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hira vessel); only pi. cstr. 3HT *^B^, & * 'K, both Ezr I 9 , denoting vessels from temple at Jems, restored by Cyrus. (Etym. & mng. dub. cf. supr. ; A ©L Codd. ® ^rvKTijpts, wine-coolers; B om. ; now commonly compared with Aram. Kn'^ni? Levy NHWB'*'», Jl^ji, Ar. iSSfe, aJUoIj, supposed to be loan-word fr. Hellenist. Gk. KapraXot, KapraWos (e.g. © 2 K IO 7 , Heb. ^"fl' 1 ), a = basket, fruit-basket, etc., canistrum (so MV BeRy SS); but KapraKKos itself is possibly a Pers. or Shemit, loan-word; cf. esp. Fra 77 ' ; further conject. in Thes BeRy.) ^ J (cf. Ar. J 'jL , pi. JU1.1 stones, or stony 2>lace planted with trees; J^. stony; ^jr*-, Jj^ stony ground, stones ; hence foil., because stones were used in casting lots ; cf. Gk. jrrj(pos pebbh, vote; xvapos bean, lot). ^"Via n n.m. LvlM & (f Jos 2 1 10 , but v. infr.) f. lot, (NH id. & denom. Hiph. ^")3n cast lots) — abs. 'i Jos 1 6 1 + 5 1 1.; cstr. 7T& Jos 1 8" + 2 1., bii NU36 3 ; sf. "7f» + !6 5 , ^"ja J u i 3 , $rf» Pr i 14 , ihl Dn i2 13 , ifgh Ju i 3 , ^1 Je i 3 25 Is 57 6 . '&$* 1 Ch 26", Db-lia Jos i8 u + 2 t.; pi. niirjij Joni 7 +8t., niij-ja Lv i6 8 ;— a lot cast for the decision of questions Pr 1 8 18 , design- ation of persons, etc., for service or punishment, assignment of property, etc.; prob. stones put into the bosom-fold of a garment, Pr 1 6 s3 ('arms PBV p'na), or into a vessel, and shaken until one springs out ('"v5?, "£, or — late — '?3); this was regarded originally as divine decision (cf. on Urim & Thumraim p. 22, supr.); for the agent, the usual verbs are T??!', JTV, ]T)i, and ^BH. Particularly: — 1. lot for dividing land, esp. that which Joshua cast at Shiloh " *JDJ> Jos 18 6 (rTV) v 810 (both ipj^j all three sq. ? of pers. for whom; all JE); cf. 19" (P); so of lot coming up, or forth, i"6y Jos 18" (cstr.; P), also sq. p pers. 19 10 (P), & foil. c. *<£ 1 6' (JE), Nu 33 M Jos I9 umum. 3i « ^ P ). e divided by lot '33 pbtv N u 2 6 65 , or according to lot ?hm 'in •vfa v 56 ; apportion by lot bmm ' 5 ? 33 M 34 13 , ' 5a ^0? Jos 19 s1 ; give by lot '» RJJ Nu 36' 'S3 |nj Jos 2 1 8 (all P) 1 Ch 6 60 ; have by lot 'as 'b n;n j os 21 4 , & (rrn om.) v 6 - 6 (all P) cf. 1 Ch 6 UM ; also Jos 2i 10 (P; njfc**n 'an, only here f; ©—not ©L — om. rotr'tO, & so) || 1 Ch 6"; cf. further L534 17 (p b^sn). 2. lot for assigning to service, duty or punishment, a. concerning the goats on day of atonement, Lvi6 8 fa |na) v 8 -" (sq. ?); cf. v 910 fa flfo all P). b. assigning priests to their courses, singers, musicians & porters to their duties, by lot 'as p^pi 1 ch 24 s ; 'a h»n v 31 25 s 26" (sq. p of position) v 14 ; of lot coming forth (N£ ? pers.) 2 4 7 (cf. v 718 ) 25' (cf. v 9 " 31 ) 26 14 cf. iinia KW v 14 . c. cos< lots for dwelling in Jerus. ('3 ^Bn) Ne 1 1 ' (sq. inf.) d. for supply- ing wood for altar-fire Ne io 35 (-'y b^Bny, here belongs prob. also e. Ju 20 9 '33 HvV) ref. to v 10 (determining who shall go up, and who Supply provision) © avaf}r)<r6pfda in avrijv & kt)p(p so Stu (insert peril. TVyi), cf. AV RV, Bu B9,n (who rds. '33 n^33); > @ Be Ke who ref. 'j here to division of land of captured city. f. to determine guilty persons Jon i 7 - 7 (both b*tt) v 17 fa !>B3) ; so appar. Ez 24 s of inhab. of Jerus. under fig. of flesh in pot 'a n'py ?Ba~tO no lot is fallen over it, i.e. no discrimination is made, destruction is to include the whole city; (cf. also Jos? 14 "' 1 S i4 41 "' where divine agency in detection is prominent but word ?"rta not used), g. in allotting slaves Jo 4 s '©y-'K 'a IT; Na 3 w fa IT); so Ob" 'a IT p^P^JJ, — all c. vb. IT q.v. b.. in distributing plun- dered garments ^ 2 2 "(/J? ^Bn). i. to determine favourable day for a scheme, b'Bn Est 3 7 (I9C *?.??) 9 24 (sq. inf.; v. also TS). 3. thing assigned, apportioned, allotted esp. of land assigned by lot, allotment Jos 15 1 17 1 21 88 (all P), i7 1417 = portion, share ( bra-, JE); cf.W^nj ^3]sru36 3 (P), t>rbm 7ft Jos 14 3 (P; but perh. rd.abs. Tjb cf.Di); alsoD^ia^sa iS n (P)theboundary of their allotment; chnSi^ 2 i w (P); v. further Ju i 3 - 5 ; so prob. Mi 2 6 'as bn Iffyl) (Hi Che; cf. also Ew); ^ 125 3 , land, exposed to oppressive exaction; also fig. of '< as portion, allotment of his people ^ 1 6 s (so Che, & on TDPl for T?^ cf. his crit. n.; v. alsoEw; otherwise De al.; — |pppn 1"I30); on the other hand, of idols Is 57 s (||PJ n ); also '3p ipy Dn 12 13 , of allotted portion, share, in the Messianic consummation ; more generally, one's portion, lot, fortune U3irtS ^BPI J?yii Pr 1 14 cast thy fortune into the midst of us, in with us (|| U93? IW ins D*?). 4. portion=recom- pence, retribution Is 17 14 ( [j P5T?), Je 13 s5 (|| ri3I3 1719), both implying divine agency.