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biaa i 1, ,«MJb35 1 +3t.;/fnp/aaa!Pn8 M +5t; sf. *lf£ Ez 3 1 14 , WWjJ! Jb 36 7 , VfflJB J e 13", na'naan Ez 16 60 ; Inf.nhia ^103", nna^ Zp 3" ; — 1. 6« high, lofty, tall, e.g. tree Ez 19" 3. '•»»•» heavens Jb 35 s Is 55 s ^ 103", man 1 S io 23 . 2 . be exalted, of man in dignity and honour J b 36', of servant of Yahweh Is 52 13 , God Is 5", God's ways Is 55'. 3. lofty w 333 ■ — a. in a good sense, encouraged in the ways of Yahweh 2 Ch 17 6 ; b. elsewhere in a bad sense, be haughty f 131 1 Pr 18 12 2 Ch 26 16 32 s5 Ez 2 8 2 - 51? , and so without3^Is3 ,6 Jei3 15 Ezi6 60 Zp3 11 . Hiph. Pf W9S1 Ez 17 24 ; Impf. &$£ Jb 39 27 Je 49 16 Ob 4 ; 'nrva^i 2 Ch 33 14 ; irvar Jb s 7 ; Inf. riaan uf l Ez2i 31 ; Pt.^ygpri^fn^;— make high, exalt, e.g. trees Ez 17 24 , wall 2 Ch 33 u > gate Pr 17 19 , nest Je 49 16 Ob 4 , dwelling yjf 103 s , a request Is 7", the lowly Ez 21 31 ; spy VV'2y_make their flight high, soar aloft Jb 5', without tliy Jb 39 27 . tppi adj. high, exalted— 1 S 9 2 + 15 t.; ,Toa f 138 6 ; cstr. aha 1S16 7 ; naa (Ew i21Sd ) ^ioi 5 + 3 t.; pi. , nSaEc5 7 +5t.;'f. nnha Dt 3'+6t.; pi. nirus Dn8 3 +2t.; n'rua Dt28 52 ; — 1. high, lofty, tall, e.g. tree Ez 1 7 24 , tower Is 2" Zp i 16 , mountain Gn 7 19 ^ 104 18 Is 40 9 57 7 Ez 17 22 40 2 ; cf. phrases nmj ny33 i>3 ^V upon every high hill 1 K 1 4 s3 2 K 1 7 10 Je 2 20 ; niJ)3J b]} IWQ21 Je 1 7 2 ; aha "irrb|-^y Is 30 25 Je 3"; man 1 S9 2 ; tree ncAp .133 Ez 31 3 ; horns Dn8 3 ; walls Dt 3 6 28 52 ; gallows Est 5 14 7"; gate Je 51 68 ; altar Ez 41 22 ; high things Jb 41 26 Ec 12 s . 2. excdted in station Ez 21 3 '; IBfe* i?33 bye rl33 '3 E£?$j DVJ3J& /or /it'jrA (me a6oi;« high one is watching, $■ the Most High over them Ec 5 7 so Ew Zo al., but Vrss De Now eil.higJier (earthly), potentates over them. 3. haughty jr 1 38 s Is 5 15 io 33 1 S 2 3 ; rW'jrroa ^ 101 5 ; 3.b '3 Pr 1 6 6 ; PT1 '3 Ec 7 s . 4. n.[m.] loftiness, incip FI33 1 S 16 7 ; cf. bin? 10, p. 153. tTOif n.m. height— Jb22 12 +9t.; sf. ^33

