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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/244

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{rcirr of Judah, son of Ahaziah (Jehoahaz 3) 2 K ia***«*» i 4 13 ,=:ew 2 K ii 2 I2 20 - 2 ' i 3 U0 I4 ij.i7.a , Ch 3 u , ch M n h**mm 25 :3K ; = EW 2 Ch 24 1 . 2. "VT king of Israel, son of Jehoahaz 2, 2 K i 3 10 - 2S if**-****^*^

K I3 »".i3.i3.i4.ss I4 i.aw 2 ^ 25 w.w-si-s».» Ho i 1 

Ami 1 . 3. 'v father of Gideon (Jerubbaal) J U 611.ffl.303! 7 H gl3.ffl.3S.33 ± ^ ft pr j nce of Ahab'shouse, called ^frrj3 i K 2 2 26 = 2 Ch i S 25 . 5. 'V one of David's heroes i Ch 1 2 3 (® 'Ian, 'ioiar, A 'Iojpat). 6. tWV a Judaite prince i Ch 4 s2 (® 'lo»8a, 'Ia> as ). + "Qtin "DtV n.pr.m. ® usu. 'I<ofa0a8 T T -. T r C' hath bestowed; cf. Palm. 13T133 Vog 73 ; v. also innat, ^af)— 1. ™ n> . servant & mur- derer of Joash of Judah lEll* (® 'It&favd) = 2Ch24 26 (® Zw{afcb, 'ic^a^, 'I<ofa0 f <9). . *^^T^ , three of David's mighty men, a. i Ch 12*; b. v 21 ; c. v 21 (® 'lafojSwtf, , I<»fa/3«8). . "Offer] a Benjamite chief 2CI117 18 . 4. priests & Levites, a. "OtfiV i Ch 26 4 ; b. "nTV

Ch 3 1 13 (® 'Efa3a^,'la,afa,3a(9; ®L 'laa&puS) ; 

- 35 9 (® 'WatfaS; ®L as foreg.); d. Ezr S 33 ; e. Ezrio- 2 ; f. Ezrio 23 ; g. Ne8 7 ; h. Nen 16 ; (d. f. g. & h. perh. the same man). tpnirT, l3JTt* n.pr.m. ® mostly 'lani/av, 'lavav C"< hath been gracious, cf. fJC?^, ^S?30 & reff.; also Ph. |JT$Sa ^330*)— 1. a. 'irP a priest Ne 12 13 ; b. high priest Ezr io 6 =fjni' 1 Ne 12 2223 appar. = 1™^ Ne 12 1111 (® 'lumOav). 2. 1n| Levite Ne 12 42 . 3. tO) son of Tobiah Ne 6 18 ' (® Codd. 'Ia>ra<W). 4! 'i^ porter in David's time 1 Ch 26 s (® 'lavas, ®L 'Iwadav). . In* a Judaite captain 2 Ch 1 7 15 appar.also 23 1 . . 1nj an Ephraimite 2 Ch 28 12 . 7. 1HJ an Israelite, Ezra's time Ezr io 28 . 8. "I* (& so all foil.) a Jewish captain, after fall of Jerus.

K 25 13 Je 4 8 - ,31S ' 6 4 l13'«5.16 42 1.8 43 2.4.5 

. eldest son of king Josiah i Ch 3 15 ®L 'Iwa^as (appar. = '09^^ 2 K 2 3 30 + ). 10. a post-exilic prince of the line of David 1 CI13 24 . 11. father of Azariah, priest in Sol.'s time 1 Ch 5 35 36 . 12. two of David's mighty men : a. a Benjamite 1 Ch 12 5 ; b. a Gadite 1 Ch 12". 13. a re- turning exile Ezr 8' 2 . tjH^liT, yT* n.pr.m. (^ knoweth; cf. ny>?., V^>» & reff., »t|»J?3)— 1. UtJ; ® usu. 'la>8a(, A Sts. 'Ium8a« (2S23 s0 - r ), ©L 'luaS (2 S 20 23 "IokiSSoi), father of Benaiah (David's time), in combin. / VPf| VTJB 2 S8' 8 20 23 23 2022 T<- , 8.20.32 J6.38.44 , *4 j pj. j 1 22.24 jgl7 '; W33-J3 JTTilT 1 Ch 27 s4 is prob. erron. inversion of the usual order; n? alone only

