ba Dt 3 2 27 ; pi. m V33 8 Jb4i ,7 + Hoio 5 , rMfi Dt i"; Imv. rv& f 22 « Jb 19";— 1. be afraid of, sq. »3BD Nu 22 3 Dt I 17 I S 18", 'JSt? D?S 1113 Jb 19 29 ; 'c. |t? 4 i 17 Dti8 22 ; c.acc.Dt 32 s7 (poaO Ho io 5 rd. prob. Yr& lament (b2n, used c. ? «.£. Na 3 7 Je 15 s al.; cf. Che). 2. stand m awe of, sq. J? i/' 22 24 33 s (|| fTO. T")i2?3 n.m. fear, terror — abs.'D ^31"+ 6 t. + Jczo* cf. infr.; pi. sf. 'lUD La 2™;— fear, terror Is3i 9 ;=cause of terror Je 20 4 ; else- where in phrase, coined by Jerem., a'SBO "D terror on every side Je 6 25 20 3 (where as n.pr.), v 10 46 s 4 9 M f 31" La 2 22 ('BD n«D). TpTjiap] n.f. fear, terror — cstr. TtfOQ Pr io 24 ; pi. sf. UfrlWp ^ 34 s , DniUD I s 66 4 (on these forms with 1 cf.'Ges* 27 - 8 - *•'•*«•'«);— terror (= thing dreaded) ^34 5 Pr io 24 Is66 4 . [pTtt] Je 2 s5 "proa Kt v. ?na. ^1 J (°« hard, cf. Ar. LL1 6e hard, of hands, from toil). +ttft2 n.[m.] clod, lump (NH ttf., Aram. ntWj ; cf. Ar. '(j-i etc., rough ground, also tee)— 1SV tf'Jl Jb 7 5 ', Qr 'V (WJ. U v. sub na. T^^lTS n.m. treasurer (loan-word; NHicZ.; cf.BAram.[13M],pl.Sn3|?; Syr. *£j^Ji»JL^ also »ou4», Pers.jlj^jTcf. Lag GMAl,h - 27 '- Arm - «»«•»««), Ezri 8 . t[(lJ3] vb. cut, (cut off, sever), -/of n<13 (cf. Talm. Ntf cm« o/) ; hence perh. Qal Pt. act. sf. 'tfa V* 7 1 6 thou art Ae <A«< severed me from my mother's womb(De Che ; © o-Kfnwnjr, De prop. (KdTtatrTrjs, v. © ^ 2 2 10 ; S3 protector cf. ©,Thes EwHupPe benefactor, cf. Ar. 1>. requite, Jerus. Svr - lK*> Talm - N J? id.);— txt.and mng. dub.; || f 2 2 10 has , n'3; v .'C'he critnl, ' d0P476 ; Do %
- FM& n.f. a cutting, hewing — JV13 Ex
20 25 -(- 1 o t., always abs. ; — Iiewing, '3 '33K = hewn stones (building-stones) 1K5" 1 Ch 2 2 2 Ez 40 42 (for tables), cf. '3 nVtD3 «h|>] D'33K 1 K 7 911 (but Klo del. as gloss, cf.' ®); ' also without '33N = hewn stones Ex 20 25 (altar) Am 5 1 ' ('3 W3) Is 9 » (opp. W$); '3 *TW 1 K 6 36 , '3 BnttD j»; also La 3" '33 "T^ 113. nt3 v. sub Tt3. t-»3to adj.gent. 1 Ch n 34 'jflttn DOT, but id. "?13n |55* (®L Klpatrai 6 Tow.) cf. ♦?«. t [TT3] vb. shear (NH id., Aram. Itf, j^ ; Ar.ji , As. deriv.)— Qal Impf. tt»l Jb i 20 ; 2 ms. to Dt i 5 19 ; 7m». 