S i7 4 + 5 1.; pi. cstr. 'nsa Jb 1 1 8 ;— 1. Attpfe, 

of buildings and trees Ez 1 18 1 9 11 3 1 1014 40 42 4 1 8

Ch 3 4 Am 2 9 ; prob. also Ez 43 13 (of altar), so 

® Ew Co for MT 33 (q.v.); of man 1S17 4 ; heaven Jbn 8 22 12 (D33 cstr. SI 6 of rock). 2. exaltation, grandeur Jb 40 10 . 3. Jiaughtiness, JC48 29 ; bjk 'a ^ i 4 ; tab-'a 2 Ch 3 2 M ; mi 'a Pn6 18 . trflr02 n.f. haughtiness, Is 2 1117 . tpRTSUP n.pr. (exalted t 01 » OTk - 4 ) place in the tribe of Gad Nu 32 s5 Ju 8";—ffirbet- Ajbehdt, NW. fr. 'Amman, Bd ™ m . laa(n) Jos 15 47 Kt; rd. fcrwj Vrss. Codd. cf. v 12 . PQJ (only in foil, derivatives found in P; cf. also NH naa, giantY TrQ3 adj. having a bald forehead, Mn '3 Lvi3 41 (P||t«n mg v 40 ). t nnia n.f. bald forehead (NH id., Aram. jL'c£»A^), only Lv 13 — abs. Lvi3 42 (P; asson. nnfaa In nmga); tanas v 42 - 4, (both P& W^pj>); in all, as place of appearance of an eruption ; v 85 (P ; || id.) = in its front, i. e. front of garment. "O^ v. sub nai. "»sa, -ho raa v. sub 333. AT tTia n.pr.loc. v. sub 313. ^J (ace. to Thes orig. twist, wind, whence not only n?33, fvaj"?, but also btta (cord and then) boundary, as determined by measuring cord, or line, whence vb. denom. ?33 bound, border, q.v. infr.; NH b33, Aram. ?3? mean mix, knead; Ar. J->i, Syr. *Va^» create, fashion; MV assume meaning massive, whence Ar. Jiff mountain (cf. As. gablu HA 48 ), and ?133 as originally earth-wall, etc., serving as boundary; this explains !"l?33 etc. less well). T"Q2 n.m. * ** 3 border, boundary, ter- ritory (NH id., Punic gubulim (pi., Plaut Poe °- ' 9 )— i"i33 Gn io 19 + 1 68 1. + Jos 1 5 47 Kt (but rd. Qr !*»); b:ta Nu2i ,s + 9t.; (both, in abs. & cstr., e.g. abs. Nu 2 2 s6 34 s , cstr. Gn 10" 2 S 2 1 5 ) ; sf. b«a 1 Ch 4 10 , ipOl Ex 7 27 , ba? Ex 23 s ' + 3 t., etc.; pi. (8 t.) only sf. YjO) Jeis" 1 7 3 , etc.; — 1. border, boundary, a. of a land or people : Canaanites Gn io 19 (J), Edom Nu 20 23 Jos is 121 (all P) cf. Ob 7 , Amorites Nu 2i 13 (E) Jos I3 4 (D) cf. I2 5 (D) Ju i 36 , Moab Nu 21 1315 2 2 36 (E) 33 44 (P) Dt 2 18 Ju ii 1918 2 K 3 21 Is 15 8 , AmmonNu2i 24 (E) Dt 3 16 Josi2 2 i 3 10 (all D) Am i 3 , Bashan Jos 12 4 (D), Egypt 1 K 5'= 2 Ch 9 26 , Is 19 19 ; esp. of promised land Ex 23" 34 24 (JE)Nu34 3 +i 3 t. Nu 34 (allP) Dtn 24 12 20 16 4 Jos i 4 (D), cf. Ez 45'+ 10 t. Ez 45-48; also of Israel 2 K14 25 Am 6 2 Mai I s . b. boun- dary of smaller divisions, e.g. Geshurites Dt 3 1 * Josi2 5 13" (all D), cf. Jos 1 6" (J) i9 12 (P); esp. of tribes of Israel Dt 3 1617 Jos 13 30 (all D) i3 16 +6ot. Josi3-i9(P); — I5 47 rd.bn3v.supr.; Jos 22^ (P) & 17 8 18" 24 30 (JE), cf. 1 Ch 6 3941 L 2