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SahoSpr = Saho Sprache.

SASm = S. A. Smith.

Say = A. H. Sayce.

SayMonuments = Id., Higher Criticism and the Monuments;

SayRel. Bab. = Id., Religion of Babylonia.

SB = SBAk.

SBAk = Sitzungsbericht d. Berl. Akademie der Wissenschaften.
S-CPap. = A. H. Sayce and A. E. Cowley, Aram. Papyri.

Sch = F. W. Schultz.

Scheft = Scheftelowitz, usu. = Scheft, Arisches im A.T.; ScheftMGWJ = Id., Monatsschrift für Gesch. u. Wiss. d. Jud. (1903); also pub. separately (Scheftii).
SchenkelBL = D. Schenkel, Bibel-Lexicon.

Schl(ottm) = C. Schlottmann.

Schr = E. Schrader.

Schröd, Schroed = P. Schröder, esp. Id., Phönizische Sprache.

Schu = A. Schultens.

Schü = E. Schürer, Gesch. des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi.­
Schulth = F. Schulthess.

SchulthHom. Wurz. = Id., Homonymische Wurzeln im Syrischen;

SchultLex. = Id., Lexicon d. Chr. Pal. Aramäischen.
Schw = F. Schwally. Schw(alIy)Idiot. = Id., Idioticon d. Chr. Pal.
SeetzenReise = Seetzen, Reisen durch Syrien.

seld. = seldom, rare.

Sen = Sennacherib.

Sendsch. = Sendschirli (Zinjirli).

sf. = suffix , or with suffix.

sg. = singular.

ShIm = Shalmaneser II.

SI = Siloam Inscription.

si vera l. = si vera lectio.

Siegf = C. Siegfried.

sim. = simile.

SK = Studien u. Kritiken.

Skr. = Sanskrit.

Sm = R. Smend (rarely = Samuel).

SmRel. Gesch. = Smend, Alttestamentliche Religionsgeschichte;

SmListen = Id., Listen der Bücher Esra u. Nehemia.

So(c) = A. Socin.

Spi = W. Spitta. Spi§ = Gram. d. arab. Vulg. Dial.
Spieg = F. Spiegel; SpiegAPK = Id., Altpersische Keilinschriften.

Spiegelb = W. Spiegelberg.

Spr = Sprache, or Sprüche.

sq. = followed by.

SS = C. Siegfried u. B. Stade, Hebräisches Wörterbuch.

st. = status, state, stative.

St = H. Steiner.

Sta = B. Stade;

Sta§ = Id., Heb. Gram.;

StaG(esch.) = Id., Geschichte des Volkes Israel.

Steind = G. Steindorff.

Steuern = C. Steuernagel.

Str = H. L. Strack. Str§ = Id., Gram. d. bibl. Aram.

Strassm = foIl.

Strm = J. Strassmaier. StrmAV = Id., Alphabet. Verzeichniss.

sts. = sometimes.

Stu = G. Studer.

Stud. Bib. = Studia Biblica.

subst. = substantive.

Sum(er). = Sumerian.

supr., supr. = supra, above.

Surenh = W. Surenhusius, Mishna.

Survey, SurveyWP = Survey of Western Palestine (PEF); SurveyEP = Id. of Eastern Palestine.

Symm = Symmachus.

Syr. = Syriac.

T = Targum.

t. (following a number) = times.

TA = TeI el-Amarna; also Taj­-al-'Arūs (Arab. Dict.).

Talm = Talmud.

Tariff = Palmyrene Tariff Inscrip­tion.

TB, TBA. = Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archae­ology.

TelAm. = TA, q. v.

Tg = Targum TgJer = Targum of Jerusalem, etc.

Th(e) = O. Thenius.

Theod = Theodotion.

Theophr = Theophrastus; TheophrHist. Plant. = Id., Historia de Plantis.
Thes = W. Gesenius, Thesaurus Linguae Hebraeae.
ThesAdd. = Id., Additions by E. Rödiger.

ThT = Theologisch Tijdschrift.

ThLB = Theol. Literaturblatt.

ThLZ = Theol. Literaturzeitung.

Tiele = C. P. Tiele.

Tiph. = Tiphel (rare conjugation).

To = Tobler.

TP = Tiglath-Pileser.

Tpg. = Topography.

Tr = Transactions.

tr. = translate (translated, translation); rarely = transitive.

trans(it). = transitive.

Tristr = H. B. Tristram.

TristrNHB = Id., Natural History of the Bible ;

TristrFFP = Id., Fauna and Flora of Palestine (Survey, Memoirs).

TSBA = TB, q. v.

TSWt = Theol. Studien aus Württemberg.
TTijdschr = ThT, q. v.

Tu = F. Tuch.

txt. = text.

txt.err. = textual error.

Univ.Pa.Exp. = Bab. Exped. of the Univ. of Pennsylvania.

usu. = usual, usually.

V = Vulgate.

v = verse; v. = vide, see.

van d. H. = E. van der Hooght, Heb. text of O.T.

var. = variant reading.

VB = Variorum Bible.

vb. = verb.

vdVelde = C. W. M. van de Velde; esp. Id., Reis door Syrie en Palestina; E. T., Narrative of a Journey through Syria and Palestine; vdVeldeMem(oir) = Id., Memoir to accompany Map of Holy Land constructed by C. W. M. van de Velde.

vid. = vide, see.

vir. = viri, of a man.

Vog = C. J. M. de Vogüé, Syrie Centrale. VogPalm. = Id.
VogelstLandwirthsch. = H. Vogelstein, Landwirthschaft in Palästina zur Zeit der Mišnâh.
VOJ = Vienna Oriental Journal (= Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes).

Vrss = Old Versions.

Vulg.Ar. = Vulgar Arabic.

Vullers = J. A. Vullers, Lexicon Persico-Latinum.

W = W. Wright.

WAG = Id., Arabic Gram.;

WSG, or CG = Id., Comp. Semit. Gram.
Wahrm = A. Wahrmund, esp. Id., Arab. Handwörterbuch.

WAW = W. Aldis Wright.

wd. = word, also would.

We = J. Wellhausen.

We.Bl.Einl. = Id., Bleek's Einleitung in d. A.T.; WeComp. = Id., Composition des Hexateuchs; Wede gent. = Id., De gentibus et familiis Iudaeis; WeHeid. (or, Arab. Heidenthum) = Id., Reste Arabischen Heidenthums (= WeSkizzen iv. 2nd. ed.); WeHist. = Id., History of Israel (trans. by Black); WeProl. = Id., Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels;

WeSkizzen = Id., Skizzen und Vorarbeiten.

Weissb =F. H. Weissbach.

Wetzst = J. G. Wetzstein.

wi. = with, construed with.

Wied = A. Wiedemann. WiedSamml Id., Sammlung Altägyptische Wörter.

Wild(eb) = G. Wildeboer.

Wilkinson(Anc.) Egypt. = J. G. Wilkin­son, Ancient Egyptians.

WisdLt = Wisdom Literature.

Wkl = H. Winckler.