2 fs. '13 J e 7* Vl Mi 1"; 7n/ cstr. Iff Gn 3i"(E) 1 S 25 1 , 13 Gn 3 8 ,3 (J); Pt. 113 1 S 25 4 ; pi. DTy 1 S 25 7 + 2 t.; cstr. "Vi Gn 3 8 12 ; sf. VT3 j S 25", fVttj Is 53 7 ;-*W sheep (obj. |KS) Gn 31" 38 13 Dt 15" 1 S 2 5 2 - 4 ; cf. Pt. shearer (c. |NX) Gn 38 ,s , also nlt3 (i.e. ^>ri1) I 8 53 7 ; abs.=s/teep-«Aeorer, iS «5 T41 2S I3 2324 ; obj. man's head (iefcl) Jb i 20 ; of a woman's (fig. of Israel) Mi i 16 (no obj. ; ||'mp), (fig. of Jerusalem) Je 7 s9 (obj. 113 q.v.) Niph. 1tf33 be cut off{= destroyed) of Assyrians Na i 12 . TU n.[m.] shearing, mowing (As. gizzu Zehnpfund™ 8 '- 530 , Aram. K?3, Y^fleece)— 13 f 72 s , also cstr. Dt 18 4 Jb^i 20 ; pi. cstr. 'W Am 7 1 ; — shearing = thing sheared off, wool, fleece ?K3f '3 Dt i8 4 , ^ '3 Jb 31 20 ; mmn; Am 7 1 (rfysn '3 c f. RS •"•'•");= land to be mown V 7 2<l (but shearing in both, ace. to Hoffm ZAWMSI16ff SS).
- rr|3 n.f. fleece — (Ar. K»., Aram. R'j^,)
n« Ju 6 37 + 5 t. ; cstr. DM J u 6 3 ' ';— -fleece, 10S '3 Ju 6 37 ; abs. Ju e 37 - 38 - 38 - 39 - 39 - 40 .
- U2 n.pr .m. son of ns^j?, concub. of Caleb
Ch 2 46 ' 48 ; v*> says that |in son of HB^ (and
Caleb?) begat Gazez. rvta v. sub nt3. fl. /T3 vb. tear away, seize, rob (NH id., Ph. S>!3 Niph., Aram. i>!f, j££^ & (Nas.) ^i^; Ar. Jji cut off)—QaiPf % Jb 20 19 Ez I8 18 , 5l Lv 5™+ 2 t./nblf f 69 s etc.; Impf. MjJ Ez 18 7 , b^B 2 S 23 21 1 Ch II s3 etc. ; Inf. bi Is io 2 ; Pt. act. hia Pr 28 s4 ; sf. fy'a V' 35 10 ; pi. cstr. ^13 Mi 3 2 ; pass, ^f Dt 28 29 + ^4 1.;— tear away, rob, c. obj. rei (movable), flock (115?) Jb 24 s , ass Dt 28 31 , women Ju 2 1 23 cf. Gn 3 1 31 (E), tear away orphan child from breast Jb 24° 18*0 D11V, snatch a spear from enemy's hand 2 S 23 21 = 1 Ch 11 23 ; fig. of drying up snow-water Jb 24 19 ; (obj. stationary) take violent possession of, well of water Gn 2 1 35 (E), house Jb 20 19 , fields Mi 2 2 ; (hyperb.) the skin Mi 3 s ; c. ace. cogn. = seize, plunder,ohj. nVtf Lv5 !3 (P)Ez i8 7 - 1216 , S>1J Ez 18 18 22 ffl ; indef.^69 5 ; fig., obj. tSEC'O Is io 2 ; c.obj. pers. robbed ^35'° Pr22 22 28 24 , prob. also Ju 9 s5 cf.Lvi9 ,3 (H;abs.);cf.alsopass.Dt28 29 (||p ! iB^); p&iV I'D ^13 ^3fn Je 2 1 12 cf. 2 2 3 ; Mai i 13 i"» ( || B ? lame and Hjin sick), prob. that rescued