n Visa
Ch 1 1 13 Ez 48'+ IS t. Ez 48 (incl. v 2222 q. del.
Co);— iniSi3 l8 rd.fori' ! aa,Wan©WeDr. tc. boundary of territory belonging to an indivi- dual, — of field, piece of ground, etc. G11 2 3 17 (P) Dt 19" 27", Jos 24 30 (E)= Ju 2 9 1 Ch 4 10 Pr 15- 5 22 ss 2 giojj gio ^.^_ border of stream Nu 2 2 36 . te. limit to waters of deep ^104" cf. Je s 22 . tf. a concrete object marking limit, (a) barrier in Ezekiel's temple Ez 40" (del. © <S Co) v 12 ; (/3) border of altar Ez 43 1317 ' 20 ; (y) surroundinj wall of restored Zion Is 54 12 (so © Ew Kn Che; De Brd territory, Di undecided). t2. terri- tory (enclosed wiihin boundary), a. of land or people Gn 47 21 (J) Ex f< (P) io 414 (||px) v 19 i 3 7 (allJ), Nu 2o ,617!!1 2i 22 (E; ||pt«)=Ju n 20 , Nu 2i 23 (E) Dt 2 4 19 3 0riK 'i) v 8 28 40 Jos i8 5 - 6 (E) Jui i 22 19 29 2S21 5 ' 1 Ki 3 2 Kio M iCh 2i 12 (||pK)^io5 31 (=pxin||Ez8 1617 )v 33 i47" Je 3 1 17 Ez ii 1011 Jo 4 6 Zp 2 8 . b. territory of a city (or limit of such territory) Nu 3S 26 ' 27 Jos 13 26 Ju I i9-is->8Ez47" U6 - 17 - 17 (del.@Co) 48 1 Am6 2 . tc. territory about Ezekiel's temple Ez 43 12 . td. pi. in like sense (only use of pi.), of land Mi 5 s Is 6o 18 (|| pN) Je 15 13 17 3 , of city 1 S 5" 2 K 1 5 16 1 8 8 ; so Ez 2 7 4 of Tyre. te. fig. territory (region) of darkness Jb 38 20 ; territory of wick- edness Mai i 4 (of Edom); territory of his holi- ness ^78" (of Canaan). T[n-^Q2] n.f. border, boundary — sf. irta? is 2^; PZ.abs.r6aa Nu 32 s3 , rffaa Jb 2 4 2 ; cstr. ni^aa ,), 74 1 ?, r6iaa' is io 13 , r6aa Dt 32 s ; s f. nvjiaai'joa 18 20 i 9 49 ,"nyi$aa Nu 34 212 ;— 1. border, boundary of the earth (poet.) fr 74 17 ; of peoples Isio 13 Dt32 8 (poem) ; of land of Canaan Nu34 212 (P)Josi9 49 (JE);ofatribeJosi8 20 (P); of territory about cities Nu 3 2 s3 ( P 1) ; of a piece of ground Jb 24' ; of barley-field Is 28^. trta;! n.f. twisting- nba nkne> Ex 2s 22 , 'l rntpB* 39 15 (both P), cords of twisting, i.e. (well or tightly) twisted cords. T rV722to n.f. pi. the twisted, i. e. cords, Ex 28 14 cf.Di (appos. anj rofw, || nhhyn 'e>). y22 vb.denom. bound, border — Qal Pf &3M Dt 19 14 ; Impf 3 ms. ^33} Jos 18 20 , 3 fs. "Saw Zc 9 2 ;— bound, border, c.acc. Jos 1 8 M (P) ; c. a border upon, adjoin Zc 9 2 ; trans, set bounds Dt 19 14 (c. ace. cogn.). Hiph. Pf. 2 ms. set bounds for, c. ace. Fyaam Ex 19 12 ; Imv. id. baanv 23 (bothJE), + P*.H?PEz47 18 ©(Sa3Co.
7Q3 n.pr.loc. maritime city on the Phe-
nician coast EZ27 9 ; (Ph. i>3J=Byblus (Sm Di Jos 13 s ); in As. Gubli COT """); mod. Jebeil Bd r.is5s ; y alsoFurrer^ 1 " 120 . ' ^T'U? adj .gent, of foregoing, cart. = n.coll. J0S13 6 ^aan p«m, but rd. 'an k», cf.Di. 1 K 5 32 D& aan (but prob. txt. err.; Th rds. Ev33M and they bordered them, made a border for tliem (the stones); © cfiakov, cf. also Klo). ^3 n.pr.loc. (=Ar. Jll^-, lVflaXi/Ki;) mountainous region S. of Dead Sea, X Seir, cf. j 0S Ant.n.i. 2; i,.9,i. ^, 83 s p'jojn p ejn 5j3J ; _mod. Jibdl; Seetzen" 357 Burckh T ™ v '" ,,40l Kob BB111S4 . ^ J (prob. be curved, contracted, coagulated; Syr. Pa. *a^, coagulate; Ar. ^^L is be timid, perh. from shrinking, cowering). T1!l2 adj. crook-backed, hump-backed (cf. Aram, p33 id., NH |23 highlander; also NH paa, Aram. W3J, )uu=^, all = brow (eye- brow, etc.); cf. Ar. ,%-r-^a- *&* of forehead) , LV2I 20 . trCOjl n.f. curd, or cheese (NH id., Ar. ^L, Eth. 7-Ott: Aram. KJMa, U=»c^, cf. IVa^J— W*& "5 ,a ? 3 l J1 > io 10 (II 3 ^0)- t[l2n3j n.[m.] peak, rounded summit; pl.O*J»j: ^68 16 ifftHQ V
f^'a-in tfribjfTnj
'a Dnn v 17 (appos.', Thes Dr 5 "» al. ; others adj. many-peaked). Cf. Wetzst 8 ""- Gteb,!,8,!b - 1884 . IOJ (corawea;, projecting, high ; cf. Aram. Pa. Vaa «««W, swell up, U'aa hump-backed, Nfiyaa A?'K; v. also 1. nyaa infr.) tj^-2 n.pr.loc. — 'a abs. Jos 21"+; cstr. Ju 20'°+ ; V?} r Jos 1 8" + ;— Levitical city, in Benjamin Jo S A 2i 17 = 1 Ch 6 4S Jos 18 24 cf. 1 Ch 8', 1 K 15 22 Ne ii 31 ; also 1 S 13 16 & Ju 20 10 - 33 MT, in all three rd. nyaa (njna), cf. context; - northernmost city in kingdom of Judah 2 K 23 s from Geba to Beersheba, cf.Zc 14 10 ; situated S. of passof J/i'c/miasAIsio 29 iSi4 s cf.i S13 3 ; men- tioned also 2 Ch 16 6 Ezr 2 26 Ne 7 30 12 29 ; in 1 S 13 18 © We Drrd. Wan f or MT ^aa q . v .; (2 S " rd. |lj?aa with © and 1 Ch 14 16 ). — Mod. Jebd Rob B«i.«ot Bd rwi» tNl>23 n.pr.m. a son of Caleb 1 Ch 2 49 . ti. iTgaa n.f. hill— abs. nvaa 2 S2 25 +
t. + Ez T 6 13 (del. Co q.v.) 1 S 7 1 2 S 6 34 (cf.
Dr); cstr. njna Jos 5 3 + 8 t.+ 1 S io 5 (cf. Dr); sf. Tijna Ez 34 26 (but del. Co), nnyaa is 3 i 4 ; pi. abs.' niyaa Dt i 2 2 + 35 1.; cstr. niyaa Dt 33 15