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TV271 Drn satisfies them with hread : cf. Che Hup Now . Gn i6' 3 =/«?r«; but here also text is duh. : vDi. Ju I4 15 rd. t&n for t6n : v . n 1 end. tan n.pr.loc. only in DH3 D'tyn Gn 14 6 ; not otherwise known; Vrss E n 3; Jer <,umMt-1 " iibr.o e n«». D h3 ; 01 conj. nDH3; Tu Di think perh. old name of Babbath Ammon. t[Dn?, 7T07T!] only in DTOTO Ez 7" Ew nothing of <7iei> moaning, wailing; Thes BV wealth, cf. pen 5, but precarious; form very suspicious ; prob. dittogr. for preceding DTO ; del. B Co. t NJn"TOn n.pr.m. father of Haman (Pers. mdh, moon (mdha, month, Spieg APK2S6 ) + data, givent so (written hamaodata) Ot; © 'ApaSadov (alw. Genit.) ; in Gk. perh. Mafidrijs [MaSdrar, Madt'njr], cf. Xenoph "'- 3 " Diod""' 67 Pott ZMB18694!M );— "JJ^n xnnen Est 3 110 8 5 9 24 ; with- out 'HNn 9 10 . n^3n and DH (without appreciable dis- tinction in usage, except prob. in so far as the longer or shorter form was better adapted to the rhythm of particular sentences : on the whole nBn (alone) is somewhat more freq. than Dn, Dnn on the contrary is said regularly, ntsnn occurring only 1 2 1., viz. Nu c/(P), Je 1 4 15 Zci4 16 , and in the phr. nonn D^(n)3 2 K18 4 Je 3 1618 5 18 50 4 Jo 3 2 4' Zc &° Ne 13 15 , though Dnn D^S is much more common) pron. 3 pi. masc. (nran used incorrectly for the fem. Zc 5 10 Bui 22 Ct6 8 ), fem. nan [NH also ID, which occurs however in Bibl. Heb. only after a prefix : v. infr. 8], pr. 3 pi. they (BAram. ton, q.v.; ° p i, ^i; Eth. (one form) JlffO-VF: A^TF: 'emun-tu, 'eman-td; cf. also for the dissyl. form, the sf. -omu [fem. -on]; perh. also As. suff. sunu, sina[ni], cf. reff. sub Wn). In usage not different in genl. from W n, ton (which see, under the corresponding headings, for fuller explanations), thus : — . a. Gn6 4 Ex5 7 »Jj* Dn let them (emph.) go and gather straw, Nu 3 1 16 Is 2 4 14 Ho 4 14 7 3 etc; after 'S Je 5 5 34 7 . (For the use in circumst. clauses v. Dr* 160 ' 169 .) b. Ju 1 s2 Dn DJ . . . £}m, Dt 2 11 (Dn (]«), 3 20 Jos 9" Ez 30 17 . c. Ex 18 22 every small matter DiTUMMp) let them judge themselves, v 26 Je 15 19 17 18 I109 28 ; Est 9 1 . d. Gn 33 6 44 3 Jud 6 s etc. e. cf. Ne io 38 . . a. (Besuming the subj. with emph.) Gn 14 24 (note accents), Dt i 39 ^ 23* 27 s (accents),

9 io7 w Ez36 7 44 16 . b. Is 30 7 Ez 2 7»- ,7s '; 

cf. Is 44". c. Nu 14 27 * Je 27" Ez 43 19 Dn Tt?K pins yyro, Ec 4 2 Ne 2 13 . .' a. Gn 3 7 Ex 5" Dn D**1J »J for they are idle, 14 3 15 23 29 s3 etc. (the opp. order rare : Nu ii' 6 Is6i 9 , cf. De* 94 '"). b. Gn 3 4 2l:o 4i 2,i 48 5 Dn 7 . . . -pj2 "at? thy two sons . . . , they are mine, Ex 32 16 + oft.: Is. 41 22 nan no niafc'ton, 49 21 Dn nb'N n^N these — where were they? Zp2 12 after DW, peculiarly (cf. J)r im0U1 ). o. Dt 20 15 nan n*?Kn D?un nytr»6 -iste, j u 19 12 1 K 9 20 . d! 2 K 7° nan Ttstea. (Pr 19 7 Kt nisrrx? is prob. corrupt: v. Comm.) . a. Pr30 24 njpiB? Dn ny3"]K four things are they, the little ones of the earth, v 29 (cf. before a rel. clause v 1618 6 16 ) Ct 6 8 Is 5 1 " Tffikp nan D?n&y, 1 Ch 9 M (v. ton 4 a), b. (0) Gn 2 1 29 . . . jne> nan TO to. What are they — these seven sheep t Zc i 9 4 6 . (y) • • • n^K Dn fGn25 16 (=iChi M ) Lv2 3 2 Nu $*"*" 1S4 8 iCh8 6 12" (v. Dr 52013 ). . a. In a neuter sense (rare), Jb 6 7 nan ,{ ?np 113 they (i.e. such sufferings as mine) are as loathsomeness in my meat, Je 7 4 * 73'n ntsn ^ey (i.e. these buildings) are the temple of  ; and in the fem., Lv 5 s2 of all that a man doeth to sin nan.3 therein, 1CI121 10 naTO (|| 2S24 12 dto); 2S12 8 Jb23 14 nans things such as these. . With art. Dnn, Gn 6 4 Ex 2 11 Nu^ 38 -!- oft.; TOnn 12 1. (v. supr.); nann ti S 17 28 . N.B.— Ez 8 6 KtDTO stands for Dn no (so Qr), cf. njp for nrnp Ex 4 2 ; 2 K 9 18 Dn-^y is irreg. for DriHJ); '2 S 4 6 '31 nam is textual error for '31 bnpn nbpb njan. njjW nam v. We Dr (® & EVm). . With preps, (in lieu of the normal, and more usual, forms with suffixes DJT3, Dn?, DTO etc. [Bn3 & |n3, however, each once only, Dnios thrice: v.'?])— a. nana fEx 3 o 4 36' (both P), Hb i 16 ; nans t Je^ 3 "-; nenb +Jei 4 16 ; none fj e io 2 Eci2 12 . b. ons t2'S24 3 Yahweh add to the people nxo Dnai Dns D'tpVB the like of themselves and the like of themselves 100 times, = 1 Ch 21 3 (but Dn3 here only once, cf. Dt 1" D33), 2 Ch 9 11 Ec 9 12 . C. n?n3 tLvs 22 (P) Nui 3 19 (JE) Jes 17 : nans tGn 4 i 19 2 S 12 8 nansi nans ^ naDio, Jb 23": nan^> tEz i 5 - 23 - 23 42 s Zc 5 9 : naro tLv 4 S (P) Is 34^ Je5 6 Ezi6 51 42' V34 21 iCh2i 10 (|| a S 24 12 DTO). d. fn3 fGn 1 9 s9 (P) 30 26 - 37 Ex 25 s9 37 16 (both P) Lv io 1 11 21 14 40 Nu io J 16 7 (all R