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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/263

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n'Vrrn of praise 2 S 2 2 4 =-^ 1 8 4 ; TfcO flBI "> bina ,/, 4 8 2 p6 4 = i Ch 16 25 , V M5 3 ; so' " btJ> 'HD 1 1 3 s . Hithpa. 7mp/. ?£niT iK 2 o" + 5t.; S>i«W Pr20 14 ; 3 fs. tynm ^ 34 s , ^nrin Pr 31 80 ; 2 ms. ^™ ^52* Pr 27 1 ; ^nnn Is 4I 16 ; 2 fs. 'fe™? Je49 4 ; 3 mpl. ^>nJV ',/, 64" Is 45 s6 ; ^nn> ^ 49 ? Je 4 2 ; 7wmj. mpl. &bpm 1 Ch 16 10 ^ic5 3 ; Inf. tynm 1 ? f 106 5 ; Pt. ^.W>Pr25 14 Je 9 23 ; pi. Eyr!™?*? V'97 7 ; — g^ory, boast, make one's boast : — 1. of self-confident boasting, nbs. 1 K 20" cf. Pr 20 14 ; sq. 3 of ground of boast Je g 22 - 22 - 22 49 4 + 4 9 7 52 s , Pr 25", b^VWrhf -IHD Di'3 Pr 27 1 ; of glorying in idols O^nriBn D'pvXa jr 97". 2. of glorying, making one's boast in (3, on the ground of) *» : ?.?nriri *3 Vt>K2 f 34 3 ,' cf. Is 45 25 Je 4 2 (||13 »"<3nni : ); sq. ^Tty" B>inp3 Is 41 16 ; v. also f io5 3 =i Ch 16 10 sq. itshij DB>3 ( || * "K'paO 3b np't^), cf. further Je9 23 ;' T less oft, abs. Je'9 23 V' 63 12 64" & 106 s sq. ^jnpn^Dy together with thine heritage (jWnntba D'ob'?). 3. once, late = pass. be praised, commended, of God-fearing woman Pr 3 1 30 . Po'el Zmp/. ^nj Is 44 25 + 2 1. ;— ma/ce into o /00Z, make fool of, obj. D'OSfe* Jb 12 17 (subj. '*; ||%W t!?f!p !pi>to); obj. D'ODp Is 44 s6 (subj. * || tns nink nsi?) ; obj. D=n Ec '? (subj. petyn ; 11 njnp 3W1K nstoi). * p 'al Pt. bbSrro Wj5$ pint^b Ec 2 2 of laughter J said, It is mad (folly); vMnp -^ 102 9 <Aose mac? oyat'ns( me (||^iK). Hithpo. Impf. ^#1 1S21 14 ; 3 mpl. &*UV Je 5 i 7 , #>iniT Na2 5 , ^Vnnyeso 38 ; Zww.'mpl. bbjmn Je^ 9 , i^hnn Je 25 16 ; — act madly, or like a madman, 7.?nn*1 0^3 1 S 21 14 (of David) and he acted like a madman in their hands; of idolatrous worship by Chaldeans 'HIT Dnwai Jeso 38 ; of nations, as drunken men, fig. of terror at Yahweh's judgments, Je 2 $ w (W^&VZnn) 51 7 ; also of madly driving & jolting chariots Na 2 5 Je 46'. t;?n n.pr.m. (he hath praised; cf. NH n.pr. ??n, Hillet father of a judge of Israel Ju I2 1 '- 1 ', called 'Jinsnsn v . jiny-iQ. t[*W?n] n.[m.] (NH id.) only pi. D^fej rejoicing, praise : 1. &#*) *9P Ju 9 27 i. e. a vintage-rejoicing, merry-making, connected with thanksgiving Dn'riSs 1V3 *t3JJ, etc. (i. e. god Baal-Berith, see v 4 ). 2. of praise to ' 'n EHP Lv 19 24 (H) holiness of praise, i.e. a consecrated thing in token of thanksgiving for fruit, offered in 4th year (cf. NH). I L'~'7" •"'] n "** madne8S ( on txt. v. infr.), only pi. TOJh, ni?7in, and only Ec: Ec i 17 and I set my heart ('Sp HjriXJ) to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly (lVbty) riobfo), cf. nii?.pin 2 12 (id.); 'n rflft^fB] %i yen ny-61

23 , i.e. to know folly to be madness; possibly 

rd. TOpln, cf. TvblQ & foil.; the moral evil of it is specif, recognised in Ec 9" (|| 5H). iJTl77in n.f. id. (formed unusually from the ptcp., an Aram, formation, cf. Ba"" 414 ) nyn ttbfa lira rnnsi rvbso vt^rnm n^nn Ec io 13 the beginning of the words of his mouth is folly, and the end of his mouth (his speech) is evil madness. TT^ hn , fmhhn v. &n Pi. t -: - t -: - T7W7 vPP n.pr. J m. (he shall praise God, cf. ^kj9 infr.);— 1. a man of Judah 1 Ch4 16 . 2. a Levite 2 Ch 29 12 . t[*WnQ] n.[m.] praise; — only in (N<| v?H° '?? Pr 27 21 the refining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold, and. a man according to his praise, i. e. prob. ace. to the praise of him by others, which tests him; so De Str al. ; perh. however so let a man be to the mouth of his praise, i. e. that praises him, — testing the praise to determine its worth, Thes RobGes ; other views are : according to the measure of his boasting Ew, i. e. is judged according to his success or failure in that of which he boasts ; Hi according to the thing of which he boasts. ^hvhbvyft n.pr.m. (praise of God, cf. PxbjiT' supr.) ; — 1. great-grandson of Seth ace. to genealogy of P, Gn 8 ****» 1 Ch i 2 . 2. a man of Judah Ne ii*. t n v>nfi n.f. praise, song of praise (cf. t • : Ar. J-Jup, the shouting of a sacred formula; a Dren „' r Ma!iamm«d 111.627 ^gSklzMn ill. 107B. 114.117.214 JJg zmgiss7,723 R gs.m.i.4ii che° P46 °) abs. 'n Is 6o 18 + I9t. + Je49 25 Kt, v. infr.; cstr. n^rin Je 4 8 5 + 2 1.; sf. Ti^nn j e i7 14 +6 1.; ^nri Dtio 21 , Is42 10 -(- iot.; pi. abs. nlsnn Exis"; cstr.niVnn ^22 4 +3t. ; — 1. praise, adoration, thanks- giving, paid to '■> :— ^48" ir6nn p cpnbx -peb px 'IVp by as thy name, God, so is thy praise to tlie ends of the earth, 1 1 1 10 mcy inPnn