB
2 S 1 8 s7 . 3. reward for good tidings 2 S 4 10 1 8 2J . TTMSS a.pr. of brook in Philistine terri- tory; alw. "Wan btt 1 S 3 o 910 - 21 ; © Borop (v 21 lUava, but ©L Boaop) ; mod. Wady Razze (Gaza) ace. to Guerin ,ud,!o "- 213 ;— it empties into sea SW of Gaza. (Connexion with above v^dub.)
7t£^21 vb. boil, seethe (intr.), grow ripe
(Aram. ^fVS» ripen, Nas.^'Joia boil, NSyr. ■^■ls be boiled,, cooked, cf. As. baSdlu (baslu, cooked) Zim BP76 )— Qal Pf. b&S. Jo 4 15 , Vfa Ez 24"; — boil, cook (intr.) Ez 24 s ; grow ripe (of TSP) J04 13 ;— Pi. Pf. 3 ms. sf. obf3 1 K 19"; ^^ Ex 2 9 31 Dt 16 7 , ^3 La 4 10 + 2 t., «^t« consec. ZCI4 21 ; Impf. 3 fs. bgbni 2S 13 8 ; 2 ms. W?ri Ex 23"+ 2 t., ^5) EZ46 2024 , ^3^1 2 Ch 35 13 , *^^?n Ex 1 6 s0 , ^3?l 2 K 6 W ; 7wv. !>& 2K4 38 , 1^3 Lv8 31 , £ga Ex 1 6 s3 ; /«/ ^3 1 S 2 13 ; Pt. vhfya Ez 4 6 24 ;-1. boil (tr.) obj. om. Nu 1 1 8 , 1ft 1 S 2 1S ; '"13 Ex 23 19 34 s6 Dt I4 21 ; THS 2 K 4 s8 ; of offerings, obj. B»Vhpn 2Ch 35 13 ; obj. DB>K Ez 46 20 , n3T Ez 4 6 24 (no obj.) v 24 , cf. Zc 14 21 (no obj.); Ex 16 2323 opp. nBX 6afe. 2. cook (general), obj.->t?3 1K19" Ex 29 31 Lv 8 31 (both P); obj. |3 2 K 6 M cf. "fy La 4'°; hence also of men Dt 16 7 (cf. Di; || Ex 12 89 has ^S
- t opp. D:e3 5>p3D) 2 Ch 35 13 (B>K3), cakes
(nm>n) 2 s i 3 8 . Pu. i 3 / 3 f s . r6gs Lv 6 21 ; mp/. 3 fs.-^3riLv6 21 ; P^ !?#30 Exi 2 9 1 S 2 15 ; — 6e boiled,sodden, D'D3 Ex 1 2 9 cf. Lv 6 2121 (all P) 1 S 2 15 . Hiph.. Pf. I^ean ry>en«rf, brought to ripeness Gn 40 10 (a vine, its grape-clusters). T ,CQ adj. cooked, boiled (As. baslu, ripe COT GloM )— Ex 12 9 D'DS ^3D ^3; f. r6tj>3 Nu 6 19 , (both P). tni7E?2Q n.f.pl. cooking-places EZ46 23 (cf. tpbfb&n TV3 v 24 ). TQ Tttfe n.pr.m. (= e6f"|3 «on of peace 1 cf. sub p) a Persian officer in Canaan Ezr 4 7 . W2, (Voifo. = smooth, soffi cf. Ar.IH;, a-I2j soft and smooth ground). ]I?3 60 n.pr.terr.m. Dt3 ' 3 (smooth (& fertile) land) Bashan, first mentioned as kingdom of Og,E.ofJordan,stretchingfrom stream Jabbok (thus including northern Uilead) northward to Sermon, between Gennesaret (W) and mts of Hauran (E) ; cf. Di Nu 2 1 33 Wetzst H * ur »" a ; nVim later a type of fertility ; — usually c. art. '3n Nu 2 1 33 - 33 32 s3 Dt i 4 + 30 1. Dt Jos; 1 K 4 13 " 2 K io 33 1 Ch5" 1216S3 6 47 - 6l! Ne o 22 + 68" 135" i 3 6=» Je 22 20 50" (ptftK). Mi 7' 4 (id.), Na i 4 (|| id. ; personif., subj. of &M*), Is 33' (|| id.; personif. subj. of "$); flft-ffl (i. e . range of Hauran) f 68" U6 (called D , n^N-iri ) _from a sanctuary there? — & D'333r-iri many-peaked mt.); of stately trees '3H »jiht Is 2 13 (still seen on western slope of mts. of Hauran, Wetzst
- ur * n88 ) ; 3 'JVN Zc 1 1 2 (fig. of prominent men) ;
'30 DWN Ez 27 s ; of bulls '3 'T3« ^ 22 13 (II D ^l. %); so '3-^33 Dt32 14 ( + t>£l«| D<"}3 also D'-Wiy, c f. n|5 3 & f xs v ». vid j 3 { j (,)j. appar. more general is '3 *JJT}D Ez 39 18 (ref. to Db . . . Dna DHWyi nns B^J) ; once of kine (fem., fig. of luxurious and haughty women of Samaria) Am 4 1 '3n ni"13. t]©22n.pr.loc. in south. Judah'SH Josis 62 . !"CttH v. sub eh3. t : t t [Dt£Q] vb. Po. Inf. sf. D3DBn3 Am 5" prob. yowr trampling (by dissim. fr. M3) sq. by. nth v. sub B>13. I. PS daughter v. sub J3. II. D3. 6a«/i (a measure), nri3 v . sub nn3. ti. TNfifia n.pr.m. (? = Wl» man of God) Gn 22 22SS a^ 1 '- 24 - 47 - 50 (J) son of Nahor, neph. of Abr.,livinginAram-Naharaim,incityofNahor; 25 20 28" (P) Aramaean of Paddan-Aram. tii. T'StinS n.pr.loc. in Simeon 1 Ch4 J0 =: ^V13 Jos 19 4 ; J*D| 15 30 ; i'Kn'S 1 S30 27 (v. p. 1 1 1 supr.); yet cf. Lag BX64 ; site unknown. 'rira v. 11. ^nf ri^PS v. r>3 sub |3, p. 124. cris v. iv3. J7H (cf- Ar. JiT sever, separate). tn7iri2 50 n - f - virgin (cf. Ar. J^j, jLo, As. batultu (also bat&lu of young man) 5 E, 42" v. Jer 2 * 1886 ' 399 ; NH KJVfll, Jlofc^)— Gn 24 16 + 19 1.; cstr. rWl3 Dt22 19 + 12 t.; pi. ni^vis Est 2 2 +7t.; rnbra z c 9 17 ; n$vi3 Ex
2 ]6 -r 2 t. ; r6r,3 La 5" ; sf Vn^DS ^ 7 8 ra + 3 t. ;
— one living apart in her father's house as a virgin Gn 2 4 ,6 (J) Ex22 ls (E) Lv 2i 3 "(P) Dt 22 19 Jui 9 24 2S13 3 Jb 3 i'Is62 6 Je2 32 3 i 13 Jo I 8 ; r6iri3 mj?3 a virgin damsel Dt 22 23 ' 28 Ju
1 12 1 K i 2 Est 2 3 ; rtami -ym Dt 3 2 25 2 Ch