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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/23

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WMM = W. Max Müller. WMMAs. u. Eur(op.), or Asien = Id., Asien u. Europa.

Wr = C. H. H. Wright.

Wü = A. Wünsche.

WZKM = VOJ, q. v.

Xen(oph). = Xenophon.

Z = Zeitschrift.

ZA = Zeitschr. für Assyriologie.

ZAW = Z. f. alttest. Wissenschaft.

Zc = Zechariah.

Zehnpf = R. Zehnpfund.

ZEthnol. = Zeitschrift für Ethnologie.
Zim = H. Zimmern. ZimBP = Id., Babylonische Busspsalmen.
Zinj. = Inscriptions of Zinjirli (N. Syria).

ZK = Z. für Keilschriftforschung.

ZKM = Z. f. Kunde d. Morgenlandes.
ZKW, or ZKWL = Z. f. kirchl. Wiss. und kirchl. Le­ben.
ZLuth.Th. = Z. für Lutherische Theologie.
ZMG = Z. d. deutsch. MorgenIänd. Gesellschaft.

Zö = O. Zöckler.

Zp = Zephaniah.

ZPV = Z. d. deutsch. Pal.-Vereins.

ZVölkerpsych. = Z. für Völkerpsychologie.
ZWTh., or ZWiss.Th. = Z. für Wissenschaftliche Theo­logie.

< over a letter, indicates the ac­cented (tone-)syllable.
† prefixed, or added, or both, indicates 'All passages cited.'
> indicates that the preceding is to be preferred to the following.
< indicates that the following is to be preferred to the pre­ceding.
‖ parallel, of words (synonymous or contrasted); also of passages; sometimes = 'see parallel,' or 'so also in parallel.'

= equivalent, equals.

+ plus, denotes often that other passages, etc., might be cited. So also where the forms of verbs, nouns, and adjectives are illustrated by citations, near the beginning of articles; while 'etc.' in such connexions commonly indicates that other forms of the word occur, which it has not been thought worth while to cite.
[ ] indicates that the form, etc., enclosed, is not actually found, or that the Hebrew offers no positive proof; e.g. n. [m.] denotes that the noun is presumably masculine, though the gender is not clearly exhibited in Hebrew.

√ = root or stem.

׳ = sign of abbreviation (in Hebrew words).
א׳ often = אֱלֹהִים, Elohim.
וגו׳ = וְגֹמַר = et caetera (in Hebrew quotations).

י׳ = Yahweh.

֑ beneath a Hebrew word represents any accent that occasions vowel change.
Note. Scripture citations in small superior letters and figures, following n.m. or n.f., refer to some passage where the gender is exhibited. Small inferior figures following Hebrew words, names of conjugations, etc., denote the (approximate) num­ber of occurrences of such words, conjugations, etc.