i> n
?n before finite vb. ipf? -].pK -j6n Ju 4 9 / will surely go vrith tliiee, cf. Je 3 7 9 ; fi3?n ipn Gn 3 1 30 concessive, </iOit art indeed gone, OpJJ 1^<fJ B'SJM Ju 9 8 introductory, «/je <rees tueni forth on a time to anoint them a king. (2) after finite vb. ?Jvn !]7 S 1 2 S 3 24 awe? A« is actually gone ! (a grave imprudence to permit it !), "> 'JS-nx iwt£ j|li>n rwjjj Zc 8 21 Z«< «s % a« means go to seek the favour of C. most noteworthy is the joining of the Inf. abs. (1) with a following Inf. abs. denoting a simultaneous action or process, and so empha- sizing duration or continuance: a. both Infs. preceding the finite vb., njapfl S]bt31 "rfi? Is 3 16 a going and a tripping they go, i.e. they keep tripping as they go; so WT^ 133} 7]i?n Je 50 4 continually weeping they shall go; /3. one Inf. before, & one after the fin. vb. nb3^ TJJJ Tji?n ifr 1 26 s continually may one go weeping; y. else- where both after fin. vb. Jos 6 9 the rearguard was going (n.?' 1 ) after the ark, continually blowing on the trumpets (nriBiE>3 yipni ~ifO}), cf. v 13 (where tjinh cf. infr.; both JE), . . . T&3 i33i -pi>n 2 S 3 16 , of cows iyji T|i>n ejjij 1 S 6 12 <Ae?/ m>«h< continually lowing, t'SX'l ijiPil IJJJ1 Ju 14 9 and he went on, eating as he went; nail 7]i?n Q^p'n 2 K 2 11 they were going on, talking as they went ; in H33} "ipil i|pn Je 41 6 , the pt. H3'3 is peculiar, rd. perh. H33, and for l£fo rd. Dra|*l ® Hi cf. Gf. (2) with a foil, vb.fin.c. , consec.(rare): Wpl Tji^n cw!>h Jos6 13 ( JE) they were going along continually blowing on the trumpets; npjtt IJWn -J^ril 2 S 13 19 and she went, crying out as site went; TJvn . . . TQT •'.?l-?1 2 S 16 13 he went along . . . cursing as he went; so I S 19 23 and he went on, proplvesying as he went, until he came, etc. (3) in cases where vb. fin. is foil, by Inf. abs. + adj. denoting progress, advance : 3")j^ "?|i?ri TJP'1 2 S 18 25 and he came continually nearer (nearer & nearer); elsewh. with idea of actual motion lost fr. vb. fin.: 311 Iffy ^>1 1 S 1 4" and the tumult kept growing greater and greater; so ^]i?n in 7|J>1 ^iljl 2 S 5 10 = 1 Ch 1 1 9 ; cf. Ju 4 s4 and the hand of the sons of Israel kept growing more and more severe (^r'ijl WlJ • • • 'HJ?!) upon Jabin; note esp. "T" 1 ! ^51 ifbn -M B»Kn ^3>1 1KB ?15 Gn 26 13 (J) and tlie man grew great and kept on growing greater and greater until etc. (?13 partic. adj.). (4) twice, where vb. fin. is not "pn, but another vb. denoting motion : 3it* -p^n . . . B^n Bgl Gn 8> (J) and the waters retired continually more and more; n3«n jtol l|fcn D13K JfEM Gni2» (J) and A bram journeyed on continually further toward the south country. (5) quite by itself is Gn 8' (P) -liDm -ibn Vn D^tsrn and the waters, they continually diminished (were a going and a diminishing; the Infs. abs. being predicate). (6) 13 t. the Inf. abs.= Imv. & is followed by Pf. consec. (chiefly in Je): nrorn -]&n 2 S 24" go and speak, so Je 3 s 2 ; 91P&H 'n go and say, Is 3 8 6 Je 28 13 3 4 2 35 13 39 16 ;' nvr$> 'n j e 2 2 3"; also mnil 'n 2 K 5 10 go and wash, JT?iJ1 'H Je
3 1 1 9 1 go and buy, ^IPyi "' J 7 " 9° an d tiand.
d. akin to the use of Inf. abs. are some instances of Pt. ^n + adj. (or pt.): Ml^pBn ^»1 3?j^ ^l!?' 1 i S 1 7 41 and the Philistine came con- tinually nearer (cf. 2SI8 25 supr.); in other cases as predicate, with same idea of growing, increasing: D^"T) D'Pph bKV W& p)Tt 7|,ph Till 2 S 3 1 a>i(2 David was growing stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul were growing weaker and weaker, cf. 2Chi7 12 Est 9* (of individuals), 2 S 1 5 12 (of people); + 2 adj. I5?|ni SB} hjl IJJrl ^JWp 1 S 2 M ; cf. (with different order) of wind, Ec i 6 goeth (=1.?^) toward the south, and turneth about ( 3 ?i°) unto the north, the wind turneth about and about continually (nmn ^iv33b 33iD) ; f sea ">5?bi tjjjfei n> r n Jon i 1113 the sea was growing more and more stormy; also pirn Ijbta iDB'n Pip WJ 1ND Ex 19 19 ana" the sound of the trumpet kept groiving louder and louder; & in metaph. Di»n |tar*Tj "liKi ■q.'bnri fuS -.ins EPg^J rnfc p r 4 18 tJie path of just men is like a shining light, growing lighter and lighter until the full day, 5. In combination with other verbal forms: a. sq. Inf. of purpose (c. p) Gn 25 s2 31 19 37 s5 (all JE) Nu 14 38 (P) 24 1 (JE), Ju8' 9 »°"" + oft.; esp. HNlpp 'n go to meet Jos 9 11 (JE), 2 S 19 18 1 K i8 1616 + ; sometimes with hostile sense 1 S 23 s8 1 K 20 27 2 K 23 s9 ; also 31t^> 'n go to return, Ex 4 21 (RV go back), cf. also D3JP 3't? return again Ec i 7 5"; Ki3? 'n (70 to come (enter, etc.) Je4i 17 cf. 2 Ch 26 s . h. sq. finite vb. jro and do so and so: Gn 22 13 27" Ex2 8 4 27i9 (all JE), Dt.13 714 17 3 2 4 2 Is2 3 = Mi 4 2 Jen 12 + oft.; 3^1 ^J Ex 4 18 (E), ife 3'B^l Dt 2o 5 - 6 - 78 , OtNj «p>.l Ju 2 1 25 cf. Ho 2 9 5 1S ; lrt3P 'n »ot< ^ came Nu 13 26 (P), Pvu 2 s 1 S 22 s