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pp'Dnri); pt. boastful ones, boasters ^ 5 6 (II P.? '&*); 73 3 75 6 (both || D^en). Pi- P/ 5$n vio s , i s. sf. TOT! f 119 164 ; 3 ""I' 1 ' ^m consec. Is 62*, sf. W$ Is64 10 , etc. ; Impf. -%>' ^ 6 3 6 io2 "; sf - WW Pr2 7 ! > ^= Is ",'«VW? Pr 3 l38 ; J s - ^™ ^ 5° 5 +2 t., cohort. n^n« ^ 69 31 + 2 t., etc.; Imv. fs. '^ ^ 146 1 147 12 ; mpl. 6j>n ^ 104^ + 30 t. ■f + Je 20 13 31 7 ; sf. wS^n yj, 22 24 +i5t.^ ; Inf. abs. 9?n 1 Ch 16' 6 ; cstr. 7?r 2 S I4 a + 16 t. Chr; Pt. pi. D^nt? 1 Ch 23 s + 4 t. Ch;— 1. praise man or woman, ace. aYW*?* *nk '^1 Gn I2 1S (J) and they praised her to Pharaoh, cf. Pr 27 s 31 28 ' 31 Ct6 9 ; ^BnTiS D"b. L ntpril 2CI123 12 anrf those praising (shouting acclamations to) the king; v. also *lkO ??!?? 2 S 14 s5 (of Absa- lom's beauty); in bad sense V?l #™ ™n »3^ Pr 28" deserters of law praise, a wicked man. 2. usually praise &$%, ' etc.: a. sq. ace. of heathen god Jui 6 M . b. obj/'(BWK); ^u 9 1M (^y ore account of), subj. heaven, earth, seas, etc., ^ 69 s5 ; 5^?™ T?? *"? V' up 175 ; in sum - mons to all creatures to praise 148 613 ; Is 38 18 "^hrf* DID $fR bfaty l6 (cf. ^H5 17 ); often of public worship in sanctuary, Is ,62 s (thanks- giving in sanctuary after harvest), cf. 64 10 f 2 2 23 (|| I??' n-JBDK), v 27 35 18 109 30 (both HlliN) 107 32 (||Vfl«^hJ) 84 s , v. also 146 2 ('»h rnBTK) 149 3 (c. 3 instr.; ||& WfJJ); also obj. " Dg> (in some cases of public worship) ^74 21 148 5 , Jo 2 M (thanksgiving after harvest); -i*#3 D<rOK-DB> ^6 9 31 (|| n "jina U^if!), i 45 2 (II ;!£?«); further, <jr 56 s h^ &B« ^nSs3, also v" + v" b '131 mn*3, but cf. Hup Che on 1 1 b as editorial addition ; obj. not expressed ^Qy-ns * ytrin now <bhr x/yfQ Je3i 7 , "Of^l "a'^iT n«3"! ^ 63 s . o. use of Imv. deserves special notice: «flS^J ^ 22 s4 (flW?Jj of temple-worship cf. v 2325 ); also in summons to angels, sun, moon, etc. (all created things) to praise'" I48 m -"- 4 i50 1 ; of temple-worship 150 2 (3 on account of) v 2 (3), v 3 - 3 - 44 " (all c. 3 instr.); further Je 20° (||4 «^), "TIN l^n f 117' (addressed to nations, ||VWTSg>), 148 7 (created things), |*» itf* &? M7 U (II ^l H?f "TIN), d. note esp.: praise ye Yah! W'vi'p f 135 3 , liturgical (|| ItS^p ritp}); elsewh. always one word v. Baer*" 116 , & alw. at beginning or end of ^ (chiefly late), appar. liturgical; 'jjvijlj


^ 104 36 (|| ""UK T?? *?^3), elsewh. *&$: (1) at beginning ^106' m 1 (both || mm) 112 1

1 (||%i & " db*-dn 'n), 135 1 (id.), 146 1 

(I) "TIN "PM ii£n), I47'(sq. ITlBj in cl. with *?),

1 (|| ""'n? &£, w^D), 149 1 (pb nf), 

150' (Ili'tH^n, W^3); (2) at end ^104* (supr.), 105 46 106 48 1 13 9 1 1 5 18 (|| K V$ 116" "7* 135 21 (II" ^ 3 ) m6 10 147 s0 148 14 I49 9

6 (II MJ ??nn HDB'Sn bb); add to these (not 

liturgical) iv-^rv + 1 02", NJ ^Jo? n! ?F? ^ 3

6 , nnb^ D'riQn t6 115 17 . e. also sq. 

IWlVi in Chr, of technical Levitical function (cf. Lag 0r ' "• wt ; who limits this technical bbn to priests, using JYns'Xn , for a signal to the peo- ple; v. e.g. Ne 1 2 1 * cf. v 27 ), 1 Ch 16 4 (with instrumental music, cf. niliaai D^OJ ">33 & D^|3Sp3, all v 5 , and Ne 12 27 ) 23 30 25 s (all || nin^n) ; exercised (apparently) by both priests and Levites Ezr 3 11 (||nffil) cf. v 11 ; by Levites

Ch 20 19 (b'rii b'ps), 29 30 O'n nans) in which 

the people also joined 1 Ch 16 36 ; also 2 Ch 5 13 (-iMJfrl ^S3JI DW^ffSM n"nxsn3 cf. also v 12 ; ||n'n'n) j v 13 (appar. of Levites & priests), D^S? "b D^rip 1 Ch23 5 (Levites) cf. 2 Ch30 21 (Levites & priests "h ft ^3); sq. ^JW? ^ iCh2 9 13 (HDHto; David speaks in name of people); sq. &$??*?$ 2 Ch 20 21 (before the army; "b Dni'B'D ; prob. of Levites, cf. v 19 ). f. sq. ace. ') Ezr 3' 10 (priests & Levites: *T^7J I*!"?), Ne 5 13 (people). g. other forms, with like technical sense, but abs.: nilinp 7m? T>H D1VD3 Ne 12 24 (Levites) cf. 1 Ch 23 s 2 Ch 8" T 29 31 ' (nnj?bb~iy) 2 Ch 31 2 (appar. priests & Levites; "'risnp n.JK>3; ||niTn^ WTf$); v. also^n^ DfTte 2 Ch2 3 13 (|p^n ^33 Dnite^); dt t 3 Tfl b jins 2 Ch 7 6 ( || nirvb nii'n). 3. appar. boast, make one's boast cf. Qal 2 (sq. 3 in, of), DTl^NS ^ 44 9 (QrVjVa thV? *fCp) so, ace. to most, in bad sense, i^B? niNn^J) VBH 'n ^ 10 3 a wicked man boasteth of the desire of his soul, but Che praiseth ('*) for (i.e. in a mercenary spirit). Pu. Pf. 3 pi. I^JWI f 78 M ; /m;;/. -bbn: Pr 12 8 ; P<. bWro 2 S 22 4 +6 1.; f. nb}nri Ez26 17 (cf. 01 {2MC Sta 52206nb ; MT, however, accents as Pf., regarding n as= relative, v. Sta 5,76c Ges 562 - 2,B - 6 ); — be praised, 1. human subj., ht2>raised, commended Pr 12 18 (opp. Va? n*!T); of maidens, praised, celebrated (in song) i^78 63 : pt. (v. supr.) of city, renowned Ez 26". 2. of', only pt.= gerundive, <o be praised, worthy