■ha "* + |Vo]adj. raprrVl| p r i 9 19 Kt; < Qr "^11 cf.Vrss, AV EV Now Str al. I. [D^;)] vb. lay aside, leave, save (NH
is shorten, occasion, bring about, to pass,
Aram. D13 Pa. occasion, bring about, <p*^ab- scidit, decrevit, cf. also Ar. '^. cut off (fruit), shear (sheep); — on connexion of ideas v. Fl NHWB L437 ) Qal Pf. 3 pi. "»i£& tt$ tb Zp 3 s they have left nothing for the morrow, in fig. of cruel judges (dub. : al. fr. 11. [OTJ], v. Kau AT Dr). tD")2 n.[m.] bone, strength, self (?) (Ar. ly*. body, Aram. D13, oj!^ bone, self) — abs. DtF Gn 49 14 + 2t.; cstr. D"J| 2 K9 13 ; sf. VEn? Jb 40 18 ; — 1. bone Pr 1 7 s2 (coll.) 25 16 ; of behemoth (hippopot.) Jb 40 18 (|| DXJT q.v.) 2. strength Gn 49 14 D^3 "itan strong ass (lit. feomy, so VB). 3. «eZ/(cf. QW), 2 K 9 13 nibsjen Dia so Ges Ew Ke, but text dub., v. conjectures in Klo. •(•II. [D^2] vb.denom. break bones, break, —Pi. Impf EH* Dn^ribxyi Nu 2 4 8 (JE) j but also vp^jn n^n-nxi Ez 23 s4 (yet on txt. v. Co.) t^^^a adj. gent. c. art. 1 CI14 19 . nmao ~)2l (-/of foil.; ?cf. Ar. ^JJL, become ac- customed, worn smooth (of skin, garment, etc.) ; also grind grain vehemently; vid. further ■Jjjji what one Juts ground, of grain ; & place in which dates are dried= ^yif"). Tp2 n.m. threshing-floor (cf. further vulg. Ar. ,2,1a. stone basin, trough, mortar, etc. Dozy Lane, v'. Mohit 243 "- 7 )— p.3 Gn 50'°+ 27 t. (cstr. e.g. Gn 50 1011 2 S 6 6 ); Jfuns Mi 4 12 ; sf. VTfl Is 21 10 ; T?TJ Dt 15 14 i6 13 ;'pi. nianan! s 23' 1 , ITDifn Jo 2 s4 ; cstr. rrt3">3 Ho 9 1 — threshing- floor,(on formv.Eob^'^cf.FlNHWB'- 437 ) Gn 5o 10 -" (ntSNH '3) Nu i8 27 ('3n-p jj-j) Dt 15" 16 13 Ju 6 37 Eu 3 2 (Dn/yfrn 'j rn.t MM) v 3614 2 S 6 6 ^ , Chl 39 2jl5.18.21.iB.28 2 Ch 3 * H09 1 ('« '=) v 2 Mi 4 12 Jb 39" cf. Di; '3 nonT) Nu 15 20 ; VntMnri NU18 30 ; of these, three' may be n.pr.loc.':— 10KH p.3 Gn 50 10 "; p) f$ 2 S 6 6 (cf.WeDr) = fT3 p.a iChi 3 9 ; place of storing corn, etc. 1 S 23 1 2 K 6 s7 Jo 2 24 ; open place at city-gate frip "W nna p.3 1 K 22 10 =2 Ch 18 9 , where kings of Isr.& Jud. sat (but this peculiar & text dub.; ® (in K) ckottAoi ; We om. ; @ Th Be E'Tia, agreeing with E'HJS preceding ; yet this elsewh. in Heb. only of animals); in simile of daughter of Babylon, Je 5 ^(trodden smooth) cf. fig. of Israel TfRi (II >n &™) Is 2 1 10 ; • • • • Y° '31? Ho 13 s . pa, "p"^3. v. sub rru. D"^3 vb. v. sub feH3. — T t[^^3] vb. diminish, restrain, with- draw (NH id., Aram. 1H3, •^.l^shave head, etc. ; cf. LjL swallow)— Qal' Impf n^.Jb^t 7 , JTW Ex 21 10 ; 2 ms. in?? Dt i3* + 3t.; im? Ez 5" (but cf. infr.), jna«l Ez 16 27 ; W>3n Ex ' 5 8 + 2 t.; /w/S'lsi'Ecs 14 ; iYnyV-i3Isi 5 2 (soBaer; v.d.H. nyna v . 5H3), nyia j e 48 s7 ; — 1. diminish, usually sq. ft? Ex 5' 819 (the tale of bricks), Dt 4 2 13 1 (in both, word of' ; opp. ^Din) cf. Ec 3", and also Je 26 s (c. ace.) ; c. ace. also Ex2i 10 (food etc.) cf. Ez 16 27 ; Pt. pass, diminished, clipped, of beard, Je 48 s7 and Is 15 2 (so Baer, rightly, cf. his note and v. JH3). 2. restrain Jbi5 4 (c.acc. nn'B' meditation, devotion), Jbi5 8 (c. ace. '"ID3PI, sq. 1 vK, i. e. unto, for thyself, monopolize; De Di Da render draw unto thy- self, appropriate ; Schult. comp. Ar. swallow, cf. Ew saugst zu dir ein Weisheit). 3. withdraw Jb 36 7 (obj. )>, eye, sq. ft?); Ez 5 11 absol. (si vera 1.) ; Co. reads '"P? 7 ??, for JH3N, on intern, grounds ; others : withdraw (thy needs) Sm (cf. 1 6 27 ) ; withdraw (mine eye) Ges Ke. Niph. Pf 1H331 consec. Lv 27 18 ; rqrjj)(| Nu 36 s ; Impf in?? Nu 2 7 4 36 4 , tyfl Nu 36*; I J»L 5T133 Nu 9 7 ; Pt. IT)?? Ex 5 11 ;— 1. be withdrawn c. )» Nu ggs.3.4 ^inheritance, rpna); Nu 27 4 a name out of a family; Ex 5 11 p?J DsrnhJJO); impers. Lv 27 18 (abatement shall be made). 2. be re- strained sq. inf. Nu 9 7 . Pi. Impf. IPJ^ Jb 36" withdraw = draw up c. ace. D?D" , Bt?3 cf. Di (on other hand, De al. draw down, let down). t [iiyOC] n.f. recess, rebatement (RV), i.e. ledge^ only pi., nui? nijnat? ffl3 iK6 f . t[*l lil] vb. sweep away (orig. shovel or scooj) up, away, cf. NH id., Ar. >-K».; Aram. 113, .3^, Eth. in deriv.)— DEH3 (|W»g ta) Ju 5 21 - t[Pf"ON] n.[m.] fist (® irvypi,, so 93; but % club, staff (1), & so SS, cf. esp. Ex 21 18 ;— NH s^-os)— ^sks iN fn«3 ^njn-ns t^'x nam Ex 21 1 ' 8 ; (cstr.) »?n *tyfa ntanb i' s 5 8 4 . t[r»"jaO] n.f. shovel (NH id.; Aram. Nriiai-iap ; Ar. Ij^ (v. Lane)) only pi. Dn'rib-isD Jo 1 17 (Thes clods, after Jewish interpreters, so AV EV, cf. however Me Joe ' 100t ; ® Me DH^nnx their cribs, of cattle ; mng. of clause dubious).