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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/168

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D^ ■Vina


17 Je 51* 2 Ez 9 6 ; personification of nations 

btrto* rtana Je 1 8 13 3 i 4 - 21 Am 5 s ; p-v na '3 2 K

s1 (=Is37 M ; on double st. cstr. v. Ges" 306 

Phi 8,c " tt °)La2 ls ; 'oyna'a Je i 4 17 ; rrnmnali La 1"; }1TV IU '3 Is 23 12 ; 5>33 tO 'a Is 47 1 ; '3 Dnvo n3 Je46"; pi. ron/ins Ex22 16 2 S 13 18 Est2 i171 ' ^45 15 78 ra Lai 4 2 10 5" Ez 44 M Am8 ls ; nbva antra + ms 12 is 23* Zc 9 17 La i 18 2 s1 . ta -, 7 ; ina n.f. virginity, pi. abs. intens. Dt 22 ».i7.so. cgtr ,1^,3 Dt22 isi7 ,all concrete, tokens of virginity; abstr., sf. ytfia Ju 1 1 37 ; n yV13 Lv2i 13 Jun 38 Ez23 8 ; jn^.bvif Ez 23 s . t[pJ"Q] vb. cut, cut off, cut down (As. batdku, C0T GloB - Zim BP,w °-; cf. also Ar. &? seeuit, amputavit) — only Pi. Pf. consec. 'HIprDI Dnmri3 Ez 16 40 and they shall cut thee to pieces with their swords. trHinS] vb. cut in two (Ar.J^j cut off prematurely ; extirpate by cutting) — Qal Pf. I"? Gn 15 10 ; Pi. Impf. WJ Gn 15 10 id. t[im] n.m. Gnl6 -' part, piece. 1. Vvo Gni5 10 ; pi. sf. VjnaJe 34 18 , bjm nna Je34 19 ; always of halves of animals cut in two in making covenants. 2. VI3 '"in Ct 2 17 moun- tains of cutting, i.e. cleft mountains © Thes al.; or of separation (between us) Ew al. ; ace. to We Proi.« 5 . En,.Tr.39i *, _ ma l b a thron.—Bether as n.pr. AV RV. t|i^na prob. n.pr.terr. {cleft, ravine) E. of Jordan; / 3rri>3 2 s 2 s9 . J"1J"0 (' cut off, sever, cf. Ar. oJ, secwi'<, resecuit, abrupii). tn. m n.m. Sl,! - U (f. I>6 ' w ) bath (Thes al. fr. above v in sense of define, measure; cf. r€>x<o; Lag Or -"- 10t makes=m3, = 13 + fem. D; cf. Syr. f^, instrument for pressing olives ; cf. Epiphan. fidSos = eXaiorptjic'iov; & /3d8os also Hesych. Jos *■"•"«•« but ed. Niese jSut-ow, /Mro*)— '3 abs. Is5 10 +6t.; (03 EZ45") cstr. Ez45 10 ; pi. D-na 2 Ch 2 9 - 9 + 3 t.;— a liquid measure = nD , S of dry measure, each being JW ion (q. v .) Ez 4 5 »»-»-><; also Is5 10 1 K 7 2628 2 Ch 2 9 - 9 4 5 + Ez 45"- 14 (4 1. in this v., Co del. a & d). EZ45 10 P1XTI3 a righteous (right, accurate, full) bath"{ ?~rfr&X). The actual size of bath ( = ephah) is appar. c. 40 litres (= Attic metretesci. Jos An,Tl "- 2 - 9 ; =39.39 lit. cf. Boeckh Metrol. Untouch. 2»f.. y alg0 J Brand J s «ta«- ««,- u. Gewlchuwesen 29 I g m ;^ n Diet. Bible, urt. Weights J, Me«ure» T>: HWB934 ').—!. n? v. sub (3. T [nri^J n.f. precipice, steep (as cut off, abrupt) — JTW3n 'jrua Is 7 19 m the ravines of the precipices. T nriS n.f. end, destruction (for nria, perh. on account of difference of meaning, perh. fr. analogy of n?3 with like sense; cf.Di) — WNf^tt nna I s 5 6 o-ind I' w iU make it (the vineyard) a destruction, a waste, or (Che) make an end of it.


y 3 Gimel, third letter; in postB Heb.= numeral 3 (and so margin of printed MT); j = 3000 ; no evidence of this usage in OT times. N2 v. sub. rata. tJ"TNH vb. rise up (Aram. Pe. (X 1 S 2 6 ) & oft. Ethp. 'K|riK, -L^J.^ &e boastful, proud, cf. also NH)— Qal Pf 'j Ex is'- 21 , «0 Ez 47 s ; Impf. nK?yb8"io 16 ; Inf. abs. ?WB Exis" 1 ;— 1. rise up, of waters Ez 47 s . 2. grow up, of plants Jb 8". 3. be lifted up, exalted, of head Jb 10", of' in triumph Ex 15 121 . T N3 adj. proud, scribal error for i"l83 Is 16 6 (as in Je 48 29 ). tnN2 adj. proud, Jb 4c-"-' 2 Is 2" Je 48 M ; pi. B'lU ^ 94 2 140 6 Pris 25 16 19 ; cstr.'N? Vi 2 3 4 Qr ffJV 'M (>Kt DWW), yet cf. De al. tnMni. pride, Pr8 13 . t rT1N2 n.f.majesty, pride (cf. Syr. H'cu J^) — Jb4i 7 +6t.; cstr. niNS Pr29 a +2t.; sf. ViltM Is 1 3 s -f- 8 1.; — 1. rising up, swelling of the sea yfr 46*. 2. majesty, of Israel Dt 33 s9 , Moab Is i6 6 = Je 48 w , scales of crocodile Jb 41 7 , of God Dt 33 26 V' 68 s5 . 3. pride, haughtiness ^ 10 2 " 24 36 1J 73 6 Pr i4 3 29 s3 Is 9* 13" 25"; ^ 'niNJ my proudly exulting one3 Is 1 3 3 cf. Zp 3 11 . t|iN3 n.m. 1 "" 1 ' 5 exaltation— Jb4O 10 + 5 1.; cstr. ^i Lv 26 19 + 3i t.; sf. 1?iW etc. Ex 15 7 + 9 t.; 'pi. sf. l|#iq Ez 16 66 ; — 1. exaltation, majesty, excellence, a. of nations, their wealth, power, magnificence of buildings, e.g. Egypt Ez 32 12 , Chaldeans Is I3 11 - 19 14", Philis- tines Zc 9 6 , Assyria Zc 10", Jacob -^ 47 s Am