Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/245

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rnjnn -1

taEttftrr VT 1 2 . +4. '^ ; li" 1 ! of David, i. e. his uncle ] i Ch 27 M . t5. THJ one of David's heroes 2S 23 s2 (cf. Dr) = jr^ 1 Ch 1 1 34 . t6. In; one of David's treasurers 1 Ch2 7 25 . + 7. 'in? a scribe Je 37 1520 38 s6 . + 8. Levites a. 'in* 2 Ch 1 f ; b.'i'Neiz 35 . + 9.'in>priestNei2 18 '. + 10. 'in? priest to the tribe of Dan, son of Gershom Ju 18 30 . til. 'V a Judaite captain, after fall of Jerus. Je 40 8 . 1 12. f a Judaite 1 Ch **■ +13. 'V father of Ebed Ezr 8 6 . + 14. 1» son of Asahel Ezr io 16 . +15. 'V a priest Ne 12 14 . †16. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) son of Joiada Ne 1211.11 appar. = (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2.

†rn^rP (mng.dub.; Thea'> hath adorned (as Heb. my Hiph. ; vb. of Pa. form); MV (Symbol missingHebrew characters) is equipment, cf. Ar. Template:Arbaic missing; possibly (Symbol missingHebrew characters) hath carried off spoil, or hath deposed (%. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pe Pa Aph ; cf. Haph. Dn 2 21 ) ; or perh. '< hath num- bered Ar. li) — a descendant of Saul 1 Ch S 3636 (® 'Ia8a, A 'Io)«a8a, ©L "ifflSa) = fTJ »! 9 42 - 43 (for rfJS* ? cf. Be ; © 'laba, ©L 'iwSa). ' jninrp 2 k i 4 2 Kt v. foil. tynyirp (?du. (cf. Kt 2 K 14 2 ) or of myirp, (my as noun) Aram, form; Klo 2K 14 2 cf. nirv njK-ny^, i 3 2 ; comp. Bab. Ahulapia, v. vljlK p. 29 supr.) mother of Amaziah, king of Judah 2 K 1 4 2 Qr (Kt p*ljnn © 'loa8tip, A 'laa&civ), 2 Ch 25 1 (© 'luvaa, A 'laabtv, ©L 'ituaSeiv).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) is righteous; cf. WJBT? Sab. bxpiV Hal 193 ) father of Joshua the high-priest, *VtJ Hg i 112 " 2 24 Zc 6" 1 Ch 5 4o.4i._/^ Ezr 3 28 5 2 io 18 Ne 12 26 (® 'l<o<rad<™, 'l<uo-<8(((). tcrrtTf 1 ', □"IV, Q"!' 1 ^ is exalted ; cf. D"V?i>B; further, Ph. B1&S3, ^y3»"> ; Sab. D^K DHM ZMQ1876686 )— 1. 'in? (© 'Iapa/i) king of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat 1 K 22 51 2 K i 17 gl6.25.29 I2 19 2Ch2I 1 6 g ^lAB^fl j £ g»*JI

1 2 1 Ch 3 11 . 2. imj (® 'Impap) king of Israel 

aon of Ahab 2K1 17 3' 16 9 "™™ a 2CI122'"; ='1' 2 K 8 16 - 25 ' 28 - 28 - 2929 p I4141616M 2 Ch 2 2 87 . 3. 'in? priest in time of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 17 8 (® 'lapay., 'lapav). 4. 'V son of Tou, king of Hamath 2 S 8 10 (© 'uSSovpav) prob. err. for BTjhn ||iChi8 10 . 5. ffi* a Levite iCh26 2S (© 'itapap). t lQtrin nSOttfiiT . fi « an oa«/i ; cf. y3B"b«)— daughter of Joram of Judah, & wife of Jehoiada the priest; inefa? 2K11 2 (® 'Uaafct, Wa/3«0) ; = njaenfl? 2 Ch 22"" (® "Ia><raj3«). ny^Ojin'] v. foregoing. SflttfllT, 5#fcf», and (later) J«tt£, (& loc, v. 9 infr.) ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) is salvation, or(Symbol missingHebrew characters) is opulence, cf. V?"^, yC' , ^K, yB"?S, & Nes 8K i892.s73f.. , n anv case [^ came to ^ associated with Wr, cf. Mat i !1 ; on S^ v. esp. Frii VOJlv. 1890,3321 Mflll SK.VU.vnt. who cite ana l og . fo r change of S to later — , & Nes' ) — 1. Moses' successor, son of Nun, (® 'irjaoit) y*E*in? Dt 3" Ju2 7 ;=yB i in?Exi7 9 - ,0 - ,3 ' ,4 24 l3 32 17 33"Nuii 28 I3 16 I4 «-30-38 - 26 65 2^18.22 32 12.28 ^17 £) t ,38 g* 3 , 34 9 J 0g ,1 + , 6? 4. J 0S . J u ,1 2 6.7J.21.23 i K i6 34 i Ch7 27 ;=5TlK i .':Ne8 17 (® , I,o-o{;s); ace. to P, name changed by Moses fr. yB'in q.v.Nu 1 3 816 (® Aid,) Dt32 M (® 'lijaoCr). +2. yS'in? a Bethshemite 1 S 6 1418 (® 'Qcnjc, A 'l^ois, ®L 'Ieoo-T/f). +3. h.p. after the restoration, son of Jehozadak jeffer (® 'i,(roCt) Hg I 11214 2 2 ' 4 Zc 3 1 - 3 - 6 - 8 - 9 6 n ;=W& (® 'I,<roC s ) Ezr2 2 3" 4* 5 2 io 18 Ne7 7 i2 1 - 7WS6 . +4. y^irr] governor of Jerusalem under Josiah 2 K 23 s (© 'Iijowr, © L 'Iao-r,*). + 5. && (© "I-jo-oDj) head of one of the classes of priests 1 Ch 24", possibly also Ezr 2 36 =Ne 7 39 . +6. J*£ (® 'lw»vt, etc.), a Levitical family-name of frequent occurrence : a. Ezr 2 40 3 9 = Ne 7" 8 7 9 4S io 10 1 2 8 . b. 2 Ch 31 15 EzrS^Ne^ 24 . +7. J**! (® id.), father of a builder at the wall Ne 3", perh.= +8. a Judaite family-name (® id.), Ezr2 8 = Ne7" (cf. Sm I-,llB ). +9. in south of Judah Ne 1 1 26 V<&Z (® iv 'ir,<Toi, ®L h 2ova). t[yOttJin";] only abbrev. (or txt. err.) yDBnn ('» hath heard, cf. W?B*?K & re ff — a descendant of the royal house of Judah I Ch3 18 (® •Q<ra H <e{8), ®L Qvapa).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) G (Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingGreek characters) fijtath judged, cf. Bf^Nf. ^BQ?' & reff.) — 1. 'in? (so all exc. 5. & 6) king of Judah, son of Asa 1K15 24 22 2 +2it. 1 K; 2K1 17 8 i6.i6 , 2 i9 ,Ch3 10 2Chi7'4-4ot. 2CL +2. father of Jehu king of Israel 2 K o 214 +3. chronicler under David & Solomon, son of Ahilud 2 S8 16 1 K 4 3 1 Ch i8 u ; also 2 S 20 24 (@L 2a<pa*). +4. one of Sol's 1 2 officers who provided victuals for the royal household I K 4 17 (®L 'laa<ra<f>ar). + 5. 'V one of David's heroes i Ch 1 1 43 . + 6. *C a priest & trumpeter in David's time i Ch 15 24 . +7. in tSBB'i'T P?5? Jo 4 2 ' 12 , symbolical name