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n^nn P) Dt 28 s2 Je4» 48' 5I 43 - 43 (?H3 thrice only, v. p. 88); ?n3 tEz i8 14 (edd.; Baer ["?); |nb (=tlierefore) tRu i 1313 (also BAram.); ?nt? tEz 16 4752 (edd.; Baer jnn). (With the ex- ception of i"l?0?, these forms are found mostly in P and writers not earlier than Je. ; b and d, however, depend solely on the punctuation.) |"[rTQn] vb. murmur, growl, roar, be boisterous (X KBH , hut rare, and perh. not genuine Aram.; cf. Ar. '^iZl murmur); — Qal Pf. 3 mpl. ton ^ 4 6 7 + 2t.; Wm consec. Je^ + 2 t.; Impf. ncn> J e 6 23 + 3 t.; 2 fs. tonn ^ 42 12

5 ; TO 42°;' n 9™ 55 18 ; n :Si!S if; wffi 
  • 4-3^; lon>ils 5 i 15 Jesi 35 ; fi , on;V'39 7 +

2 1.; 1 pi. ncn; is 59"; /«/. nion is 17 12 ; Pt. nph p r 20 1 Je'4 19 ; f. noin 1 K r« njoh Pr 7 11 9 » rvoin is 2 2 2 ; fpl. niton p r i» nio'n Ez 7 16 (Co nton of. ® @);— 1. growl like a dog 3^33 yff 59 715 , subj. wicked men ; groan (in distress, lamentation), like bears D^IHS Is 59" (||run rW3); of doves (also in aim.) Ez 7 16 cf. Da (si vera 1., vid. supr.). 2. murmur, fig. of soul (t?03) in discouragement ^ 42 612 43 s ; in prayer '* 77 4 ( both II n ?^?); als0 sub J- D, V», of the thrill of deep-felt compassion or sympathy, sq. |> of person pitied, Je^i™ (||ucmN Dm), sq. ^S, Ct5 4 ; further ">i333, like the lyre (zither) Is 16 11 ; 077ns, like flutes, subj. 3.^> Je 48 M (sq. j>) v 36 (sq. ^); cf. Je 4 19 "non »3? 7. 3. roar, of waves, subj. 07! Je 5 22 31 35 Is 5 1 15 cf. V'46 4 ; sim. of roar of multitudes Isi7 12 3e6 a 50 42 ; metaph. id., Jesi 55 ; 6e tumultuous, of peoples V«- 46' (||toD); 83' ( || Wtir IKBO). 4. be in commotion, stir, of city 1 K i 41 Is 2 2 2 ; so pt. fpl. as subst. B*th niMpn Pr i 21 /tead of stirring, bustling streets (||onyt? >nno); of man, frav brpiK ^ 39 ? surely to no purpose they bustle about ( || D?X3~7|K B^N"?] ?nJT). 5. be boisterous, turbulent, as with wine Zc 9 s (but rd. perh. DOT, cf. FiH«*p>.».s.

K1() ThLZ. 1879. 564 g tft ZAW 1881. 18) . algQ pt ag a( Jj ; 

of ISC' (by meton.) Pr 20 1 ; of shameless woman Pn'V 3 . tpDH n.m. 1S4U (f. t Jb 31 ") sound, mur- mur, roar, crowd, abundance ; — abs. 'fl 1 S 4 14 -|-27 t. (4-2 K 25» = >iOK in ||Je 5^, v. 11. JtoK p. 54 supr.); cstr. p»n On I7 14 + 3° *• 4-Ez 39 ,1U (ata ftoq *?!); sf. VaitDn Is 5 13 -p 2 1. 4-Ez 3 1 18 Qr+ 3 t. (Kt njion); so also Co for n.pr. (?) "ton ( q . v .) 39 »; njton is 5 I4 + 6 1. + Ez 7 1213 30 4 (all del. B Co ; in 7 13 also Da), Fubn EZ29 19 ; DJton Is 31 4 EZ7 11 ; pi. B'Jbn J04' 1414 ; sf. n"3ton EZ32 30 ;— D33»n Ez5 7 v! sub )Dn infr.; — 1. sound, murmur, rush, roar, esp. sound made by a crowd of people, mur- mur, roar ^65" OtoS^ Tl (||D'B! ?iK?> etc.); cf. Tl Sp Is 1 3 4 sound of a roaring (|| fto? ^P), 33 s Dn io 6 ; CM# p»n I s 1712 (||DtoKJ>' pW) where again compared with 0*©- Hton ; also 31 4 of throng of shepherds (|piP); of a city Tl nnp Jb 39 7 (|| W ***$$); cf. T*J| 'T = noisy city Is 32", niion Is 5 14 ; of sound of songs Tp.T Tl Ez 26 13 '(||^li33 **?), cf. Am 5 s3 (||?I^33 m.Bt); of crying Tl ^p 1S4" (||^P np r W) ; v. further D*J5 fi»n fig. of sympathy Is " (Hn-oni), c f. nen 2 ; of rain DB>an 'n bip 1 K i8 41 , cf. Je io 13 = 5i 16 ;— of rumbling of chariot-wheels fW>l Tl Je 47 s (rQ0 ^P niDna & iaa-i^ e>yi). 2. <M?nwZ<, confusion (as occasioning a roar) 1 S14" 2 S 1 8 M . 3. crowd, multitude (esp. freq. in Ez Ch): — a. frequently of great army Ju ' 1 S 14 16 iK 20 1328 Is 29" 2Chi 3 8 14 10 20 21216 - 24 32'; cf. Ez 39 11 ; also 7 1213 30 4 (cf. emend, supr.); on Je ■>? cf. VB ; v. further 313 p»n W| Ez 39 1115 ; Dn 11 10 (D'an D7^n 'n) t uj»»»j» (|| i?ina ^n) ; also pi. Jo 4 1414 . b. of a whole people 2 S 6" Is5 13 16 14 Ez 7 1114 29 19 30 1015 31 218 3 2 12121618 - . C- Q f any great thl'Ong 2 K 7' 31S (so MT 25 11 , but || Je 52 16 ?i»sn) ^ 42 s Jb 31 34 (nsn Tl) Ez 2 3 42 ; D^ia Tl Gn 17 45 (P) cf. Is 2 9 7 - 8 ; so, under fig. of overwhelming mass of waves Je 5 1 42 . 4. great number, abundance (late) D'BO Tl 2 Ch 1 1 23 ; of cattle Je 49 32 ; of things : materials for temple-building 1 Ch 29 16 ; tithes & gifts 2 Ch 3 1 10 . Hence 5. abundance, wealth, + 37" cf. Ec 5 9 (11*103), is 60 6 (o; 'n ; || D>i3 ^n). tfrT'On] n.f. sound, music, of instru- ments TJ>33 n:cn Is 1 4 » triji^n n.pr.loc. a city appar. to be founded to commemorate defeat of Gog, D31 71 -V^rnf EZ39 16 , but txt. dub. cf. Da; Co prop, tfion n031 v. p»n supr. ?D71 (^/of foil.; cf. Ar. Jii slied tears (sc. the eye) ; rain steadily (sc. the sky)). tn^Jpn, rtan!^ n.f. rain- storm (?), rushing or roaring sound (1): nria npWn 71p Je 1 1 ' 6 sound of a great storm, of wind fanning flames in tree (in fig. of Yahweh's judgment on Judah); > AVRVDa tumult; Hpf njO£J Pip