Ch 1 2 s8 (where called pn*6 TJ^J). 2. 1BJ, 

® usu. 'la>8ae A sts. 'iwiaSaf etc., (chief) priest at Jerus. in time of Joash 2 K 1 i < - 9 »-" i >7 1 2 3 - 810

Ch 22 11 2 3 1,8 ' 8911141618 24 2 ' 3 - 61214141517 - 20 - 22 - 25 Je 

29 s6 . 3. VTp a builder at wall of Jerus., with Nehemiah, Ne 3* (® 'lottaa, 'lo«8a, 'lo>8af , etc.) 4. 1» son of h. p. Eliashib Ne 1 2 1011!B 1 3 s8 (® 'iwSa, 'icoSaf, 'lmaba). tp^rp, ja^rr, |<yr n.pr.m. ('» «;> pointetli) last king but one of Judah, son of Jehoiakim (® 'loxucciii; in K, ©L 'IvaKctp; ® in Je (usu.) & Ch 'U X ovias); fljjfci 4 ; 2K24 68121 ' 2 s 27 - 27 2 Ch 36 s9 Je 52 31 = ]y >_ v 31 ; = |^f Ez 1 s ; =ITJfb; Je 27 20 ; = .T3y' 2 8 4 29 s i T Ch3 1617 Est2 6 ; =W#?) Je 84'aaVi;^ Je 2 2 24M 37 ». D^iT , O^y , O^/V n.pr.m. ® Imom* ( raiseth up; cf. O'pvK & reff.; also D'pJ, '"™?i?)— 1- 'i'T one of the last kings of Judah, son of Josiah 2 K 23 s4 - 36 - 36 24'*- 6 -' 9 1 Ch 3 1516

Ch 36 4. 5 .8 Je j 3 22 is.24 24'+ 19 t. Je, Dn i 1 - 2 ; 

name changed fr. orig. D'pvK 2 K 23^=2 Ch

6 4 . 1 2 . D^V priest, son of Jeshua Ne 1 2 10 - 

.12.26 +3 _ Q^, ft J udaite j Ch 4 22_ ta-n^rr, :pTjti n.pr.m. © 'i*.^, 'I<oaf)ci|3, 'Iuapfi/x, etc. r' pleadeth, or conlendetti) — 1. name of a priestly family *VP 1 Ch 9' 24 7 ; = I' Ne 1 1 10 1 2 619 . 2. teacher in Ezra's time Ezr 8 16 . 3. a Judaite Ne 1 1 tTWJT, blV n.pr.m. ® 'laa X aX (Codd. have C, x> ' > f° r ^) (prob. contr. fr. ?3VW, is able) a courtier of king Zedekiah, *VT Je 37 3 ='^ 38 1 . tarrairr, n^ 1 n.pr.m. ('■< is noble, or is liberal, or hath impelled, cf. ""I/?"!?) — 1- '^'T son of Kechab & chief of the Bechabites (® 'lavaHafi) 2 K io 15'«-23 Je 3 5 8 -' 4 " 18 ;=: / i' 1 Je35 81019 . 2. fflj nephew of David (® 'ItflraSd/S, 'iwcaSa/i ; @L IwaAv) 2 S 1 3 5 ; ='1 2 S 1 3"**} (appar. called Jonathan 2S21 2 ' iCh20 7 , cf. jnjin; 3.) ]n2in , ) ]n3V n.pr.m. ® 'ava0av through- out, with occasional var. ( hath given; cf. jn^K, W5SU, ^™, & reff, Temanite jnMtn Ha jBBJi884. u: 7 f. Nbr stud - Blb -'- 211 ; Sab. D1N3H1 Hal 10 )— 1. 'iiT son of Saul 1 S 14 68 18" + 4ot. 1 S; 2 S i 4 + 18 1. 2 S; 1 Ch 8 3334 o 3940 ; ="f 1 Si 3 2 - 3 + 27 t. 1 S, iChio 2 . t2. 'i.T son of Abiathar 2 S 15 2738 i7 1 - 20 ;='.- I K i 4243 ! t3. Irp nephew of David 2S2i 21 = 1 Ch2o"; appar. called Jonadab 2Si3 8ff ' where ®L 'lavadav, cf.