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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/184

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nVna after seizure by wild beasts, therefore mutilated. 1lTipli.i > /3fs.n^331 ) subj.*Zee ? jPr4 l6 6<^(||y^). T , p n.[m.] robbery — abs. ?B Lv 5 21 + 3 t. + Ez 18 18 cf. infr.; cstr. % Ec 5 7 Ez 18 18 (but cf.infr.);— robbery Lv5 SI (P) ^62" {P'0) Is 6 1 8 ; = thing jrfundered, taken as plunder, as ace. cogn. Ez22 M (b)i bn); fig. O&WD ha = wresting of justice (cf. Is io 2 )Ec 5 7 .— Ez i8 18 has nK b#, but © Co del. nx; rd. then %.— Cf. Lag B!i172 '. tnpia n.f. plunder, spoil— n^t? Lv^ + 3 t.; cstr. r&ta Is 3", Tfty Ez 18 12 ;— thing seized, 82>oil Lv 5 (P) Ez 33 15 '; V?? n^ Is 3 14 ; as ace. cogn. Ez 18 71216 . n. 70 ("/of foil-, mng. dub.; ace. to Fl NHWBI - 433 onomatop., cf. Jji Frey crassa vox, vox columbi, v. also Fra 115 ). t Still a.m. D,S2 ' 11 young of birds (Syr. -*5>4pj, cf. Ar. Sjy*}— J ^ a l'*! Gn '5' pigeon; vtya Dt 32 11 eaglet (suff. ref. to 1B*3). DTJ (cm< #> NH id., Eth. 7Hod; cf. Ar. £. [ = Aram. *J^] ; or possibly lii [=Aram. t DT2 n.m. Am «■ 9 locusts (coll.)— abs. DT3 Jo i 4 2 s5 Am 4 9 ; — always as devouring, devastating, Jo i 4 (|| nans, p^, !rpn), 2 25 (flttt); Am 4 ' alone : your gardens and your vineyards, and your fig-trees and your olive-trees DMn ?2N

  • 2*3 n.pr.m. head of a family of returned

exiles "'J *J? Ezr 2 48 =Ne 7". PU (/of foil., cf. Ar. pJL cut of, & Eth. 7"H0: saw m too). t[^n:] n.m. Jbu 8 stock, stem (NH id,, cf. Syr. )ji 1 a^jstem, trunk) — cstr. J?Ta Is 1 1 '; sf. SV]i Jb 14 8 , 0V)i Is 40 24 ; — stock, stem of a tree Jb 14 8 (II ^h fig- ^ ,3 'stein of Jesse' Is 1 i l (&p); '3 jnna ehW is 40 24 (|| jkm, jnr). t")Til vb. cut, divide (Ar. ~ZL, NH *i]3 ck<, determine, circumcise; Eth. 7H& Aram. "113, >5^J— Qal P/"»g Hb 3 17 ; %/1W Is 9 19 ; 2 ms. ipr? Jb 2 2 28 ; tip 2 K6 4 ; A act. 1.t> i^ 136 13 ; — 1. divide, cut in two, sq. ace. i K 3 s5 (DVJB^ '3) cf. v 26 (obj. not expressed). 2. divide the Red Sea (ace.) i/' 136 13 sq. D' 1 *)}??. 3. cut down D'SJJn 2 K 6 4 . 4. cm< o/"(piece of meat to eat, but obj. not expr. || bltt) Is9 19 . 5. cut off, i.e. destroy, exterminate Hb3 17 (c. ace; indef. subj.), sq. f? loc. 6. decree (Aramaism, cf. B Aram.) Jb 2 2 28 c. ace. Nipt. Pfi "i]33 2 Ch

21 Est 2', "rnt T j? La 3 24 , rija; ^ 88 6 ', unw 

Ez 37 11 Is 53 8 ; — i. be cut off, separated, ex- cluded from (fl?) temple 2 Ch 26 21 , from (fl?) Yahweh's hand ^88 6 (of the slain), from (f») the land of the living Is 53 s (of the suffering servant of '<). 2. be cut off— destroyed La 3 s4 Ez 37". 3. be decreed, Est 2 1 sq. ^5? against (cf. Qal 6). fi.[~rtj] n.[m.] part, only pi. D*")Tjn Gn 15 17 of halves of animals; fi'HTa f i 3 6 is of divided portions of Red Sea. fu. "1T2 n.pr.loc. (portion) Levitical city on border of Ephraim Jos 10 33 1 2 12 2 1 21 I K 9 16 1 Ch 6 62 7 s8 20 4 ; it3 Jos 16 310 Ju i 29 - 29 cf. 2 S 5 25

K 9 15 17 ; c. n_ loc. rntl i Ch 14 16 ;— cuneiform 

Gazri, Bez M1, "- A »«™« T "" BM '«; mod. Tell-Jezer, c. 1 8 m. N. of W. fr. Jerus., S. of the Jaffa road ; Gann in PEF JB7S - 78t : m6 ' « l c f. Bd p *' ". t^ta adj.gent. 2S27 8 Qr(Kf-njm)cf.Dr. trPTil n.f. separation— nni? p.?"^ Lv 1 6 s2 (P) unto a land of separation, of the goat for Azazel ; solitary land RV; 'cut off,' i.e. whence it would not readily find its way back VB. Tn*2 n.f. cutting, separation — rn}3 Ez 4i 12 +6t.; sf. Drnja La 4'; — 1. cutting, i.e. polishing (AVRV or carving, i.e. beauty of form, shape, cf. VB) tarrna "flip La 4 7 ; their polishing (or beauty of form) was as sapphire, 2. separation, rnjan Ez 4i»*mji 4a UHt ge _ parate place AV RV cf. Da; i.e. yard, or space adjoining temple on three sides. T Li I VKJlip J n.f. cutting instrument, axe —

S 1 2 31 of David's treatment of captives, QS'Jl 

hnan nVinpa . . . rnjaa. nn; v. sub K?a. 'TIS v. [n'3, nia]. nJ (prob.=Kw<£/«, owrn). tri^na n.f. E "' ,3 coal (cf. As. guhlu, a shining precious stone 1 C0T GI °" Zim BP46 )— abs. r)ri is 47"; sf. *6ro t s m 7 ; pi. ciria ^i8 9 +6t.; cstr. ^na Lv i6 12 +5 t. + f 18" (del. © De Che); sf. Vffl Is 44", n^na Ez 24"; —coal, pi. E*« '3 coai* tff jlr» Lv 16 12 ' (P), 2 S 22 13 =f 18 13 [also ty 18" cf. supr.] Ez 10 2 (in vision); cf. 2S22 9 = i^i8 9 JD41 13 , also Pr6- 8 Is44 19 ; insimile(ofstrife)Pr26 21 (opp.DnS6/acA coal); Ez i 13 t5*« ^n| (of the living creatures);