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fn shalt not walk as a slanderer among thy people, Je 9 s , b"3r ifrln Prn ls 20"; and even *7J *$h Je 6 s8 (yet ^ai poss. abstr., *l 'n walk in slan- der); with adv. accus., construed more generally (Ges* 1186 -*, Ew' mt ): ye shall not walk loftily (noil) Mi 2 3 ; they shall come bending (Dint?) I s 60"; awa" Agag came delicately (ri3"lJJO) 1 S 1 5 32 ; cf. also Lv 26 a (II. 3b) Ex 3 21 2 S 17 18 . . Also of animals, in similar meanings and combinations: ^]?n Na 2 12 wo/A about, prowl (lions, fig. of rulers of Assyria); Pr 30 29 (vid. v 30 - 31 , of three beasts & a king); walk, go, move 'n Jinx n?DD3 1 S6" (of cows bringing ark), horses inZec.'s vision Zc 6 7 ^nm) 113$ «^ JQK3; of beasts <fe birds Je9 9 , cf. $o 3 both man <$• beast, they are fled, they are gone; of flocks and herds (nJjH?) UB? J|j* Ex io 26 they shall go with us; ny35"7S "ina 'n Je 50 6 they have gone jr. mt. to hill (Isr. under fig. of wandering sheep) ; in 1 S 1 4 26 rd. prob. ^?n for ^H q. v. ; esp. in laws of clean & unclean Lv 1 i 2021 every swarming winged thing that goeth on (?5? ^IP^L 1 ) all jours, cf. v 2742 ; also v 27 everything that goeth on its paws, & v 42 everything that goeth on (its) belly, (all P), so of serpent Gn 3 14 on thy belly (Ijhf^) shalt thou go (J), cf. also Je 46 s2 u'?.. tfnaj H^P; (where appar. rel. cl., her voice like the ser2>ent thai moves, i.e. like the rustling sound of a glidingserpent,cf.VB); locusts Jo2 7 (Vfn3 B*K), v 8 (in?DD3 133). 3. in like manner of in- animate things, as : the ark (n3rin) Gn 7 18 (P; sq. D?en "OS"!'?); ships 1 K 22 49 (sq. n_ loc.) = 2Ch20 M (sq. ace. of limit), cf. 2 Ch 9 21 (sq. ace.) 20 37 ($>K); of B^-ON Is 33 21 'galley with oars' (sq. 3 of place in which); wheels (in Ezekiel's vision) Ez 1 1 ' 1 ' 19 - 21 io ".ii.h.u. m oon Jbsi 26 ; wind ^ 78 s9 Eci 66 ; of streams (D^n) =flow D»rri>$ Ec i 7 ; cf. Dtobn D^njriE' D'lpo-^s n3j? D , 3B ; Dn DB* v 7 unto the place whillier the streams flow, thither they flow again; also r J , p , B^ , sq. D'B as accus. of that with wh., Jo 4 18 || of hills flowing 3?n, with milk; cf. further fig. D?8 nja^l D^-13-b Ez7 17 2 1 12 all knees sliall flow down in water, i.e. be as weak as water; ni">njEz3i 4 (sq.3'3p); vni-ur!?3-i>y TJ^ni Is 8 7 i.e. overflow (|| Vffi ptt S f 1 ^ rhv) cf. Jos 4 18 (JE); so of water (as SI 4 ) Is 8", 1 K 18 36 («?>! nansfc 3*39 D^rj), ,/, 105 41 pro ni»s3 o£n, <; ie y /lowed through dry regions as a river) ; (on Inf. abs. used of waters of flood, Gn 8 35 , cf. infr. 4 c (4), (5) ); of the sea "1J7D1 -]. ? in D>n Jon 1 na was going on and being stormy = was growing more and more stormy (cf. infr. 4 d) ; of wine (|?!) Ctf 10 that goeth down, jor my beloved, smoothly (simile); also of lightning go, dart (p">3) Jb 38 s5 , so B>N Ex o 23 (E) nfig Bfc l^nni and _/ire darted to earth (on form, here & ^ 73 s infr., as intens., of rapid motion, cf. Thes Ew s,38b Kb'- 415 ); Ijbfl *$ &$ + 97 3 ; of torches, in fig. of violent breathing of crocodile E , T?? 1*P? dprp jb 4 1»; of sword 3-jn -^n ynrjp j e 48 s , of arrow P")3 Jb 20 25 drawn from a wound; of pestilence "O'J (personified) ^9i 6 (??N3)> Hb 3' (vjsb); of fame ntoHBrrioa j£in iyBB> Est9 4 ; of the tongue (bad sense) H¥? TO?? W^ V' 73 9 (cf. Ex 9 s3 supr.; || Dn's'tTDBb' Vi/); of sound of trumpet Ex 19 19 (Pt. cf. infra 4 d); of letters nn?N Ne6 17 (sq. ^5?, unto); of dew (ba, || np v 3-|?i) sim. of Isr.'s IDn Ho 6 4 cf. 13 3 fo'&e dew that passeth away; so of iV Jb 7 9 n?3 1&1 U?i of rain 6 l&J ^ DB*3n Ct 2" ^e ram is <wer, i< Aa<A taken itself away; of ark of "> ("- pi«) 1 S 6 8 depart (cf. also 5 d); of shadow on dial go jorward 2 K 20 9 (opp. 3tt?; || i"IB3 v 20 & TJJ Is 38 s ); grrow, of wicked under fig. of trees, *!J ^"03 «^_ Jei2 2 ; cf. YtSpft ojg Ho 14 3 his branches shall spread, said of Isr. under fig. of tree ; of name (= fame) 2 Ch 26 s (sq. Onm Ifcjng); also of a thing that does not actually move; ?K ?'33n Ijpnl Jos 17 7 and the boundary went unto etc., cf. 16 8 (sq. JB & n__ loc); — in 2 K 1 3 21 and it (the dead body) went i.e. was let down into the grave, rd. top*! for =17'! ®L Th Klo, and they went away. t4. The Inf. abs. is often used a. as in other vbs., quite independently (Ges* mi ): 333H Dnrw ffrifjN *Wt rbn) . . . . J e 7" (series of 6 Inf. abs.) (are there) stealing, murdering, and adultery and false swearing and incense-burn- ing to the Baal, and going after other gods . . A as obj., tffyl 1"3-n3 U$"l<7) Is 4 2 24 and they desired not walking in his ways; as appos. of obj., Je 23 14 / have seen . ... an abominable thing, committing adultery and walking in lies (ipB'3 Tji^m fjlHj) ; cf. *|rn Diiy ifbn fj B>y>5 Is 20 2 and he did so, a walking naked and barejoot, where also two adverb, accus. modify- ing the Inf. abs. (Ges* 113,2 ). b. to intensify meaning of finite form of iJ/H (Ges" 13,3 ): (i)